

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Meg, so sorry you feel that way. You've done your best and I know you'll continue to do so. It must be really hard to see the bad choices in spite of all you have done. Try not to be too hard on yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg- I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through with your daughters. It breaks my heart. I remember all the agony my son caused when he was a teenager (and well beyond). I didn't think I would live through it. Almost didn't. I remember my hubby coming home early and finding me in the garage with the engine running. Please don't internalize it like I did. Hugs!

    Here is the joke of the day:


    Once upon a time there was a famous sea captain. This captain was very successful at what he did; for years he guided merchant ships all over the world. Never did stormy seas or pirates get the best of him. He was admired by his crew and fellow captains. However, there was one thing different about this captain. Every morning he went through a strange ritual. He would lock himself in his quarters and open a small safe. In the safe was an envelope with a piece of paper inside. He would stare at the paper for a minute, and then lock it back up. Afterwards, he would go about his daily duties. For years this went on, and his crew became very curious. Was it a treasure map? Was it a letter from a long lost love? Everyone speculated about the contents of the strange envelope.

    One day the captain died at sea. After laying the captain's body to rest, the first mate led the entire crew into the captain’s quarters. He opened the safe, got the envelope, and opened it and... The first mate turned pale and showed the paper to the others. Four words were on the paper; two lines with two words each:

    Port Left

    Starboard Right


  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh Meg, what a horrible feeling. Every mother logically knows that we can't control what our children do and that we can only do our best to teach and guide and yet, we all still manage to measure our success as a parent based on our children's choices. I guess that's because so many in "society" are so quick to blame the parents when a child does something wrong.

    Either way, I don't buy it. Everyone makes bad choices, mistakes, etc. and some have worse consequences than others. My mother spent a good part of the last 25 years visiting one of her children in prison. She didn't ask him to pick up the crack pipe. I can only imagine what a "failure" she felt like every time she got patted down for a visit. I'm also glad she got to see him free and getting a good start at life before she died.

    As "good" of a child as I was, I also came home completely wasted once or twice back in the day. I'm not sure there's anything my mom could have done differently that would have made me do things differently in retrospect. I can only hope she understands how lucky she got and what could have happened under the circumstances.

    Give yourself a break, go on strike for a while if it helps but know the truth, you wouldn't be feeling bad if you didn't care and didn't try. THAT'S what makes a good mother! xo

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Meg, come from a place of love with your daughters. I was a terrible disappointment to my parents from my late teens until shortly after my 30th birthday. They stuck with me because they believed that good parents don't desert their children and they said "home is where when you have to go there, they have to take you in". They thought there was no hope for me, yet they didn't give up hope. I urge you to do the same for your daughters. I am so sorry for your pain.

    :heart: Barbie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Meg - (((hugs))) to you. If it is any help, many if not all of us on this board can identify. With 4 kids, I went on strike a number of times. mom-on-strike was a huge wake-up call for hubby and kids. It's a wonder they all still love me :bigsmile: :bigsmile: At least they SAY they do. Maybe it's fear, hahaha. They are now between 29 - 42, so they will be "enjoying" their own drama's, and some already have (not really any consolation, I realize). Ultimately, DH and I have learned that home is a safe place for them and us. And that is our mantra.

    I am just taking some time for a coffee break before I host a wedding shower. Well, I should correct that; DD is hosting, but the shower is at our house, because her place is so small. It is a tea party theme, and I have put out all my tea cups. She will bring the teapots, and guests will bring goodies. The group consist of knitting friends. It is a whole new generation of knitters out there, and they are so much fun and easy going.

    from rainy Vancouver Island, BC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Renny – great pictures! I understand that you don’t care for the “heavy” picture, but you grandchild leaning in to Grandma is precious! :love:

    Michele – yeah “regular” is one with chlorine – the only kind I have ever swam in or heard of… so is it as salty as the ocean water? That is really cool that it doesn’t need all the chemicals… My mom has a pool and for years as a kid my Saturday job was to clean the pool; and every afternoon after school I had to test and adjust chemicals in the pool – Now she has a “pool boy”….:laugh:

    Barbie – good for you to just hop back on track…:smile:

    Jill – a Woodstock romance! How neat!!:smile:

    Sylvia – sorry the show was slow; but glad you enjoyed everyone.

    Sue – what a small world!

    Eileen – enjoy your family – good thoughts for your dad.

    Meg – great walking! Take care of yourself with the hypoglycemic and migraines!

    Heather –New hubby got the prize and the ex lost out! You look great!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - my heart breaks:brokenheart: for you, it is so hard to have our furry friends do badly.

    Milagros – You have a lot of stress – sending you good thoughts… Just look at the logging as the first change maybe don’t get on the scale for a few weeks. Have you considered a grief group? There are ladies here that have recommended them and a couple of books. :smile:

    Bonnie – beautiful flowers and so different from our CA ones….

    Lin - love your tag line “see you all lighter”

    Katla – fushias are my favorite plant! But in my area they are not supposed to live, too dry and hot – BUT I have a small spot I have packed 4 into and they do well there – wish I could see them from a window.:smile:

    Meg – what a tough go – don’t hang up your mom card, just breath and re-group. You and hubby can get though this too. Do the kids have other family who could help too? I’m the god mom and when the going has gotten tough I have been called in to see if I could help – sometimes another adult re-enforcing what the folks say helps, one of the god kids won’t call home if things go bad at a friends but will call me. And Gloria is right they are of the age to make decisions sometimes bad and it is not your fault! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia – I am so glad hubby came home when he did!!!!! :heart:

    It is cooler here today, so I am going to work for a bit and then out in the back yard - I have the front ready for next weekend, but have a bit I really want to get finished in the back - I worked on my yard plan last night and in re-reading the application for the rebate it says ALL plants have to come off their drought tolerant list; and the area has 2 mature trees - that are not on the list - so I have to call on monday and see if that will disqualify me - if it does I will still do it just not on their time schedule. Either way it is a good motivator. The list has some really neat plants on it, a California Gooseberry that you can make gooseberry jam from - there are pictures and it has a pretty fushia-y looking flower - I am hoping I can find it at my local nursery.
    well back to the embroidery!

    Kim in N. Cal
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Beautiful Sunday to you wonderful women :flowerforyou: It's a very sunny 77* out there. Perfect day for a walk outside.

    Cynthia, not long after we adopted our present cat, she developed pancreatitis. We had no idea what it was, all we know is that she wasn't eating and losing weight. So the vet told us to put her on this prescription moist food diet. It was specifically for GI issues but I think they also had one for renal issues. We thought that once she smelled that moist food she would go after it. I soon found out that I had to start out with teaspoon fulls. I would give her one teaspoon every 3 - 4 hours. Soon she would eagerly eat it and I knew I had to increase it to 2 teaspoons. Only problem I had with that I had to eventually wean her off so she could go back to dry food. When you are married to a guy like mine, you go with dry food. Luckily he didn't mind us feeding her Iams dry food when a lot of other brands are much less expensive. Now she is overweight! Charlie loves to give her people food and I won't let her eat it. He has a Weight watcher's fudgecicle every evening and he used to leave a generous amount of chocolate on the stick for her to finish off. Now every 3 days he brings in the Temptations for me to dole out the other days I have to use the empty can of air, you know the kind you use to clean a computer. She is petrified of it. So all I have to do is put in on the love seat arm and she scoots with her tail down. I hate to do that but she won't just sit and watch him eat it. She will if I have a rare one but she knows he is a softie even though he knows it is hurting her in the long run.

    Some time I will have to figure out how to put pictures in my post and I will post a recent picture of Melody in my post and put a pic of me 2 years ago and then me now.

    Meg, your situation just makes me want to go hug my daughters. My youngest was quite a pistol during her teen years but got better as the years went by. We just waited for her to come around and continues to give her all the love she needs.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Meg - Much love and many((( hugs))), my friend! I wasn't the perfect daughter either, but it was never my parents' fault. It was my own stupid decisions and mistakes. I think sometimes we do things in spite of our upbringing, and I'd bet the farm that is the case with both of your daughters. Slow, deep breaths :heart:

    Katla - since we were relatively close, going to Woodstock wasn't that expensive for us, though we did buy three-day tickets in advance (a whopping $12). I still have my Saturday and Sunday ticket somewhere packed away. One car, six or seven of us to share the gas, a wall tent, and a bunch of canned goods to make into meals over a campfire also helped. The camping was free, and we had the sense to buy a very large plastic garbage barrel and filled it with fresh water. College students can put up with most anything!

    Jill in western MA.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    I had a good time at the reunion last night. I didn't eat much and was down another half pound today. I was not very attractive in high school, but learned a thing or two about hair and makeup since then, but I think the big difference is more confidence. One guy I went to school with for 12 years was shocked! He told me I was beautiful and told Hubby he was a lucky man. Ladies thank you for your support in getting the 11 pounds off. So funny this was an impromptu get together! Sorry I don't have pics to load, I don't like my picture taken. We took group pics last night. When I get my copies I will try to upload.

    Renny, wonderful! Congratulations on your transformation!:flowerforyou: :love:

    Cynthia, big hugs. I feel for you having gone through the same thing with my cat and pups. It is so hard when they age and have problems.:sad:

    Heather, I grieve so for my losses too! I had similar experiences growing up and had parents who neglected some of the pets and animals. I know they did their best raising 4 children. But it has made me more mindful of animals and my plants today. I take that as a gift.

    Yanniejannie, I missed a post. When did you see Joshua Bell? I really like him too!:blushing:

    Barbiecat, beautiful transformation!:love:

    Meg, hugs for you.:heart:

    Welcome new ladies!

    New quote that touched me: "Don't be sad it is over. Be glad it happened." Dr. Seuss

    Hugs for everyone struggling. Congratulations on all successes,

    Cindy in very warm OK :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi folks, I'm back!
    Thank you so much for all your support, I really appreciate it.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    The day went so well. It's six hours travelling for four and a half hours with the family, but it was more than worth it. Even the train journey was great with our music and my improving books! ! ! :bigsmile: I thoroughly recommend "The Wise Heart"by Jack Kornfield. It helped me to prepare myself for my meeting with my ex and it all went well.
    DH was worried that he would be squeezed out by all the other grandparents and three children, but DGS still made a bee line for him and said "You are my friend Johnny." :love: :love: :love: His photo has gone up on the wall of photos in the playroom in the place of honour. :heart: I ate and drank too much, but had a wonderful time holding DGD and CHATTING to my ex and his wife. We even reminisced about one or two things. A good day and I felt that DS and DDIL are happy together, which is quite an achievement. Some of their friends are splitting up as are DH'S nephew and his wife. It seems the strain of young children is just too much. I feel so grateful that all is well so far.:love:

    Meg - big hugs.:heart::heart: :heart: The responsible father I have just visited was a drug taking, alcohol swilling chancer in his teenage years. How he survived is a mystery.:noway: I mean that.

    Lin - glad you are feeling better! Good to hear from you.:flowerforyou:

    I will post a profile picture of me in my new top and jeans before we set out.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Congratulations on a good day. I'm glad it went so well for you and your DH. You look wonderful.:flowerforyou:
  • sianll
    sianll Posts: 30 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Today is a definite rest day for me. Played golf 4 days last week so need a down day. We did go to church then made a huge salad for lunch. I ate half and saved the rest for dinner.
    Meg - my heart aches for you. Have you ever heard the saying a mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child. We are all concerned for you. Take care of YOU.
    LinC - so good to see you post again. Glad they found a med that helps you feel better.

    I did read all the posts but didn't take notes. Will be back tomorrow to stay on track.
    Sue in TX
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Got in from the N.C. weekend about 3 hrs. ago. Nice little trip. Our hotel room had a side ocean view (not direct), second floor but the other friends had a "comped" house for the race with a deck right up to the dune----beautiful!!! We spent most of our free time there. I saw the sun emerge over the ocean both days and even took a pic this am after dropping my friend off for her shuttle bus to the start of the race. It was so pretty
    the sky went from black to grey to a wonderful shade of pink, then the sun peeked over the edge of the ocean and rose amazingly fast. My hotel friend did well in both races---don't remember her Saturday 5K time but today's half marathon was a little over 2hrs; not bad at all for a woman in her late 50's!!! The after party was fun too, the band was very much like my fav, Bruno Mars, so you all know I was happy!!! Many, many people had dogs there so I also got to meet lots and lots of canine friends!!

    Cindy and Margaret......Sorry for the confusion
    Josh Bell in concert would have been my weekend plan had I not gotten the trip to OBX. Glad your reunion went so very well, Cindy. Margaret..........I saw Monuments Men and enjoyed it, had never heard of this bit of history.

    Jill...........How neat that you met your DH at Woodstock!!!! I had a plans to go, had a ride even, and my mother put a stop to it.

    Eileen..........Best to your dad; will keep him in my thoughts.

    Bonnie..........Thanks for posting the beautiful wildflower pics!!!

    Lin..........So glad to see you back and know you are improving! Better and better days ahead.

    Renny...........What a fabulous change!!! You are looking great!

    Michele............Thanks to you I returned to the SUV and applied sunscreen to the tops of my feet and ankles this morning!!! I had done my face and arms but had walked quite a ways when I remembered what happened to you, so a sincere thankyou!

    Cynthia......I'm hoping your Charlie perks up; they really steal our hearts.

    Heather..........Glad your dinner party was a success and your DGS party worked out so well also. YOU looked smashing!

    Meg.......I hope you are feeling better by now. My thoughts are with you; all any of us as moms can do is our best----getting it across that the decisions they make today will influence the future is extremely difficult because kids live in the here and now. It must be the weekend for such things
    my DD called her father (????????) Sat. am for a hangover cure sugestion. I still don't know what to think, I simply can't get my head around calling a parent for a hangover cure.........I would have simply died first. When I spoke with her later and asked just what she drank, she said hard cider, shots of vodlka, then "some whiskey"..........don't you just love it?? Personally, I hope she's STILL sick. So...know you are not alone..........

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy sun!!
    Felt so weak so skipped church.spent the day,making mom`s day cards and birthday cards.
    Thanks for all the well wishes and love.
  • macklo
    macklo Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Ladies, maybe by joining a support group you all can help me stay on task and be accountable .. I turned 50 in January and do not want to be as heavy as I am.. I want to lose 50 lbs ! I live in New Brunswick Canada.. I am lazy at exercise ,,any words of encouragement will be appreciated xo
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did about 40 minutes of the aerobic portion of the Gilad 45/45 split DVD. I declare that DVD OK and doesn't need to be returned for any reason.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do one segment of the 10 Minute Solution pilates DVD that I have, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class

    barbie - you have such a good attitude when you go off course. I know you'll be right back ASAP. I was the same way when PJ was first diagnosed as being diabetic. I was sure that there was no way I could give him that insulin. Before I knew it, I had no problem at all giving it to him.

    Sue in SD - hope your horse is fine

    Eileen - cuddles are so good

    Meg - so sorry you had that reaction. The last time I heard from Bryan at all was in January.

    Cynthia - my heart breaks for you. It's so hard watching our furbabies in pain. I remember once we had to give one of our cats a medication that was supposed to stimulate the appetite. Yes, it was a pill, but you would probably be able to crush it up in a fluid.

    Deb - honestly, I get bored REAL easily so I need to do different types of exercise. I know some people can, but I just couldn't walk on a treadmill and do nothing else or go on the elliptical. Glad I'm giving you ideas.

    katla - I'm still convinced that the last time I'll ever see Bryan was at his wedding.

    The pool was a bit too cold yesterday, but I did go in the spa. We got it up to something like 97. To me, that was just too warm in the sun. Probably at night it would be OK. Just went downstairs and got the leaves out from under the deck. I don't want to do too much since I'm dressed for going out later

    Meg - you have the patience of a saint, if it were totally up to me, I'd nominate you for sainthood. You are a teriffic mother. I remember when Jessica was giving us problems, I would, literally, lock myself in the bathroom. There was a quote in the book "Get Out Of My Life but First Would You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall". It says that the more kids pull away, the harder they come back. That has certainly proved to be true in Jessica's case. You are a wonderful, wonderful mother. Never forget that.

    Kim - ocean water has about 30,000/parts per million of salt. We keep the pool at about 3,000. So the water in the pool is about 1/10th salty as the ocean. When you get some in your mouth, you don't taste salt. My "pool boy" is Vince. He enjoys things scientific, so he enjoys "playing mad scientist" and then going onto the computer to find out how much CYA (Cyanuric Acid), baking soda or stabilizer or whatever is needed to put in the water

    macklo - welcome! Come here often.

    Went to a friend's house today. they downsized. I know that she likes to entertain, but she is quite overweight, needs to have knee replacement but the md won't do it until she loses some weight, now she has plantar faciatis. When we got there, I just jumped right in and started helping her hubby. He couldn't do everything from heating up the appetizers to getting drinks for everyone to getting chairs for people. So I helped. When we left he said to Vince "I could never have done this without Michele". When we were leaving I said to his wife that I was sorry now that I didn't come sooner and she said she almost called me (seems she had a very bad night last night). I just told her to call anytime at all.

    Had abaout 4 of the shrimp tarts that I brought (something like 76 calories for two), two small squares (maybe 2" x 1") pieces of cheddar cheese, 2 meatballs (no sauce, I talked her hubby into leaving some without the sauce), one of these ham & cheese pinwheels (fortunately, they were small), and filled up on carrots and red peppers. Didn't have any of the desserts, they just didn't seem to appeal to me. she had brownies (Vince said they were good), she'd made a carrot cake, and then these phyllo shells filled with lemon pudding. Fortunately, the desserts didn't appeal to me. Had two 16oz bottles of water, tho.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    Hi Ladies, maybe by joining a support group you all can help me stay on task and be accountable .. I turned 50 in January and do not want to be as heavy as I am.. I want to lose 50 lbs ! I live in New Brunswick Canada.. I am lazy at exercise ,,any words of encouragement will be appreciated xo

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, you've come to the right spot for support and encouragement......take small steps and you'll get where you want to go.......to get better at exercise, begin by improving what you eat (more protein, less sugar, less processed food) and take a short walk and make it a little longer each day.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I promised a picture of my rock star with me, so let's see if this will post.


    I will continue as if it did...

    This is Ryan Star and he is one of my top five favorite musicians and an all around great guy. I love him to pieces! This picture is obviously a few years old. Let's see if I can remember how long ago...maybe 2009? I flew to St. Louis to see him play. And, to meet up with some friends! It was at that show that I realized he knew my full name. :heart: :blushing: :heart:

    It has been a bit of a traumatic weekend. In addition to my my snit over providing the meal for the group tonight, the boy child got his financial aid award from the school he had sent in his acceptance to and, in direct opposition from what his father had told him, he got less than half what the other school awarded him! He was frantic and we didn't know what else to to but have him send in his deposit to the other school and hope they still have a place for him. And, of course, all of this happened after 5:30 p.m. on Friday so no answers until tomorrow! I'm really worried!

    Today I had the chance to spend some time with my male best friend and he always makes me feel better, so I'm not as tense and upset as I was. I'm also loving that my new phone has FaceTime on it so that I can see my best female friend when I talk to her now.

    Meg, I am so sorry about your problems with your offspring! I (cross fingers, knock wood, etc.) have not had to deal with that, but I'm not sure it's due to any parenting skills that I have. I have, however, had several friends who have had to deal with similar problems. One friend's daughter ended up in the ER near death from alcohol poisoning. I hope that you will find the wisdom to deal with the younger one in an effective manner and strength to be there for the older one when things hit bottom.

    My brain has not retained much from the other posts, unfortunately. It's not that I didn't read and absorb, but my short term memory is MIA lately! :laugh: I will offer hugs to those who need them and offer kudos to those who have done well!

    Carol in hot NC