

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katherine, I deeply regret that I didn't take any selfies when I started my weight loss. I have scrounged around on other peoples face book pages and found some shots of me and saved them to my files. Everyone knows that I DO NOT want my picture taken. And I was always the one with the camera taking pictures, usually of my grand kids, but I enjoy pictures now. Some day I will figure out how to post my progress on here.

    Oh BTW, I was born in Caldwell Kansas, sister born in Coffeeville, Kansas

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Michele –I want to come to the August pool party! :glasses: But salt in the pool? Is it a salt water pool? That’s new to me…is it a NC thing?? I usually put wax paper or parchment between my crepes; Levi and I walked a second walk today and he and I brainstormed on menus…. I think I’ll do crepes for one dinner with my Mom and desert crepes with Karen. :smile:

    JB – hope the show is great! Glad to hear hubby did the heavy lifting! You have such a way with words, the Capris in Chicago had me laughing! :laugh: :laugh:

    Sue in TX – if you and your sister want to go you should.

    Kathrine – great to see your pic. I was thinking the same thing maybe it was time to have me instead of the dog;:smile: so silly old me thought well if the President can take a selfie so can I :embarassed: –NOT I got pictures of my feet, an elbow, my hair, my torso(yuck), nose hairs… oh my I am so uncoordinated!! So will have to find a friend to help me. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Today was a good work day, got a lot accomplished and with company next week I need to get ahead of myself. Saturday is a workshop on wise use of water; it is 9am-2pm without a lunch break - I heard that if you go you qualify for a rebate on pulling out lawn and putting in water wise planting - so I signed up ! I have grass in the front I would be willing to replace, and in the back I would be willing to make it a smaller lawn. I will pack water and some snacks.

    It is still really warm here (9;30pm and 76 degrees) we usually cool into the 60's at night - the weather guy says it will be a high of 65 by saturday, we'll see.

    well a little bit more to do before bed time so better get to it.

    Kim in too warm N. Cal.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Opps goals!!!!!!

    April - log everyday - check
    get signed up for a dr and make an appointment - I did the online part; but now have to call for help -- so 1/2 of a check :blushing:

    log everyday
    find an additional exercise (not gardening or walking) and do it once a week
    finish the medical sign up/appt. process

    Ok now good night for real!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Test post to see if my photo changed. This is me 57 pounds lighter, both cataracts done so no glasses and a much more confident smile

    Yeah, it worked

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    You brave women have inspired me to put my photo back up. This was taken in January, just before my friend's party. It is lovely to see all your faces.:heart:
    Heather UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Busy day today; work (both work and personal), housework, gym, grocery shopping, another trip to the vet for fluids for my cat and to pick up the IV bag, needles etc.

    Gloria: I know you miss your mom. I still have mine, but am acutely aware of the fact that she won’t be here forever. :heart:
    DeeDee: please post a pic of you with no hair. :laugh:
    Rita: your garden sounds lovely. And so glad you’re feeling better.
    Sue: nice you were able to get on your horse. I don’t ride anymore since a bad fall three years ago, but still have mine. She’s almost 22, so she doesn’t need to work every day, but someone else rides her gently a couple of times a week, and I take her out on walks (I ride my bike and she walks next to me!).
    Carol: congrats on your son!
    Kim: I’m sure your friend will enjoy being with you!
    Vicki: 150 pounds is amazing; be proud of yourself!
    Drkatiebug: you’re so right to be happy. Hope she is proud of herself as well.
    Joyce: looks like your fall wasn’t serious; so glad for you.
    Sue in TX: sorry about your brother. Hope he will improve.
    Michele: always amazed at your energy!
    Sylvia: ditto on feeling cold.
    Rori: hear you on the slow progress. I keep thinking, at least it’s progress.
    Kathrine: good you’re going to the grief therapist. Hope he/she’s a good match for you.

    Thanks everybody for the weight loss compliments and kind words about my cat!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am proud of myself for doing my exercise despite DH being absent taking the new car for a callback filter change. What a drag! Anyway I still got in there with absolutely no enthusiasm and did it and my strength training. As I have been awake since 4.30 thinking about my dinner party and worrying about my window I reckon that was good going.:happy:

    Sue : so sorry about your brother. I love my brother very much so I can sympathise. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia - I have read a lot of posts on mfp about feeling cold on losing weight. It seems very common. I had it for a bit, but it seems to have worn off and I'm about the same now. I am looking forward to enjoying summer much more without expiring. I could never wear a skirt without having to put on old lady knickers to cover my rubbing thighs.

    Rita - how lovely to discover those flowers! :flowerforyou: Like you we moved in November and it was a revelation to see myriads of daffodils sprouting up. :happy:

    OK so it's all systems go for the dinner. First job - lay the table!:laugh: That always calms me down as I then feel ready and welcoming. :drinker: Then I will make the orange sauce for the pancakes. Snap the asparagus. Marinade the salmon. Make the yoghourt and cucumber sauce. Pick some arugular and salad leaves and wash and spin them. Decide what to wear. Cook the salmon. I'm going to use blinis for the nibbles instead of crunchy toasts. A few creme fraiche and smoked trout, a few creme fraiche and lumpfish roe and a few pesto and parma ham. Don't want to stuff them before the meal. :laugh: I adore lumpfish roe so I will eat the rest of it for lunch tomorrow.
    I have this thing that I want it all to appear effortless when people arrive and stuff just magically appears!:laugh:
    Chillax Heather! :laugh: :bigsmile::drinker:

    Right folks! Up and at'em!

    Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies,
    It is Friday and that makes me very happy. Tonight I am going shopping with DD#2 and her children. My youngest DGD will soon be turning 2 and we are going to be shopping for gifts. Tomorrow I have cycling and ab class, a manditory Y meeting and then tomorrow night we are going out dancing. Love to do that as it's such a fun way to burn calories. Sunday I plan to get some chores done around the house. I'm hoping for some good weather so I can throw open all the windows and air out the winter. The forecast says 20% chance of rain but who knows.
    I've started on the yoga and the pilates DVD's. Somewhat slow going as I've got to learn the stuff, esp. the breathing and how to do things slower and more controled. Today I won't have time to work out so I will make sure I walk all three breaks at work. That will give me an hour of walking plus my shopping time this evening.

    Vicki, Congrats on making your April goals.

    Drkatiebug, Congrats it must feel so rewarding.

    Grandmallie, I am so glad everything worked out with the aunts.

    Welcome Dianna Harrison MI

    Sue TX, Very sorry to hear about your brother, I think if I were in your shoes I’d want to go and see him as well.

    Mollywhippet, I have lost 90 lbs in the past two years and I get cold much easier.

    Rori, You mentioned your personal trainer, can I ask her age? I just passed my personal training test and am trying to figure out how to move forward with this.

    Heather, Dinner sounds wonderful, have fun.

    Here is hoping that everyone has a healthy and happy week-end.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    morning my friends~
    wow was I tired, wanted to sleep some more but got up and gave the dogs there meds and got there breakfast together...
    going to take a shower and get ready for work.. I work 9:30-5 today I dont know if I will get down to see my DFIL ,have alot to do before work today. I want to come home and go through the pictures tonight and then get some frames and and command strips to hang them....
    just a cup of tea today so far , and then will make my lunch think I will make tuna salad and plop some on top of romaine salad...
    and fruit
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Katherine:smile: You look absolutely beautiful:bigsmile: !!!

    Joyce:smile: You look absolutely beautiful too:bigsmile: !!!!

    It`s so nice to see smiling faces:happy: ! I think all women are beautiful regardless of size! I think what makes us beautiful is our confidence, the way we look at life, the way we act towards ourselves and others! Outer beauty made fade over the years but the inner beauty will always shine through:heart: !

    Heather:smile: Your dinner party sounds fabulous, I`m sure it will be a big hit! I also like to get my table all ready, that is usually only for Halloween and Christmas:laugh: ! I know you friends will really appreciate it:heart: !

    Michele:smile: I think I can be available the first weekend in August:tongue: ! Shrimp bites sounds delish:love: !

    Rori:smile: It`s always so nice to see your posts!!! So sorry about your friend:brokenheart: !

    Cynthia:smile: Congrats on the weight loss!!! Hopefully things will get better and I`ll not pull all of my hair out:laugh: !

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! This is such a great group of women:heart: !!!

    There is so much more I want to say:bigsmile: , no more time this morning though:sad: ! My a/c that was working yesterday morning, decided to quit again last night:grumble: , I had to sleep with the ceiling fan on, at least I have a ceiling fan, trying to look at the positive. They will be here shortly to check it out again!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee (not as crazy as yesterday) :drinker: in beautiful sunny NC:glasses:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!It`s also my birthday,and I`m sick.Suppose to go out with Violet for my birthday,she wanted to take me to lunch,hopefully,she`ll take a rain check.:sad: :sad:
    Thanks for the birthday wishes.
    Thanks Barbie,for always starting the month out for us and your beautiful way you do it.:drinker: :drinker:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Good Morning! A dreary day and need to get moving but wanted to stay current here.

    Sue in Tx … go! You want no regrets!

    Michele … reading your posts has encouraged me to find some home exercise DVDs… used to have tapes, but no longer have a tape player!

    Sylvia … yes, I am cold more now that I’ve lost weight! Easier to put on extra clothes than try to cool off. We’ll see how it goes this summer… I’m curious too.

    Katherine … lovely photo! I like to see faces too
    Joyce … so glad to be able to put a face to your posts. Wonderful photo!

    I’m going to have to get used to the new pics. Almost didn’t recognize posters this morning!

    Heather … lovely! Enjoy your dinner party!

    Have a great day!

    Beth in Western New York
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good FRIDAY Morning to all,

    Never thought I'd be so excited for Fridays, being self employed at home and all, but I sure am glad when I don't have to get Aaron up, ready and out the door for school. Will be nice next year with that extra 30-60 minutes in the morning, depending on which school he ends up in.

    THANK YOU Rori for your comment. I'm a believer that sugar coating does often gets in the way of reality and if I'm EVER going to lose this weight, I have to stay real.

    Let me say that adding that Zumba class on top of my T25 yesterday KICKED my behind but just might be what I need...at least a couple few times per week. Need to go meet up with Mr. Shaun T in my basement shortly and I am SO grateful that today's DVD is Upper Focus because my legs are SHOT after yesterday.

    Turns out Aaron's "allergies" was actually a cold virus. Going to have to put on my gloves and mask to get a couple of lip balm orders out today. Good thing I know how much Pina Colada flavor oil to add since I won't be able to "smell pour" today:ohwell: Glad I only usually catch 1 out of each 10 bugs he brings home. I usually have my guard up better but automatically assumed it was his annual spring allergies since he never told me he wasn't feeling well when I asked. Boys.....

    Cherish that time with your mom Cynthia (as I'm sure you already are). As much as our mom's and grandma's can be crazy PIA's (more so as they age) I'm sure most would take it for a little time back. It's still just so crazy to think about how a person can go from seemingly completely healthy, active, thriving, etc. only to be ravaged by an unbeatable cancer cell in less than a year. This time last year she was still hiking, backpacking, going to step class, pilates, etc. (while complaining complaining of pain and being tested). I took her meds to "take back drugs day" at the PD last weekend. Seriously, I walked in with a 5 figure street value between the MAJOR narcotics and very expensive chemo drugs.....none that were ever able to help:frown:

    Anyhow, I digress.... and also have to quit procrastinating. I'm on my way Shaun T!!!!

    Have a great day and best your best!

    xo-Gloria in dreary *kitten* Metro Detroit
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi. This is my first time here. I really enjoy reading the posts and encouragements that are being written to each other. My goal is to lose a pound a week. I have lost 30 pounds and have another 30 to lose to reach my goal. It's going easier this time because I have a great support system with all of my friends at TOPS.
    Dianna1154 Harrison, MI

    Yeah!! TOPS works for me too!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sitting here crying happy tears. In Georgia students have to pass a graduation test in language arts, math, social studies, science and writing. They have 5 chances to pass the test. The last chance was March and the results came in today. The special Ed student who was assigned to me to mentor only needed math, and she was 12 points shy. She passed with 18 points to spare, so raised her score 30 points. Another student that I was also helping passed by raising her score 40 points!

    Yeah, I'm happy.

    Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment for you and the students.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Yesterday was a bummer, I was on my feet running around a gymnasium with a microphone for a 2 hour long conference,:frown: the car had a major breakdown,:mad: and my venting to you guys ended up on the May page:mad: . Thanks Cynthia for letting me know!:flowerforyou: Anyway, I thought I had lost my notes but I did find them this morning.:smile: So here goes......

    Joyce: Sorry to hear about your fall! Glad you didn’t lose anything but the popcorn. It’s a bummer trying to get up after a fall and then having to clean up whatever you were carrying. I’ve been using my Wii Fit balance games to work on my tendency to trip on things and fall. It has helped a little bit.

    Heather: Hope you get some sunshine today! We are cloudy which makes me want to stay in bed. Isn’t amazing that the “want to eat lovely foods” can really spur you on for calorie burns!:blushing:

    Cynthia: Congratulations on your loss! :happy: Congratulations on resisting those Chips (one of my favorite things in the whole world only surpassed by jelly doughnuts):blushing:

    Patceo: Ditto on your feelings about Heather’s "Don't Let Perfection Be The Enemy Of The Good"! I am printing it for my office wall! :flowerforyou:

    Liz: It’s wonderful that you know that your MIL is with God! :flowerforyou: Hugs and love to you and family.

    Milagross00: Please accept my condolences for the loss of your son! :heart: I took the same path with food when my father passed and I am sure most of us understand. Welcome to the most supportive group of women I know. I think you have great goals for May and I’ll look forward to reading from you.

    Jane and Beth: Hope you feel better quickly.:flowerforyou:

    YannieJannie: I am jealous! Can you pick me up on the way to Nags Head?:bigsmile:

    Kim: Congratulations on the incredible NSV! :flowerforyou: I hope to have the same experience!

    Bobbie: Welcome back! You already gave me some motivation!:flowerforyou:

    Katla: That is wonderful news. You are an extra special mentor.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers!:flowerforyou:

    My May Goals are as follows:

    1. Continue with walking Storm at least 5 days each week.
    2. Release 7 pounds this month - I want to start June at 229 or less.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water at least 5 days each week.
    4. Reach the 60 consecutive days of logging mark.

    Happy Friday Everyone:flowerforyou:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    Good Morning,


    Alison glad had a good time with family.

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sue prayers for your brother.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!on weight loss.

    Liz so sorry for your loss of your MIL.:flowerforyou:

    Rori !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!on measurements.

    Joyce and Heather love the pictures!

    Sylvia I don’t notice the cold so much, but the weight loss has helped when it gets hot and since we do not have ac. it is particularly good for me.

    Thoroughly enjoyed Art in Bloom. My favorites were a show stopping bouquet of blues and whites to represent a waterfall and one that mimicked a small jade piece that looked like a shrine. [They were able to capture the colors and shape perfectly.] One floral artist used chia cats as the base inspired by a a cat sculpture. They completed it with three pairs of mittens to add to the humor. One of the most poignant art pieces that inspired a floral arrangement was in the sacred space exhibit where an artist used dog tags from Japanese soldiers and turned them into a samurai's coat. The corresponding floral arrangement contained red rose petals a fitting tribute.

    Today I will continue to log my food, so I wake up to a healthier tomorrow.

    2014 word: contentment
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm up a couple of pounds this morning. I need to focus on doing the right thing and appear to have gotten bit sloppy. I had a haircut from someone new yesterday and she messed up. And I barked at my DH this morning for leaving his laundry in the washer AND the dryer. I'm off to a BAD start. :grumble: I need to turn this around pronto.:frown:

    I apologized to DH for being grumpy with him, so that is better. :flowerforyou: He's up a couple of pounds, too, and reminded me that we had Pizza, which is packed with sodium and other things. So there is an explanation/excuse for the added pounds. I still need to get back to doing the right thing. :blushing: Next step for me is to get an appointment to correct the hair cut. I also want to wish everyone a good day.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Friday morning. So will see if I have better luck today getting this where I want it to go. Sounds like it is to be beautiful day up in the 70's and not alot of wind:happy: . Today is my short day, (only 8 hours) so hoping to get to enjoy part of the day. Tomorrow is our big fund raiser ride and sounds like it will be a good day for one. Sure hope so as I am so tried of riding in the wind.

    Cynthia--hope your cat is better. Sure does not sound like fun.

    Patty--I sure do understand how you feel about retirement. I also have to work another 10-11 years. I would love to do some traveling around the states on our motorcycle. But still have house payments so not a choice right now. :sad:

    Katiebug--congrates, know you worked as hard as the students.:flowerforyou:

    Allison--sounds like a full day with family. Glad all went well.

    Sue--Sorry to hear about your DB. We had frost warnings here this morning. It is to warm up to in the 70's so will see.

    Our pastoral person came in this morning and sang to us. It was a relaxing way to start the day. They come into our deptment every morning to use the paging system into patients room to do a daily prayer.

    Jane--Happy Birthday, Hope you do something special just for you today.:flowerforyou:

    Syliva--Good Luck with your show this weekend. Enjoy!! I have noticed this last year I am cold alot. Before I did not own any long sleeve shirts and now I have several and at home I will sit with a blanket over my feet. I am woundering how this summer will go as I dislike the heat.

    Rori--Congrates on lost inches.:flowerforyou:

    Kathrine--deep breath and remember One day at a time, One thing at a time and take care of you. Thanks for the picture. It's always nice to put a face with a name.

    Joyce & Heather--good pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    DeeDee--I agree about the beautiful ladies in the pictures. Hope your AC is fixed soon.

    Gloria--I understand what you mean about one day healthly next not. My dad was fine when he went to bed last Oct and woke up in middle of the night confused and then ended up on vent and next five months so many ups and downs before he passed. Very glad for the extra time, but things can change in a heartbeat.

    Margaret--Art show sounds beautiful. Some people have so much talent. I can think of things but getting them to turn out just doesn't seem to work more times then not.

    Katla--Sorry you are having one of THOSE days. Deep breath and don't be so hard on yourself. I hope you get your haircut fixed. :heart:

    Well ladies hope you all enjoy this day. I have so much to get done for our CMA meeting tonight. It is my own fault as I have spaced off getting things ready and now have limited time when I get off work. I did this to myself, so trying to not get myself all stressed about it. Going to be a busy weekend. Meeting tonight and motorcycle ride fund raiser tomorrow and then Sunday to Omaha as DGD has concert at 11 and then is getting comfirmed at 2. One thing at a time.:wink:
    Blessings! Vicki GI NE