

  • Try this link for finding your target heart rate...according to its calculation for me...and I am 34 may be surprised! My target heart rate is 130 - 158.
  • Have you tried natural sugar substitutions like stevia and xylitol? Be careful adjusting to the xylitol because it can also be a natural laxative if used excessively when your body is not used to kind of have to gradually work your way up to larger doses but it, unlike sugar has many health benefits (used in…
  • Got a possible easy fix for ya! Talk to your doctor or do some research online but my sister tried this for her son who is less than 2 years old and he has went from having to take MiraLax on a daily basis to just this. My husband and I have been trying various natural sugar substitutes for a while now...our favorite as…
  • If you do a little more research, you'll find that not ALL foods create an acidic environment...some actually neutralize our bodies. Unfortunately the symptoms can be very similar so it is extremely important that we diagnose our problem correctly. Some people create too much stomach acid, some not enough!
  • Forget the doctors honey! My husband went to the doctor roughly 10 years ago about heartburn...not even as constant as yours. He was put on an acid refulx medication...when that one stopped working, they put him on another, then another, then increased his dosage from one a day to 2 a day when they were out of options.…