

  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I wanna join!! So here are some particulars about me:

    Anyway, I am not "new" so to speak, as much as "new again" to MFP. I joined in January of 2012 at the suggestion of my cousin, who drives truck. He told me at his momma's funeral that he had found a way to lose weight, so of course, I wanted to know. He shared with me about MFP and I came home that night and joined. I lost 62 lbs from January to July, even though within that time frame I also had major surgery and recuperation (full abdominal hysterectomy). My speedy recovery from this was in part due to the weight loss and the focus of regaining my strength so I could begin exercising. The other part of my recovery was prayer and faith in God.

    So, I dropped the weight, regained a sense of direction, started exercising daily and felt most amazing. At my job, I had a set of stairs that was 17 up and 17 down...and made part of my daily activities trotting these during my breaks. I ate clean, and ate lots of fruits and veggies and it paid off. Maintained for 1 year.

    Fast forward 1 year to August 2013. I was struggling at work, because I felt a need to do "more" for library patrons than my job description allowed. (I worked in a public library) So many rules on what you can and cannot do when you work for govt...Anyway, I started planning a business venture that I would do as a side job, so I could better serve people and still keep my job. I talked to my supervisor to make sure it did not create a conflict of interest and she felt that it was fine. She mentioned it to the director, who put the halt to my plans. She said she had to run it by our lawyer...sigh. The lawyer said she could not make the call and they would have to go to the state level with it. So, without benefit of my business plan or any written info to support it, they asked a lawyer at the state library, who determined it was indeed a conflict of interests. They came back with my options: I could stay with the library and not initiate my business venture, or I could leave the library (and the job that Ioved dearly for the past 11 years) to pursue my dream. Clearly, this was a no brainer...I told them I would submit my resignation. I cleaned out my desk, cleaned up my files, took what was rightfully mine and drafted my resignation that week. I asked them to keep me on until September when I would launch my business and so I could train my replacement. They allowed this and hired someone to replace me. The person they hired really did not need much in the way of training, so it was more just transitioning and sharing with her what projects I had going that she would want to continue. I left the library on August 15.

    I started my business, but in the mean time, lost my fitness buddies and support group (not to mention my 17 stairs!). I knew that I would probably gain a little of my weight back what with less structure in my life and a little added stress, but it wasn't bad until Christmas and since then I have gained about 25 lbs back. I also am employed at a library in another town and running my business (which is NOT a conflict of interests there!)

    My daughter is in marching band and my hubby and I are involved in pit crew, so my resolve is renewed as I prepare for this season. Our first competition is September 6 and I need to be strong enough to pull my weight with this great group of people. Helping our kids excel is top priority and this means it is time to condition for this important task, so I begin anew! Yesterday was day one and I am ready to make it happen!

    My goal is to shed 36 lbs in 128 days and I believe this is a realistic goal. I have been and I will also continue exercising 4-5 days a week at the gym and walk as much as I can outside for the next 18 weeks, 2 days...I need to be ready and I will be!

    I know this was long, but now you know me well enough to support and will hopefully feel comfortable when I reach out to support all of you!! Thanks for letting me be a part of this group!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sooooo...just got back from the vet; my 18 yo cat had not been eating well. He already has thyroid meds but during the last week I noticed he wasn't eating much at all. Turns out he has kidney problems, as do many older cats. So this weekend I get to give him fluids under the skin (with an IV bag and needle) to "flush" as many toxins as possible out of his body; then he'll be treated further. It's not hard, and I remember helping my mom do this years ago, so it should go OK if I can just keep him in one place for the few minutes it takes to get the fluids in.
    Funny. I'm used to doing all kinds of medical stuff with my dog, who has several different problems, but not really with the cat.

    On the way home I wanted to eat potato chips, but succeeded in just stopping at the grocery store for what I had planned.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    Welcome Bobbie! You know how to do it so just go for it! It's great when you've got a good reason.:flowerforyou:

    Kim - glad the meal went well. Sometimes things are a lot of work, but worth it. :flowerforyou: I try to avoid having to do much at the last minute, so things I can prepare in advance, sometimes months in advance, are favourite. It doesn't always make for the most adventurous dinner party, but I think a relaxed hostess is worth it. I want to mingle and join in with my guests wifhout looking all sweaty and stressed! ! ! :laugh: One of the problems I have is that our dining table is in our large kitchen and the oven only operates on a fan system that carries on blowing for ages after the oven is switched off. For family suppers I don't mind this, but for a proper dinner party I don't think it is very relaxing. If I switch the whole thing off at the wall I have to reset the clock which is a bind. So I find myself planning food which does not require a last minute blast in the oven.:grumble: It's a small thing, but it all takes planning, which I very much enjoy.:happy:

    Cynthia - hope you can help your cat with ease.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: So hard when they get old.:cry:

    Love to all, Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    It's afternoon and I'm at work. We just had a little good bye and good luck for a fellow employee. Tomorrow is his last day. I really wish him well and don't begrudge that he can quit at age 59, but I sure wish I could too. We started the same year.
    I don't have a bad job or work for a bad company but I really get bummed when I think I'll be here another 11 years till I'm 67. As a single Mom I could not save like I needed to for retirement and so many people I know are retiring right now. I find myself trying to figure out if I want to work for retirement or if given an opportunity, do something I love and have a passion for, regardless of the money. Eleven more years sure seems like an eternity when I think of sitting here at this desk. The company isn't bad but it seems to want to promote the young people. Oh well, enough, just felt the need to vent a little.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy May Day! I had read and made replies and when I went to transfer not sure where it went. So this will be short. :ohwell:

    Welcome to the newbies. This is a great place to find support and friends.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Barbie for taking such good care of us and keeping us going.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Well I did not make my goals for April, time just seemed to get away from me. I did lose 7.2 pounds and broke the 150 pounds lost. I have made some goals for May. They are

    1. Log every bite-even on the bad days.:sad:

    2. Take it one day at a time, don't worry about tomorrow, REMEMBER GOD IS IN CONTROL!!:smile:

    3. Be more aware of the people around me, doing RAK.:flowerforyou:

    Well hope you have a chance to get out and enjoy the day! We are not on this jouney alone.:flowerforyou: :smile:
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    Happy Birthday Jane:flowerforyou:

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Happy May Day....


    Lin in Central Iowa
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Sitting here crying happy tears. In Georgia students have to pass a graduation test in language arts, math, social studies, science and writing. They have 5 chances to pass the test. The last chance was March and the results came in today. The special Ed student who was assigned to me to mentor only needed math, and she was 12 points shy. She passed with 18 points to spare, so raised her score 30 points. Another student that I was also helping passed by raising her score 40 points!

    Yeah, I'm happy.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So many here today with good news!!!! That sure helps in the way of weight loss.

    I am glad to report that I woke up today with no new aches and pains. Not even any bruises. Yes, I must have good bones!!!! I just wish I would have slept well last night.

    Welcome to the new members

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well I am just sitting down and I left the house at 9 this morning..
    But soooo worth it.My aunts were just thrilled to see there brother, and we all had a nice chat, then he shoed us out because it was lunch time :laugh:
    took them to a nice restaurant near the lake front and we had a nice lunch,they treated since I brought them...which was nice ,then I took them back, and stopped at my FIL house and picked up a washbasket full of photo's to go through for him... and got home about 1/2 hr ago and have laundry in the dryer..
    It was a long day but a very productive day..
    now gonna take the puppies for a walk then collapse :tongue:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you for all your kind words…..this thread means so much to me and your love and support and encouragement and wise words have helped me stay focused on my goals for a long time.

    :bigsmile: It is great to see my long time friends as well as some new ones. I took my time reading all your posts and savored every word.

    :flowerforyou: We have beautiful weather today. My afternoon line dance practice was cancelled and I made very good use of my extra time----doing some chores, indoor and outdoor, that have been on the “to do” list for a very long time and spending time with my sweet husband who encourages me to dance at every opportunity but likes it even better when I’m home with him. We did a few things in the yard together including discovering a bud on one of our new peony plants.:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    22,000 steps today ----exercise bike—line dance class---garden puttering
    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
    May Resolutions
    *brush the dogs’ teeth once a week or more
    *yoga once a week
    *plank twice a week
    *finish updating “important personal information” document
  • Dianna1154
    Dianna1154 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. This is my first time here. I really enjoy reading the posts and encouragements that are being written to each other. My goal is to lose a pound a week. I have lost 30 pounds and have another 30 to lose to reach my goal. It's going easier this time because I have a great support system with all of my friends at TOPS.
    Dianna1154 Harrison, MI
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy May Day! When I was in 1 st grade we had a big May Day program with a May Pole. Such excitement. Played a lot of golf this week and playing again tomorrow. Sure wish we could get some of that rain that fell in AL, Fl and MS. We are so dry. It was 37 this morning. Unheard of in TX this time of year.
    Thanks Barbie for your faithful dedication to this thread. We all appreciate you so much.
    Welcome to all the new ladies. I read about four pages before my eyes got blurry.
    My brother who had his toe amputated is not doing well. More surgery today to take more of the foot off. On dialysis for his kidneys. My two sisters and I are trying to decide if we should fly to VA to see him. His wife says we don't need to come but we want to see him before it's too late.
    Love to read all your life stories.
    May Goal:
    Log everyday.
    Take it one meal at a time
    Do more exercise beside golf.
    Sue in TX
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    You had to know this would happen. Today's joke of the day is a "blonde" joke. I hope it's not offensive to any of you:


    Q. Why can’t a blonde dial 911?

    A. She can't find the eleven

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    did 1 hr of Jari Love Slim & Trim DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do the rebounder DVD that I have (the one I did Wednesday)

    Katla - love your goal of "Find a way to have fun at least once/day". Great goal

    Renny - is there maybe a high school kid that can come help your daughter out? Just watching the toddler so she can maybe nap is a big help.

    Joyce - so sorry to hear you fell, but glad to hear that you aren't badly injured.

    Cynthia - what a great loss for you! Congrats

    Pat - children grow up so fast, don't they?

    Liz - my deepest condolences on your MIL

    Patty - yes, I do try to have a variety of DVD's. The main reason is that I have a short attention span and get bored easily so doing the same one over and over wouldn't work for me. The bad part is that it seems that different instructors call things by a different name and sometimes I just have to wait to see what exactly it is that they're talking about

    Remember when I was on the hulled barley kick? Well, I seem to be off that one now. I still like it, don't get me wrong. My latest kick is to have silken tofu with some of the Hershey's cocoa in it. Wonder how long that'll last?

    milagros - welcome. Very sorry about your son. I can't even begin to imagine how hard that must have been for you and probably still is. Logging your food is a great start. Don't aim for perfection at first. There will be lots of surprises, things you thought were low in calories really aren't and just the opposite. But you'll get there, just don't give up. We're here for you. Check in daily for a dose of motivation and support.

    Beth - you WILL get to "onderland", I feel it in my bones.

    yanniejannie - I have to ask you, how did that quarter pounder taste? Many times when we haven't had a certain food for a while, when we do it just doesn't taste all that great.

    Jane - happy birthday (early). So sorry you're not feeling well.

    mmparsley - welcome! Oh, men always lose quicker than women, and it for sure bites. Yes, this is an amazing group of women. I don't think you'd find another club like it, this is the best.

    Gloria - you certainly have been diligent about your T25 workouts, I'm impressed. So sorry about your mom. I just realized the other day that this July my mom will be dead for 50 years! You never forget them. You're encouraging me to get out my bike. Thanks. Good luck at the fundraiser.

    We've decided to have our pool social for the Newcomers the first weekend in August. It seems Vince was a bit upset at this one gal who was going to arrange a social to a baseball game but she took her time so now she arranged it for the last weekend in august. I hope it's not too hot. It would have been nice if she had (as originally planned) had it in May before it gets too hot. I remember one year we planned it for the first week in June and that year was crazy in that it was HOT. A lot of people were complaining about the heat. Hope it's not real hot in august.

    I called the two gals who are going to co-host with us to see if they had any conflicts with the last weekend in July or the first weekend in Aug. Neither did, so we decided on the first weekend in Aug. We'll probably get together for a "brainstorming" session either the third weekend in June (one gal will be gone the other weekends) or sometime in July. Personally, I do my best brainstorming in the pool or the spa......lol Maybe we'll need two brainstorming sessions? Can't have too much!!!!! lol

    Teral - I know you will get in those steps, especially with that new pedometer!

    Carol in NC - congrats to your son! I personally think he made a better choice than WCU. Glad you found out the mystery of your eggs

    Kim - sometimes I've found the neatest things at Big Lots. But I did learn (the hard way) that the moment you see something, buy it. Even if they say they will get more in, sometimes they don't. Two years ago Vince saw this neat neon clock in the shape of a guitar. That would be so neat as a present for a friend of ours (Ken), and they said they'd have more the following September. Never happened. My father had a crepe maker, and I swear it was never used. When we went to the Murder Mystery dinner last year it took place in a French chateau, so I brought the crepe maker. But first I had to make some to be sure the crepe maker worked! I just saw on TV that you should put a paper towel between each crepe as you make it because (and I can certainly confirm this) they WILL stick together. So you have longer shorts now, huh? That's wonderful!

    Bobbie - welcome back! And congrats on going after your dream.

    Cynthia - how well I remember Jessica and Vince giving one of our cats fluids. Congrats on the no potato chips

    Vickie - awesome weight loss

    drkatiebug - you have every right to be ecxtatic. Thanks for sharing with us

    Dianna - welcome! You CAN do it. Tell us more about yourself.

    Sue in TX - ((((HUGS))))

    Today was one of those days. Went to lunch with the Newcomers. I'm not sure that I got the grilled chicken breast, but I can tell you it wasn't deep fried. They were surprised that I didn't want any butter on my veges. Well, I've found out that down here "a little bit" translates into "oh, you mean 1/4 pound, not the usual 1/2 pound" I wonder if they even know how to cook asparagus without sauce, it really wasn't that good. Oh well, had a chicken breast. broccoli, and asparagus. Why they gave me rice I have no idea, I didn't want it so I put it on another plate. It really didn't look that good anyway.

    then we stopped at Lowe's hardware to get more salt for the pool and then went to WalMart. We're going to friend's house this Sunday so I'll take these shrimp bites with me and we didn't have any shrimp. Got a few other things, too. Came home and put 3 more bags of salt in the pool. Then there were all sorts of problems with the internet, it was down one minute, up the next. Our phone was out too, not sure why. Made the shrimp bites to take, will just have to bake them before we go. Then made these chocolate cookies for Vince to have, I'll just put them in the freezer.

    Can't get over how late it is, gotta get to bed. Nite everyone!

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I was looking at my April goal, and it looks like I haven't lost a single ounce in two weeks! But at least I'm not going the other way.

    My May goal is to get my butt back into the gym REGULARLY! But I can't do it till Monday because I have this pottery show this weekend. Hubby went with me to unload my stuff for the show, so I didn't have to lift so much. He's such a sweetie. The show starts tomorrow. It's going to be a long weekend.

    Does anyone else who has lost weight feel cold all the time? I used to be hot all the time, and now I have to wear a sweater more often. Even when we hit 80 degrees I was wearing a sweatshirt. Hubby says he thinks I'm not getting enough calories to keep my body warm, but I think it has more to do with having less insulation. We will see how that translates to sweating this summer. That has been a huge problem for me in the past. A couple of years ago we went to Chicago for a little visit, in August, and I was wearing denim Capri pants on the navy pier and was sweating so much it looked like I had wet my pants. It was humiliating. Sorry, too much information.

    Welcome to the new ladies. I enjoy reading all about you.

    Goodnight everyone!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Barbie: Thanks for setting up May and sharing the cheery graphic. Hope your dogs are onboard with your May goal to brush their teeth. I remember when you planted the peonies last year. How terrific to hear you’ve got a bloom! :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: You’ve inspired me to check out the aquatics programs at my community center.:love: I love swimming, have never done an exercise class in the pool.

    Katla: Thrilled to hear that acupuncture is bringing you relief.

    Joyce: Ouch! Glad to hear there was no serious injury as a result of the fall.

    Cynthia: 30 pounds – Way To Go!
    Liz: Welcome back. Sorry about your MIL. She is smiling at you from a better place.

    Milagros: Profound sympathy on the loss of your son. :cry: Welcome to a group that will listen without judgement, advise from a place of compassion, and surround you with support. Stay on this healthy journey with us and you will be strong again.

    Beth: Cheering you right into onederland. :wink:

    YannieJannie: The girls only weekend sounds fantastic. Enjoy every minute.

    Margaret: Music and flowers…what a great way to feed yourself!

    Jane: Happy birthday to you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Now get well, soon!

    Gloria: I appreciate your brutal self-honesty. Love your goals. Go for it.

    Rita: A neighbor of mine has a plaque on her front yard that reads “The World Laughs in Flowers”. Sounds like your yard is having a deep belly laugh. :flowerforyou: What a wonderful surprise. Great goals!

    Carol: Congrats to your son. Hugs to you as you transition to an empty nest.

    Kim: How blessed you are to have friends and family gravitating to your home. I’m sure they appreciate your cooking and hospitality. It’s warmth that makes a home, not designer furnishings. :heart: Relax and be authentically you.

    Bobbie: Welcome! Your determination comes off very clearly on the page. We’re here to cheer you on.

    Cynthia: Lucky kitty you have! Sounds like he is going to get good care in his old age. Bless you. :smile:

    Pattie: I can understand your wistful thinking as you watch people around you retire. Two of my best friends, same age as me, retired at 57. I love my job, but I’m at the point where I would at least like to be seeing light at the end of the tunnel. :grumble:

    Drkatiebug: Happy dance for you and your students!!

    Allie: What a lovely thing you did for the aunts and their brother. They are probably still talking about it. Bravo. :happy:

    Sue in TX: Don’t blame you for wanting to see your brother. Just do it.

    Today was my weekly workout with trainer, Rose. She surprised me with wanting to take measurements. :tongue: I have released ½ to an inch everywhere. Slow progress, but I’m happy to be heading in the right direction.

    I did a satisfactory job of keeping to April goals. Goals for May will be a carryover of some of them, and two new goals:
    > Strength training 90 minutes per week.
    > Try out an aquatics class and check out Masters swim.
    > Three times a week, consume fewer than 50 carbs.
    > Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in.
    > On a daily basis, list 5 things I’m grateful for.

    Stay well.

    From the Colorado Foothills
    My word for 2014 = Release
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump again....
    Gail, metro ATL
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Happy May Day to all you beautiful Women, :flowerforyou:
    I have been absent lately. Had a change in my work hours, more work load, sitter was on vacation, so no sitter for Gage (before and after school) what a hassle that was, the weather is cold and gloomy, and I am having a heavy heart with grief. I have managed to stay on track with my food journal. I almost have been obsessed with it, to take my mind off the other stuff, i guess. I had a really nice lunch with a friend. And looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow, and my session with a griefshare therapist.
    I need to think about my May goals. And I will get them posted tomorrow.
    It is great to keep "in touch" with all you wonderful ladies. I look forward to reading all about what is going on in your lives. Thank so much for this awesome thread.
    Be healthy & strong women.

    Kathrine from Kansas
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi ladies, It is me again. I thought I would be brave and put my photo up on my profile. I hate my picture taken, so I chose the poppy
    pic earlier. I have been thinking that when I read through the post, I enjoy see each beautiful lady's photo. Putting a face to the message. So I got brave, had my grandson, take a zillion photos of me and i picked one. :ohwell:

    Reba - So here I am. :blushing:

    Be healthy and strong women.

    Kathrine from Kansas