bubyloo Member


  • Thanks to all for the helpful hints and encouragement. It looks like I need to always eat at least 1200 calories/day plus at least half of the number of calories that I exercise off. And I need to give my body more time to readjust to this whole new routine, especially with the exercising! I do feel better and a little…
  • I had my thyroid level checked and it is okay. I saw something under nutrition about zig-zagging caloried intake and wonder if that would help. I also redid my goals and even though I put in that I desire a 2lb/wk weight loss, it calculates for me to lose .7lb/wk.!
  • I checked the BMR tool and it calculated 1220 calories for me--20 more! I know I'm trying to wake up muscles that have been "sleeping" for many years! And it's harder since I am older. I am an avid water drinker so get plenty of that.
  • By BMR do you mean your resting heart rate? I use a heart monitor too and it normally tells me a different number of calories used/activity vs. this website. I go with what my monitor says. I too have not always "eaten up" those calories, but I'm not losing either:( Been at this almost 3 weeks.
  • I heard the same thing from my teenage daughter, who I had "later in life"! She wants me to be around for her college graduation, marriage, children, etc. That helps me go to the gym and monitor my calories, and hopefully I'll stick with it this time--for life!
  • Okay, got to look for that on my Kindle-sounds like just the book I need to read!
  • what fun that sounds like-I just signed up! Thanks for the info.
  • woohoo! I'm in! I'm at work tomorrow too, but usually end up on my feet for 12 hours straight, and then tanking up with water when I get home! I'll be able to track on my cell phone though, so wish me luck and good luck to everyone! What a great way to help us stay on track!