

  • My fave currently is Breyers No Sugar Added Neopolitan. But if I splurge I usually go soft serve
  • My trainer eats bars and shakes and she isn't trying to bulk up-just stay in shape. I eat a bar in the am B4 my hard core days and if I am hungry in the afternoon between lunch and dinner, I will eat a shake. I only get about 100 protein a day though, so I may not be that helpful...the bar and shake are about 1/2 my daily…
  • The best ones I have found so far are Taste of Home Diet Comfort Food Cookbooks. I have to make food that doesn't taste diet so that my husband will actually enjoy it as well. 95% of the recipes I have tried have been delicious, and easy to make for the most part. They are usually 400 calories or under. They have snacks,…
  • I bought a lot of things that had drawstring waists and such. I also bought inexpensive clothes on sale. For instance, I just bought a cute tank (got several comments on it the 1st time I wore it) from Kmart for $6 the other day. I like the thrift store idea too, but as I am still on the cusp of plus size, it is hard to…
  • Be VERY careful with this. If you have one that lasts longer than a few minutes it could be a blood clot. TRUST me on this. I had one that lasted for a couple days-I thought it was a pulled muscle.....I ended up with so many clots in my leg and lungs I almost died and had "the most impressive lung scan he'd ever seen" said…
  • I have always had a weight issue which led to a self esteem issue as well. After HS I lost like 50lbs and for the first and only time in my memory didn't have a belly. I maintained for a few yrs and then met my hubby and adopted his bad habits. Since we met I had gained all together 90lbs with a pregnancy and quitting…
  • FYI-most of the time you can make a shake with minimal to no sugar, but protein bars do tend to have a lot of sugar-at least most of the ones that taste good do. I prefer the shakes myself and use the recipes I found on here that include fat free cottage cheese, water, whey & soy powder and then a lot of them use sugar…
  • I found this info on here which I thought was VERY helpful!!! I hope it helps you as well
  • I quit smoking in August because I had a Pulmonary Embolism. It was very hard especially since my hubby stills smokes. I was told if I wanted to live I had to quit. The emboli was so severe the vascular surgeon said my lungs will never be the same. 1 thing I did was use the patches for the first 3 weeks and I changed mine…
  • Mine was when I went in the hospital because I was having trouble breathing. They found my lungs full of clots, as well as my right leg. I had visits from a general physician, a pulmonologist, a vascular surgeon and a cardiologist. I was told if I didn't loose the weight, quit smoking and stop taking anything with estrogen…
  • i am about to start level 2 of the 30DS and I do have to say that some of the stuff is hard on my knees and such. Even though she says to not modify the jumping jacks I find I have to for about 1/2 of them. Other than that, so far I am happy. Not looking forward to the planks and burpees in level 2 though;)LOL
  • When we got ours (and any animal we've had) we have given it a couple days after we bring them home and name them for their personality. They don't really recognize their names until 6 mos anyway. Our Pug is named Ruby since she was a little spit fire and Ember wasn't quite fitting.
  • My Dr and a trainer I consult with have told me to weigh myself in the am before I consume beverage or food. Otherwise you can have water weight..
  • I have cheat specifics I guess. Once every 2 weeks I have a dessert-anything I want. And once every 2 weeks I eat one meal that I don't care about the calories. I also LOOOOVVVVEEE Frap type drinks, so once a month I get a low fat one. Otherwise, if I crave chocolate, I eat a mini candy bar instead of a reg size one and so…
  • While a lot of people have had a lot of unhelpful things to say to your post, I will tell you my story which is very similar in some regard. I am trying to loose at least 80lbs total and still have quite a bit to go. I started on my journey shortly after being in the hospital for a life threatening ailment. I was told that…
  • I thought I was the only one in this boat-I guess not;) Anyone feel free to add me. I am a stay at home mom of an 18 mos old and had a c-section (2 mos early). Part of the weight is from that, part from being fat all my life, part from quitting smoking, and part from a serious health issue last year. I started at 255 and…
  • Thanks for posting this!! I started it today as well to help give me a little boost to fit into a dress for a wedding:) I started working out reg in Oct. and am now almost the same weight and height as you are. From what I have gathered, those who start out weighing more, tend to see more tangible results....we'll see I…
  • I smoked until I had my Pulmonary Embolism in Aug. I was told to quit smoking, quit taking birth control and loose weight or I wouldn't live to see my son grow up. Quite a wake up call...It was hard as my husband still smokes, but I did it.
  • I think my biggest challenge is that when I do not have either my body or brain in motion, I get bored and want to eat. I have tried to combat that with Gum. I have about 6 different flavors and try that before I reach for food. Doesn't always work, but it does at least 70% of the time...
  • HI! I would love to join the group and get some TLC from people going through a similar experience. I have gained my weight over about 14 yrs after moving in with my husband (he used to do all the cooking and liked to eat dinner at bout 10pm and it was always high fat like hamburgers and fried potatoes) and add to that a…
  • One thing you need to make sure you are doing as well is that you are eating something high protein before you work out. You need to feed your muscles to get them to work for you. Also, make sure your meals are balanced. That is where people make mistakes. If the small meals are working for you great, but they just need to…
  • If you are doing the poses correctly and flowing, then yes you can burn calories. Also, there are some more challenging poses or modifications you can do for more of a workout. I sweat during certain parts of my class and so do others. The stretching helps me to sleep better and I am really relaxed afterwards. Maybe it was…