

  • That should have said 'pigged out'
  • Totally agree. My legs are so strong and wobble free but my stomach and love handles are hanging in there. I have just ordered a fat caliper off ebay and I am going to measure my body fat and see if I can track the changes that way too as well as measurements and scales.
  • Feb 7 is the start of my recovery week. I am going to take a sneak peek at month 2 I am definitely looking forward to it. I am so fit after just 4 weeks so am looking to going even further.
  • I am happy to be a buddy, send me a friend request. Just finished day 5 workout, rest day tomorrow but I actually ant to do some exercise
  • Thanks for your reply, I will have a look at youtube now :smile:
  • Oh, ok, just found the 'friend request' tab
  • Sounds good . I didn't know u could send friend requests. How does that work?
  • Just finished day 4 having to stop throughout or down grade to low impact version but am making it all the way to the end. Damn even the stretched and the 'recovery' day is tough. I never knew I couldn't jog on the spot anymore, can't wait to lose this 10 kg. Have been eating really well, at this stage I am not struggling.…
  • Have committed to good eating for four days as well as doing the Insanity workouts. Lower back on right side a bit sore, workouts are intense, face is bright red at the end and I need to break frequently or do lower impact exercise just to make it to the end. Drinking lots of water, no juice, cordial or soft drink. Not…