macklo Member


  • Add me .. I can use all the motivation I can get :)
  • Im IN what do we do ? I need a challenge to keep me on track.
  • Hi everyone I am from a little Island in the Bay of Fundy called Deer Island.. it is in NB Canada I joined this feed to get some inspiration for recipes and to help keep me mpotivated ..
  • I love my pinot grigio :( it is why I have gained so much weight I am sure.. I used to drink Vodka, Sprite zero and fresh lemon which has less calories,, but now I love love my wine LOL
  • I bought Kale as well LOl I like to wash it (of course) and trim it.. I use it instead of lettuce in all my salads.. throw a few craisens in and some lowfat poppysed dressing ..any veggies you have and its delish.
  • HI everyone please add me.. I am desperate to stay on track and stay motivated !! All encouragement would be greatly appreciated. I seem to be in a rut .. BUT no more ..I will start my diet tomorrow BS .. LOL
  • Hi Ladies, maybe by joining a support group you all can help me stay on task and be accountable .. I turned 50 in January and do not want to be as heavy as I am.. I want to lose 50 lbs ! I live in New Brunswick Canada.. I am lazy at exercise ,,any words of encouragement will be appreciated xo
  • Hi Jessica.. I too need motivation ! I am 50 and the heaviest I have ever been.. I do not want to start my 50s feeling like crap... today was my first good day, I ate healthy NO COKE ! not even diet coke,, I need some encouragement as well.. good luck xo
  • I haven't tried them but I am doing the body bi vi challenge...I LOVE their shakes...
  • my absolute favorite is Visalus, it has a heart healthy non GMO soy protein (no Isoflavones) ... it has a unique concentrated and absorbable blend of proteins processed to remove fat,lactose,carbs,and isoflavones to provide pure concentrated protein. If you mix it with milk or soy milk it will provide 20-22 grams of…
  • Deer Island New Brunswick Canada :) :happy:
  • I did them weekly for awhile, had a huge chunk of metal like stuff come out once, and a parasite !! freaked me completely out...