Sweating at the gym



  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I sweat an awful lot at the gym, depending on what I am doing my clothes sometimes don't look like I am sweating but if you get up closer to me my face/hair are soaked. I think its a sign that you are doing something right, if you left looking beautiful than you did something wrong in my opinion.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    A poster I've seen recently:

    If you still look cute at the end of your workout, then you didn't work hard enough!

    Go ahead - sweat & be proud. Alot of those people not sweating are probably just doing alot of walking around. You're getting your moneys worth out of the gym!
  • Haha, I leave the gym feeling gross and sweaty! (I don't know what I'm going to do when it's warm outside and the outside air doesn't cool me off anymore! Feel even more gross, I suspect!)

    I don't even put antiperspirants on before going to get all of those gross toxins out of my body. Like everyone says - as long as you're wiping down your machine then no one will care!

    Although I did have one instance where I went to go grab the rag to wipe down the machine and someone was on it already! I felt so bad and didn't really know what to do, I was just gone for a moment!
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    sweatings good..... it means you are removing heat effectivly. it also mean you are working yourself well! i sweat like a pig on a spit when i run! its good to sweat, feel proud your a sweater! :)
  • Grinonneau
    Grinonneau Posts: 3 Member
    If they aren't sweating, they aren't working hard enough. I'm thinking you may be an inspiration to those around you to work harder!
  • garp4
    garp4 Posts: 59 Member
    I wish I would sweat more! I am part asian, and I have never seen my mom sweat! I get really red in the face and my hair will get damp, and under the boobs, but I never have the underarm ring. And seriously, if it wasn't for my hair and just general good hygiene, I do not actually "need" a shower after.

    My DH is drenched after his workout though.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    You know that old Southern thing -- women don't sweat, they "perspire," even in 90 degree weather???

    BULL HOCKEY. I sweat like a gorilla. Always have. And I love it.
    And if the person working out next to me is sweating too, I think that's fantastic.

    The lady who sometimes works out next to me in full makeup, hair done, AND perfume, and never breaks a sweat??? Now she ticks me off. :wink:

    Wear your sweat loud and proud, girl.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    One day it was pretty cool outside and I had been running on the treadmill at the gym. I stretched out afterwards and then got into my car. All my windows immediately steamed up. It was quite embarrasing! LOL
  • Sweat-Fat-Crying.png

    I saw this quote somewhere else and thought "Damn Straight!".
    Now I don't care how sweaty or gross I look after a work out, like many others - if I DON'T sweat it wasn't a workout.

  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    As you can see the more you sweat the better at the gym. As long as you are cleaning your machines of course.

    I however have the opposite problem. I NEVER sweat during a workout. My face goes bright red, my hubby is afraid Im going to passout ....but I never sweat. I am very self concious about this. As you can see most people beleive that if you dont sweat your not working out enough. I do 30 minutes cardio and 30-45 minutes circuit training ..where my muscles are almost jelly when I leave...but I dont sweat.

    I used to go to a trainer that was determined to make me sweat. After an intense 2 hr workout he just shoke his head and told me to go home. Its all about how your body works.

    Dont feel bad or ewwwy because you sweat profusely. My husband sweats just walking around the block..and he's in pretty dang good shape.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    When I first started working out, I honestly thought I was some sort of freak because it looked like I took a dunk in a bath tub full of sweat; however, since my super fit Zumba instructor looks like that after class too, I am okay with it.
    I know some people can get in an intense work out and look like they just have a nice, healthy glow - I am not one of them, and that's okay.

    Just make sure you're getting adequate hydration.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I sweat like a pig and overheat if I were anything more than a low cut vest - tee's leave me looking like i've run a marathon!
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    I'm the same, but it's because I have a condition that leaves me in a slight state of dehydration all the time. I can't drink enough water so the best I get even when my heart rate is registering a hard core effort, is a light glisten meanwhile next to me hubby is pouring buckets lol.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Haha, By about halfway through zumba or kickboxing, I am so red and dripping with sweat, I look like I'm about to have a heart attack. But the only comments I ever get are from my kids...as they stare and say..gee mom, you're really RED! :blushing: :laugh:

    I don't mind though, that's just how I get when I am working hard.

    ETA: My 16yr old daughter NEVER sweats (on her face). Even in 90 degree heat, in blistering sunlight, skateboarding miles across town, she never breaks a sweat. She looked like she'd sat on the sidelines the whole time, when we did zumba together. She told me though that she was hot and her shirt was damp...so guess she sweats in some places.
  • I know!! I feel like im the only one but then I see ..well its mostly guys who sweat a lot and i feel ugly sometimes but whatever! We're burning calories girl, sweat like a hog and enjoy the feeling! :D
  • I sweat a lot at the gym too. So do most of those at my gym. I wouldn't be self concious about it, that's what the gym is for! I have seen some people wearing two shirts, so the top one isn't showing much sweat, or it could just be the first part of the year, where a lot of people get gym memberships, but don't work hard!

    Whatever the reason is, as long as you're getting a good workout and still feeling good during and after, who cares?
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm one of those people that just doesn't sweat a lot...however at the gym I sweat...Not everywhere...my shirt might get a little wet around the upper part but my face and hair are totally dripping wet and like you my face is RED! Don't let it bother you.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    It's just genetics whether or not you sweat a lot (and where you sweat.) Depends on size of sweat glands as well as a myriad of other things. Don't be embarrassed. Everyone at the gym is a little self-conscious and it's silly because everyone is there for his/her own workout.

    Sweat and be proud girlfriend!:flowerforyou:
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    I love to sweat at the gym. When I feel that first trickle of sweat down the side of my face I think YES!! And when I'm done I always check out the back of my shirt. I'm actually kinda jealous of the people who's shirts are soaked. I feel like they got a better workout in.

    Don't be self conscious. There are probably people who are looking at you with envy!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I sweat a lot too. I'll have it dripping down my face. But I also work really hard. I also tend to burn a lot more calories than I notice other people burning too. Not sure why, I just do. Don't worry about it though. As long as you feel okay I don't see a problem with it.