I am addicted to sugar

I am trying to lose some weight, but my addiction to sugar is the main problem. My husband is a chef, so we cook almost everyday at home. We don't eat red meat, pork and hardly any packaged processed foods. We eat a lot of different veggies and fruits, but dessert is my problem. I don't allow my family to eat a lot of chemicals like sweeteners, margarine, or salt. So I need help figuring out how to still enjoy our meals and lose weight too.


  • Tell the hubby to stop making desserts :) I know, easier said than done. Slowly ween yourself off, and towards natural sugars - fruits and yogurt. Then, start having dessert every other night, and increase that each week until you are just haivng dessert once a week. Your body will adjust and you will stop craving the sugar.
  • I joined Overeaters anonymous. I am addicted to sugar also,. It is a miracle, but I have been sugar free for 7 months now.
  • Small portions is the key. I have a sweet tooth and I cannot stress just how much I adore desserts...so instead of abstaining 100% from it, I indulge in small tiny portions. :)

    EDIT: I mainly eat fruits (for example, like an apple or a handful of grapes) when I feel like snacking on something sweet.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • I really am addicted to sugar and had to cut it out completely from my life--the same as an alcoholic would with alcohol...it's easier said than done, but I'm so glad I did. My life has changed, in a very good way, without it. My desserts are pieces of fresh fruit and I love it!
  • I can imagine being sugar free, I don't think we have overeateres meetings here, I live in Bloomington, IN. I don't even no where to begin. I cannot do chemical sweeteners, so not sure how to do it.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    One of the best ways to transition off of traditional desserts is to start using fruit for dessert. Here's a great substitute for apple crisp:

    1) One apple
    2) Spray butter
    3) Lemon juice
    4) Non-fat greek yogurt (vanilla)
    5) Flax seed or other seedy for topping (or nuts like walnuts or almonds)
    6) Cinnamon

    Sautee apple slices in spray butter and a splash of lemon juice (just a bit) over low heat until browned. Sprinkle a little cinnamon on top before removing from the pan. Plate and top with a spoonful of non-fat greek yogurt and seeds or nuts for crunch.


    Gradually, you'll want to save dessert for special occasions rather than every day.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Sugar free candy 7.5 calories(lifesavers are the best), crystal light 5 calories, grapes 100 calories per cup, fat free ice cream 90 calories for a 1/2 cup, blood orange sorbet(Ciao Bella) 60 calories for a 1/2 cup, no sugar added 40 cal fudge pops are all key for me. I don't think I will ever stop eating chocolate or dessert and honestly I am totally okay with that. Its not about eating "all or nothing" its about compromising and changing the type of foods you eat. This is not a diet, its a lifestyle. :)
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Portions are your problem. I eat sugar and desserts, I just can eat all the desserts.
  • I feel your pain. I have learned that I simply cannot have sugar -- not in any amount. Just a tiny bit sends me in to a downward spiral. Almost 3 months ago my husband and I started eating "clean". So we only use natural sweeteners (no fake stuff, no white enriched). Google "Clean Eating" or get Tosca Reno's new book, "Just the Rules" to get an overview of clean eating. www.thegraciouspantry.org has a Clean Eating 101 section.

    Most days I treat myself to a Lara Bar. They are just nuts, dates, and spices (and the occasional chocolate chip). Love them.

    By the way, I run a dessert business out of my home so I am often making evil desserts and cookies for others, just not for us.

    Good luck!
  • Have you tried natural sugar substitutions like stevia and xylitol? Be careful adjusting to the xylitol because it can also be a natural laxative if used excessively when your body is not used to it...you kind of have to gradually work your way up to larger doses but it, unlike sugar has many health benefits (used in Trident gum to help fight and prevent cavities!). Do a little research, I use it to make homemade pies and apple butter and even sweeten my tea!
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member
    I am a buddy too. since 3/12/11....my addiction is bad carbs (breads, pastas and etc...) .

    It is the only program that has had results with me....One day at a time...WAHOO!
  • to sharijoy; I am a baker as well, i don't usually eat the desserts I make but its hard to be around. I find that the sugar drags me down makes me tired. I appriciate all the comments I will look into the natural sweeteners, just really don't want to substitute one evil for another because of the chemicals in sweeteners.
  • there are OA meetings all over the states. If you follow the program even disgruntled in the beginning, it can work..God bless you
  • Here is my sugar free, sweet crutch

    peel and chop an over ripened banana and freeze it in a sandwich bag

    Get a pint glass, put 1/4 cup of all bran buds at the bottom
    put the banana in the blender with about a cup of milk, a dash of cinnamon and a wee bit of vanilla extract
    make it think
    pour in the pint glass and mix

    It helps me to think that the all bran is nuts and the banana is icecream while i eat it :)
  • that sounds great!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    agave nectar is my new love.