lordrahvin Member


  • Mostly it just means your excessive might not be as efficient as it otherwise could be. So long as you're not feeling fatigued during the day, you should be fine... but you could get better results in regards to muscle growth by staying in balance, and muscle is what burns fat ... depending on what you eat, of course. The…
  • Hi, Jillian. I'm pretty new myself, but I've come to depend on this site so much. It's such a great resource. I'm sure you'll love it, too.
  • Just get in the habit of logging everything you eat and every time you exercise. I think everything else just seems falls into place from there.
  • For me it was two Famous Stars (hamburgers at Carl's Jr) and a 44 oz. Coke. Sometimes I'd park myself at one of their tables and just read a book for a couple hours, getting multiple refills and eating two meals before I finally left. Never again. (2 xFamous Star (2 for $3 !!) -- 600 calories each, 44 oz. Coke w/1 refill…
  • Generally when you burn calories you want to replenish your body by eating to make up for it. If you're trying to lose weight, then you want to be careful to eat only slightly less than what you burned. The proper medically-approved method of dieting is to figure out how many calories you need to maintain your weight,…
  • I don't think it really matters what time you work out, so long as you are consistent and comfortable. I enjoy working out in the evenings. I like doing everything in the evenings. I can't stand the idea of waking up early.
  • The moment I realized I could consistently go to the gym, and give up Cokes and hamburgers as a lifestyle choice, I stopped being ashamed of my weight and my pants size. I don't plan to keep them very long anyway, and they no longer define me.
  • When it comes to wear and tear, some people like to get "sports" models of gear that is rugged and armored and so forth. To me, however, you can't get better than light-weight. If you make something small and light, it can be moved around and bumped and dropped without taking so much as a scratch. I use a 4GB Sansa…
  • From what I've heard, any liquid fits the requirement. Just be sure to also log the liquid in the Food Diary so you can account for the other ingredients in the drink, in addition to the water.
  • Here's an interesting article for you: http://www.spineuniverse.com/wellness/nutrition/eating-lose-weight It talks about how you need nutrients to build muscle, and those muscles in turn build fat. Under-nourishing your body may cause you to lose weight by losing those muscles that you need to burn fat, making further…
  • Doing my own research on the subject recently, along with tips and advice from members of this community, it seems that most artificial sweetners do have documented harmful effects that are scary, but only in amounts far in excess of what one would practically consume. Generally, its recommended by the FDA to limit your…
  • Using this tool, http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php it seems that Karate will burn about 500 -1000 calories per hour, depending on your weight.
  • It's my first time really dieting and such, but I'm trying to throw myself into it. I'm in. Drat. Tomorrow I'm throwing a barbecue. Not a great start, but I can still do it...
  • Thank you all for your help. This has been very informative. I've very impressed with the community here and how helpful everyone is. The general consensus seems to be that a diet coke is okay once in awhile or in small amounts, which I suppose is true for everything. But what I really wanted to know is what's the reason I…
  • I've recently discovered that salsa (especially Pico de gallo) is a great substitute for salad dressing, and other creamy flavoring foods like mayonnaise or sour cream.
  • I just started, but I try to track some of the good stuff to make sure I'm getting enough. And fat only because its a concern of mine. I might switch out Vit C with Sodium later, once I get in the habit of getting enough Vit C. Calories Carbs Fat Protein Vit A Vit C
  • I believe the argument is not that the food itself is free of calories and such, but that the very act (and work) of the body digesting the food uses up the energy (calories) that the food supplies. So the end result is that you gained no calories. At least that's what I've heard in regards to celery. I've read a few…