

  • YUM! Me too! I'm a pumpkin fiend - but I never thought of adding it to oatmeal. You just use pumpkin puree?
  • A tbsp of homemade cranberry sauce, 1oz of dark chocolate chips, and slivered almonds. SO delicious!
  • Wow! What a change!! You look great Sweetie! Keep it up!
  • Hey Doll! So glad you joined me here! It will kick your butt trying to stay within your daily calories, but you'll get used to it!
  • HA! I just downloaded the ap for this a while back and planned on starting it very soon! I'd love to have someone else to help keep me on track! Add me if you're interested in doing it together. I've heard amazing things about the program.
  • Love both, but right now we only have a cat. (Althought she's quite the handful at the moment with her teenager attitude.) We've had the worst luck with dogs recently, so we won't be getting another probably until the kids are off to college. :tongue: Oh, we also have 3 fish!
  • I don't know how much the kids can help with this, but I'm making this baked peach and blueberry oatmeal for my family this weekend. Love the idea above with the wontons! I've done something similair (bacon wrapped eggs) but I love the idea of putting them…
  • I'm up and on my treadmill by 4am and work out on an empty stomach. As soon as I'm done I down 16oz of water while making my latte (my daily cheat!). I consume my latte while getting ready for the day, then prep breakfast and take it with me to the office. It works GREAT for me. I think you just have to find what works for…
  • At the very least, take a Midol and go for a walk. Don't allow yourself to lay around for a week. I know it's hard and you're probably tired and cramping - but you're creating a pattern that you're obviously unhappy with. If your periods are affecting your life in SUCH a major way, maybe you should speak with your Dr. Best…
  • Hey Sweetie. I'm kind of the same way. A bit scared to let everyone critique my eating. But I think you're right - maybe that's what we need. I have two little ones and I work full-time. Working out can be such a chore, but believe it or not - my alarm goes off at 3:50am, I'm up and dressed by 4 and on the treadmill. It…
  • Probably pineapple. Funny because I HATED pineapple growing up. Nothing like a fresh, sweet pineapple! I love grapefruit, but am currently on Zocor for cholesterol, so I guess I'm not supposed to have it. Yikes! Love honeycrisp apples, green grapes, and bananas as well.
  • Hey Tara! I have recently jumped on the Truvia bandwagon and have no complaints! I have not yet tried baking with it, but I have added it to my grapefruit in the morning as well as bowls of sliced strawberries and mixed berries. I absolutely love it! It doesn't take much to sweeten and I haven't noticed any odd aftertaste.…