Skinny Saturday Challenge



  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Here's to a Sizzilin Skinny Saturday! I'm IN!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I really need to focus here!
    Got lots going on tomorrow and a sinful lunch out planned....stuffed avocado! Yum, but it's deep fried chicken with a spicy white cheese sauce...........oh me, oh my....:devil:

    I'm going to the gym very early and I'll make certain to go light on breakfast and supper, but the trick will be to move enough afterward!

    I'm gonna have the fam join in a Wii bowling competition, but it won't be enough to really count :sad: somebody yell for me!!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    as always, and ESPECIALLY after this WEEK i'm in!!!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I'm so in! Double workout here I come (I'm thinking running and Arms/Shoulders/ARX!)
  • bubyloo
    bubyloo Posts: 11 Member
    woohoo! I'm in! I'm at work tomorrow too, but usually end up on my feet for 12 hours straight, and then tanking up with water when I get home! I'll be able to track on my cell phone though, so wish me luck and good luck to everyone! What a great way to help us stay on track!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    It wouldn't be Saturday without a Skinny Saturday :bigsmile: I'm in! :happy:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    My Skinny Saturday's off to a great start.:tongue: I got up for bootcamp and managed to burn 570 cals. I've had almost 2 litres of water and a healthy lunch. Have a few errands to run but will eat a sensible dinner and get 45 mins of Turbo Jam in this evening.

    Will post again later. Hope you're all doing well.:glasses:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Ok.............we are off and running! What is your game plan? It will be Pilates and weights for me in the morning, then stretching and abs in the evening. If I need to snack I have some fresh cantalope cooling in the fridge. I am also watching the salt today. Dang that salt shaker! (Have you noticed that Mr. Salt and Mr. Scale conive together to discourage you?! :grumble: Those rascals! :laugh: ) I know I must get an early start on that water. If I do this I am thirsty for it all day! I add a splash of lemon juice to mine! Try it!

    Check in later and let us know how it is going and take time to encourage someone else. :heart:

    HERE'S TO A SUPER SKINNY SAT!:drinker: :smooched:
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Already done my work out this morning. Don't know if I can manage to go to the gym again this evening. If not, then I'll just do a second 60min session of yoga. This "double" challenge is tough!! :tongue: But will do my bestest!!! :blushing:

    On another note, I got a pleasant surprise this morning as I got my new HRM through the post. :love: Can't wait to use it.....maybe I'll do a quick bodyweight interval training later too..... Exciting!

    No bbqs this weekend! YAY! :laugh:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Today is a rest day for me- ran yesterday and have a long run planned for tomorrow. However, I will do abs and some weights tonight. So far, had breakfast and am starting on the water. Will check in later today :flowerforyou:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good morning all! I had a fantastic weigh in this morning - down another 3.0 lbs! YAY! I want to be under 220 to start Aug - so just maybe I can lose 0.7 lbs today so that I can start at 219.9 tomorrow for August!

    I already went to Zumba this morning & burned 585 calories! And I have 4 (8oz) waters down!

    Now I'm off to haul dirt in my yard! I still have that dumptruck load that I need to move! Lots of landscaping to do!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wow. I have got through a LOT of water today! It's just after 6pm and I've already managed four litres. I've also doubled up on my exercise AND I'm having a good food day. I like it! x
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Wow. I have got through a LOT of water today! It's just after 6pm and I've already managed four litres. I've also doubled up on my exercise AND I'm having a good food day. I like it! x

    :flowerforyou: tiarapants: Good job on that water and the workouts! Congratulations on your weightloss! That ticker is enviable! :happy:
    I am getting the water down and have one workout under my belt. We had leftovers for lunch and I have already logged my cals for supper and I will come in under my allowance.Yay!:flowerforyou: My sodium totals are looking pretty good today. I finished up cleaning out kitchen cupboards this morning. That kept me busy. I have laundry and an errand or two this afternoon and then another workout.
    I think I can say I am having a great Skinny Saturday!:bigsmile:

    How is everyone doing? I am sending out good SSC vibes to you!!!:love:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    SSC going ok, went to our local fleamarket and pushed my daughter in her stroller (hard because it was in gravel)..and got a few toys for the kids at a great price (like they need one more toy, (for me to pick up) ...:grumble: and lots of fresh produce, YUM!! got in a good workout doing that, then I helped my husband "bleed" the brakes on his ENVOY (its only 3 yrs old, didn't think it would need brakes, but I guess hauling our 24' camper maybe puts a toll on them)..anyway my calves got in such a great workout but don't know how to log it so....I will count that as a little extra sompin, sompin.......have to kick the water drinking in gear though, not doing so hot on that today....OHHHHH!!!!! and went to ****s and found a tennis skort on sale for $2.93 size 14...didn't try it on, just bought it ($2.93!!!!) anyway....WAAYYYY to big,...willl give it to a friend who can maybe use it.......:bigsmile: Hope everyone is having a great SSC!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm late but in. I've downed 56oz of water so far. I've managed to get in a lil Leslie Sansone this morning but then was suppose to go to moms for the day. That didn't happen so I'm here to kick my butt into gear for the rest of the day. I'm gonna get my walk in outside once the heat and humidity dies down a bit and plan on doing another mile or so on my brother in laws bike. Looks like I may finish the day out with another round of either pilates OR Leslie Sansone again. I weigh in tomorrow, I haven't touched the scale since last Friday.

    No Skinny Wednesday Challenge this coming week for me, I'll still be watching my water intake and doing some exercise, but it's my birthday so I'm gonna lay low for the day.

    Have a successful Skinny Saturday all!!! Bru
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    So, Skinny Saturday going well for me. Have eaten well, worked out once and had at least 3 litres of water. I still have one more workout to go but I can do that in my living room as it's Turbo Jam - yay! All in all a successful Skinny Saturday for me. Weigh day tomorrow so hoping I'd have lost another pound or half and inch around my belly button.

    Well done to everyone so far you are Skinny Saturday Champions :wink:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hauled some dirt around my yard & burned another 500+ calories! Headed to shower now & then go run errands for some more calories! Wearing my HRM! :bigsmile:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I have successfully completed the Skinny Saturday challenge. I got my second work out in (Turbo Jam - I love it) and have had 5 litres of water today. Well done to all of us:wink::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    I have managed to burn 1220 calories today. More than double of what I normally do. Involved gym work outs this morning, yoga and lots of walking throughout the day. Got my new HRM today so tried it out.

    I had no idea that I would burn so much just from walking. Can't wait to try it out at the gym tomorrow.

    As with water, I just couldn't drink double. I'd be on the loo every 10 minutes! :laugh:

    Good job everyone! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • JoyCarter
    JoyCarter Posts: 37
    980 calories burned. YAY!! for Skinny Saturdays!! :D
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