

  • Haha, I leave the gym feeling gross and sweaty! (I don't know what I'm going to do when it's warm outside and the outside air doesn't cool me off anymore! Feel even more gross, I suspect!) I don't even put antiperspirants on before going to get all of those gross toxins out of my body. Like everyone says - as long as…
  • I second the voice in favor of some of the fakemeats out there - I'm a huge fan of the black bean burger and it's full of noms and protein! I also really like those bolthouse farms chocolate protein shakes but there's about a trillion calories in those. I'll toss back a shake for lunch or something when I notice I'm…
  • My gym doesn't open quite that early! But it does stay open until 10, so the nights I work until 8 I should be able to get a decent workout in. I'm just hoping I'm not too exhausted by that point, egads!
  • I'm currently reading Suzanne Collins' "Catching Fire" which is the second in her Hunger Games trilogy. They're absolutely fantastic (and quick!) reads, I've just been stalling because book #3 comes out this week and I'm awful at waiting! (How I did it with Harry Potter I will never know)
  • I'd definitely love to lose 20 lbs by Halloween! Get into a cute-n-nerdy costume and all that :D My name is Meghan (or Megh) and my starting weight is about 235 or so. I do my weekly weigh-in on Sundays so we'll see if I've gained or lost weight this week, heh. I work full time and I'll be starting a part-time job on…
  • Have you spoken with your doctor about possibly having PMDD? I don't have it myself, but from what I understand, it's basically like taking regular PMS and multiplying it by a thousand. Especially if you experience such drastic emotional swings and if you've noticed a pattern that relates to your monthly cycle, it's…
  • I took St John's Wort for a bit when I didn't have insurance. It didn't actually do anything for my depression, though. And it would make me dizzy or super twitchy when I was taking it. I would suggest you look into free community counseling or something of the like, especially if you don't have insurance. If you're able…
  • I struggle a whole lot with anxiety and depression - the majority of why I joined this website and why I started exercising was because I know the benefits exercise and weightloss can have on mental health issues. I'm really glad that there's a group out here for those of us that struggle with this sort of thing :) I've…
  • Now that you mention it, I guess my fingers HAVE lost some of their weight! It wasn't something I thought about but while it was always a difficulty to get my ring off before (especially in the hot and humid Michigan summer!) it's been easy peasy lately! Odd indeed!
  • I'm totally down for more friends! Friends = awesome!
  • I'd like it if it's a vegetarian recipe (which I would assume it is, but just in case!)! I don't eat meat at all and I'm always grossly under my iron & protein, so I'm looking for something to supplement my diet. I think it will definitely help with the energy levels and whatnot!
  • Congrats on the weight loss, first and foremost!! Like everyone has said, it really depends on where your body distributes the weight. My weight is largely in my tum, so the 15 lbs I've lost don't really show too much. I can't even tell where I've lost it, to be honest. I'm sure once I get to my goal weight, things will…
  • Hello! Welcome to the site! The community is fantastic and it's wonderful getting positive feedback from people in the same boat as you, it's definitely encouraging! Feel free to friend me if you want! :)
  • oh my gosh, a burrito. a burrito with guac and pinto and black beans and sour cream and cheese and lettuce and rice! omnomnom.
  • Ugh, I have the same issue! A guy who I've been friends with recently told me he 'had feelings' for me -- the same feelings I've fought against having for him for ages because all of the girls he's dated were significantly thinner than me. The day after he told me this we hung out and made out and a few days after that…
  • Oh man! I just joined and a weight-loss group with a focus on Harry Potter? Count me in!!! I suppose by November of 2010 I want to be at around 200, which will be the thinnest I've been since the film release of Azkaban :)
  • I want to lose about 90 lbs more (have lost 10 or so but not in the healthiest of fashions). I'm excited about this site and the support group!
  • I noticed what a big difference eliminating soda was as well! I was drinking usually one 20-oz bottle/day at LEAST and I've since started drinking the SoBe Lifewater's (zero calories!) It was hard at first, especially without the caffeine, but now I actually feel much better and can have some other sort of little treat…