Diet Drinks



  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    And also, aspartame can actually make you crave sugar. That's no good for weight loss.

    I never understood this. I guess everyone reacts differently, but for me sugar makes me crave sugar. I can drink a 20oz coke zero, and sip on it for over an hour and not have any sugar cravings. But if I think a regular soda, it's gone in 2 minutes and I want more and more and more. And I can't stop thinking about having another.

    Listen to your body and decide what works for you.
  • Cathy_5011
    I lose weight faster when I'm not drinking soda pops. My work outs are better and harder when I'm not drinking soda pops. There is so much that is innately bad for you in a soda, water is GOOD. Having said this, I drink about one (8 oz) a week... with something salty.

    I agree. I use to drink 4-5 diet cokes a day. Once I cut down to one a day I felt less bloated and loss weight faster. But I also say if you are going to drink soda I would drink diet over regular.

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • lordrahvin
    lordrahvin Posts: 20 Member
    Doing my own research on the subject recently, along with tips and advice from members of this community, it seems that most artificial sweetners do have documented harmful effects that are scary, but only in amounts far in excess of what one would practically consume. Generally, its recommended by the FDA to limit your intake of diet drinks to about 6 cans per day. This is 1% of the concentration of artificial sweetner that would be considered unsafe or harmful.

    To some that means its harmful and should be avoided to the extreme. To me, as long as the amount I am consuming is considered safe, that's enough for me.

    There are some people who will argue against Diet Coke in favor of natural products. I can understand this, and on the whole its usually good advice. As I get healthier and healthier, I'm sure I may even become one of those people someday. But I'm not one, and I don't balk at things because their processed, engineered, or artificially created. On the contrary, I *want* scientists working on improving our food. But it any case, that's a decision everyone will have to make for themselves, I suppose.

    For some people, Diet Coke seems to have other physiological effects such as bloating, sugar fixes, sleepiness, etc. It has no such effect on me. I don't know if this is due to the variation of physiology among different people or if there's a psychological effect at work. I know, for example, that a lot of my foods taste differently since I started dieting. (Hamburgers, yuck!) I know someone who gets full just looking at food.

    There seem to be two solid dietary reasons to avoid diet cokes:

    1) Some kind of harmful effects on your bones. I considered this a negligible consideration because you can compensate with proper nutrition, which I'm pretty much doing anyway.

    2) A rotting effect on your teeth due to the drink's acidic nature.

    Even though I consider Diet Coke to be fairly healthy, based on my research and my evaluation of everyone's opinions and reasoning, I want to take care of my teeth and I just can't brush after every Diet Coke. For this reason alone I decided to cut my intake down a LOT, down to about 1 can a day, and will soon eliminate it all together in favor of green tea and sparkling water.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    It's your decision what you want....but here is how i got off of soda. I used to go to mcdonalds with my gf's and get a 59 cent supersized mr pibb(yes they were only 59 cents...anyone remember?) and we would do that like 2 times a day. or go to a drive in place and get a 64 ounce vanilla dr pepper.I went on medifast like 3 years ago and my dad went on nutrisystem, and we had to switch to diet sodas. We have been drinking them ever least liek a liter or liek 4-5 cans a day each other diet soda. So I wanted to quit, because of the artificial sweetner, and my dad jsut switched back to regular soda. So what i did, was all the rest of the diet in my house i kept at room temperature, and when i wanted a soda i would drink it hot, so it wasn't as good anymore. And i just slowly went from like 4 cans to on and so forth. And since they were hot, that's what i would remember is how good they really weren't, and it made me opt out for more water. Now I feel better since i stopped, i don't feel like i'm a pot bellied hot mess(even though i still am, i just don't FEEL like one anymore hahah) Hope this helps any persons wanting to quit!
  • jeweljade
    I think they aren't the greatest for you, but I do believe that they affect everyone differently. If you just go by weight loss result and bloating issues it would seem as though it didn't affect some people at all. However, even though diet drinks have never caused me to gain weight or bloat, I have noticed that the more chemicals I drink or eat, the more tired I am. I have thyroid issues, and I am finding the less preservatives and the less sodas I drink, the better I am feeling. So like I said earlier I think they affect everyone very differently but I don't think they are that great for you.
  • antiadipose
    where is she tonight?!
    dude if the aspartame wont kill u.... ur dish detergent will! drop the diet coke and start making ur own cleaning chemicals. or ull DIE!

    ok im jk... referring to another thread we all just fought in.

    IN MY OPINION. moderation is key. i used to drink about 12 cups of coffee every day. sleep 4 hours, repeat. and each coffee had 2 splendas and my oats had splenda, and i had 2 coke zeros at school .... those were the days of med school.

    now ive completely cut back to maybe one splenda a day if even (i use honey in tea but honey is icky in coffee- so ill have it sugarless or throw a splenda in) and maybe one diet pepsi every other day.

    i feel a 100% fine. bloating is down, sugar cravings are down, head aches are down!
    so yes i feel better without
    BUT will it kill u????

    NO! it will not.

    so if ur GONNA drink coke.... DRINK IT DIET! because the other can choice has 40 grams of sugar:noway:

    and of course we all do agree on one thing. WATER:drinker: drink up, make it ur priority!
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    Normally I just peruse the topics that interest me to get opinions on different things. But this one I just had to comment on! :) Not so much a comment about the actual topic, but a thank you for everyone being willing to give their opinions. I joined 5 weeks ago and have learned SO much from the forums. Even if no one comes to any sort of conclusion, just having the conversation to get everyone to think is so beneficial.

    Now instead of mindlessly grabbing a diet pop just because it's calorie-less, I'll think about it and more than likely, I won't have it. Never would have even thought about it before reading all this. So thanks everyone!
  • missboriken
    missboriken Posts: 52 Member
    I don't like sodas- bad for the teeth, awful sweeteners ...the list goes on and on. I stick to water, mate tea, rooibos tea & more water.