Any other IBS sufferers?



  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    This is all very interesting. I've been having some problems with gas and bloating lately, but have not been diagnosed with IBS.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Vet- What are bitters?

    Swedish Bitters is an herbal elixer that basically, stimulates the gall bladder which produces bile, which then flushes through the ducts of the liver, cleansing it in the process, of wastes, toxins and accumulated debris. This action, generally, will also initiate a bowel movement.

    You take 1-2 tsp (I think - check label) with your meals until you go. Stay near a restroom. Never tried it myself so I can not attest to the results. "They" (the proverbial they) say it works like magic! :smile:

    I missed one day of my flax seed meal & no bm for me - made me realize how very important that "dose" is! :laugh:
  • 612michelle
    612michelle Posts: 4 Member
    I have IBS but usually the opposite problem. I would eat and have to run to a bathroom, which becomes very embarrassing. I saw a specialist that looked at the food I was eating and we did a test to find I had a large amount of bacteria in my stomach. I not take Florastor. It has really made a difference. I do not have to worry about what I eat and how stressed I am so much now.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Just Googling Ground Flax Seed and found out that I DO need to refrigerate it! Something to keep in mind if you start using it. Will be picking up a new bag this weekend.
  • HotMommy0609
    HotMommy0609 Posts: 224
    I have Ulcerative Colitis. It's like IBS, but a lot worse. You should really try probiotics. They were an important part of helping me to achieve remission with my UC. A probiotic supplement will help balance your gut flora. A good one to try is Align. Hope you get relief soon. :flowerforyou:
  • Got a possible easy fix for ya! Talk to your doctor or do some research online but my sister tried this for her son who is less than 2 years old and he has went from having to take MiraLax on a daily basis to just this. My husband and I have been trying various natural sugar substitutes for a while now...our favorite as far as flavor comparison by far has been Xylitol. You'll probably recall the name from the sweetener used in Trident gum (it's actually shown to be healthy for your teeth!). When we got our first bag, we made some cool-aid (it has a 1:1 ratio, so its easy to use). After having two large glasses (roughly 24oz.) after a day of washing vehicles in the hot sun, I found that it was really making my stomach churn lol...wasn't funny at the time. Husband then recalls reading something about a daily dosage limit (wish he would have recalled that a little sooner lol) being around one to two teaspoons! I think I was in the bathroom for most of the remainder of that evening! I told my sister about it and we laughed but all joking aside she was uncomfortable with having to force medication into her son daily so that he could use the bathroom, so I suggested that she try a tsp a day in his juice or cool-aid. It started working immediately, a little too immediately at first, but once his system adjusted to it....well she hasn't had to give him the medication since and he is regular now! Maybe you should try's natural and good for your teeth...what could it hurt? You can purchase it in most vitamin or health food stores. Start slow and increase as needed and I think you'll see a change. I still use it all the time by the way...I'm a big sweet tea drinker so I make a jug of tea and have a glass with dinner...couldn't have my sweet tea without it! I'm just a little more careful now with how much I consume in a days time. Hope this helps you :smile:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I too have ibs, but mine switches back and forth between constipation and diarrhea . thanks for all these tips I will have to try them. I have noticed that milk makes it worse.....
  • I to suffer from IBS. Mine is the diarrhea side of things and have found just recently that Digestive Advantage for IBS is AMAZING!! I to have tired just about every medicine out there! I found that while i was pregnant I was super regular but now that im breast feeding it makes it worse. I was going 10 to 15 times a day. I was miserable.
    My daughter actually has constipation regularly (hasnt been diagnosed with IBS but she is just 19 months.) But we have found Mirilax to be alife saver as well. I give it to her once a day and she is great. I miss a day and she is bound for days. Its a ton to deal with. I have noticed certain foods set my IBS off to its all about balancing the bad with the good.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Soo, I've been completely miserable this week. Unable to work out other than a little bit of yoga and walking. My stomach has bloated up to look 7 months pregnant. I am so uncomfortable and drained. I seem to get MORE hungry when I feel like this and yesterday I had a "screw it" attitude and ate a bunch of junk, went waaaay over my calories, and felt better today.......????

    Has anyone taken Psyllium to help with their IBS?
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I've been dealing with this for about 10 years. I take acidophilus (sp?) and a shot of aloe juice once a day. I am also better since I started exercising everyday. I have also noticed that since I eat less, I feel better. I was once put on paxil for a while to manage stress, since that is a MAJOR factor with IBS. Every few months I will do an organic detox/cleanse. I have learned over the years that it is very possible to control it without meds. YAY!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    My daughter actually has constipation regularly (hasnt been diagnosed with IBS but she is just 19 months.) But we have found Mirilax to be alife saver as well. I give it to her once a day and she is great. I miss a day and she is bound for days. Its a ton to deal with. <
    was supposed to be a quote

    Please watch your daughter carefully with her constipation. My poor daughter had the same problem from infancy til she was about 7. I couldn't get her potty trained with her poops and she was so miserable for sooo long. She had every test in the book and no one could tell us what was wrong. Miralax was the only thing that seemed to level her out and give her "regular" poos. My poor girl :frown: She is 8 now and somehow it has just worked itself out and she's fine. She still asks for a little miralax when she hasn't gone for a few days. I really hope she doesn't end up as messed up like I am.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Miralax isn't doin it for me... I've been taking 1 full dose for a week and a half now and nothing. I will continue on it and my doctor actually said I should take 2 full doses per day... But, I just bought Konsyl Psyllium Fiber and have been researching it online and seems like it might be helpful. Any thoughts on that?
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    My son was just diagnosed with gluten intollerance. I've been reading a lot. Many of the symptoms that I'm hearing from folks with IBS fit the range of options for gluten issues. For those who don't know, gluten damaged the small intestines of those with an intollerance. Over time it can lead to MANY issues, constipation, infertillity, depression, intestinal issues, development of new allergies, malnutition, fibromyalga (sp?), achy joints, muscular pain, etc... From what I understand, it's not a true allergy, because it's a genetic condition. The rest of my family will be soon getting tested as well. Either my husband or I or both have at least the carrier gene.

    We'd been seeing a food allergist (reportedly one of the best clinics in the country) for 3 years and no one mentioned gluten. Only when we went to a DO did she do the test and find the sensitivity. The test he took can be purchased online. So for the curious, you don't have to go to the doctor. However, it would be beneficial to seek medical advice if it turns out possitive. Here's the link...
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    I currently have IBS-D, but I had IBS-C for all of my childhood and most of my young-adulthood. Isn't it great that it can completely SWITCH? You have one problem then wish you had the other... well, be careful what you wish for LOL.

    I had the same problem when my IBS was constipation-prodominant. I had to drink TONS of Milk of Magnesia just to go once a week. It was crazy. When I was a child it was even worse, especially considering (and not getting way too personal) I had a mother who literally couldn't have cared if I lived or died. It got so bad sometimes I wouldn't go for literally weeks at a time, and then would end up in the ER because my body would finally be like I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE and I would have a strong urge to pass a stool, but couldn't at all. My childhood IBS gave me a horrible complex about my body functions, body image, health, privacy, all sorts of things. So I know EXACTLY where you are coming from.

    I may not be much help since I'm now an IBS-D sufferer. But I can tell you what seemed to help me when I got old enough to manage my own IBS-C.

    First, when you're constipated for a long time, your intestine actually stretches to accomodate the stool. It's a vicious cycle. The more constipated you are, the more constipated you get. What you have to do is be regular or semi-regular for a long time, like weeks or better yet, months. Talk to a GI specialist and get on a laxative regimine so that you pass soft/normal stools regularly. Yeah, you might have a bit of D here and there, but you need to let your intestines get back to their normal shape, and condition your rectal nerves and muscles to signal you when you need to go. After a long time of C, there's always some stool in your rectum, so the nerves think it's "normal" and don't even signal you to go anymore.

    Once you've done that, it'll be easier to stay regular. Most fiber supplements are complete bunk and only work for people who are regular who get C once in a while. For the rest of us, as you've found, all they do is give you gas. Stool softeners worked for me better than fiber did. Also, and no doctor will tell you this: alcohol. Don't binge or develop a drinking problem or anything, but I found ONE beer at night helped things move along a bit. Alcohol is absorbed by intestinal cells, so they absorb less water. The water goes into your stool and keeps it softer. I know calories are a concern, but any beer would work, even the watered down 65 calorie stuff or anything like that. Again, do NOT make a habit of this. It's not good. But one drink every few days won't hurt you either.

    There is one laxative that helped me and that was MaltSupex or something like that. No gas, and kept things moving once I got back to being regular. Tastes pretty decent too, but it is kind of expensive.
  • Miralax isn't doin it for me... I've been taking 1 full dose for a week and a half now and nothing. I will continue on it and my doctor actually said I should take 2 full doses per day... But, I just bought Konsyl Psyllium Fiber and have been researching it online and seems like it might be helpful. Any thoughts on that?

    Miralax didn't work for me either. Neither did Metamucil, which is a Psyllium Fiber. I've delt with IBS-C my whole life.

    You should try Citrucel. I've been taking this for years and it's been a lifesaver. I used to take Zelnorm and it worked beautifully and I pretty much panicked when it went off the market. But I take a scoop of Citrucel every morning before breakfast and I go every single day. It tastes like orange tang, and the first few weeks I was pretty gassy, but I'm telling you, give it a chance. It works.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member

    I may not be much help since I'm now an IBS-D sufferer. But I can tell you what seemed to help me when I got old enough to manage my own IBS-C.

    First, when you're constipated for a long time, your intestine actually stretches to accomodate the stool. It's a vicious cycle. The more constipated you are, the more constipated you get. What you have to do is be regular or semi-regular for a long time, like weeks or better yet, months. Talk to a GI specialist and get on a laxative regimine so that you pass soft/normal stools regularly. Yeah, you might have a bit of D here and there, but you need to let your intestines get back to their normal shape, and condition your rectal nerves and muscles to signal you when you need to go. After a long time of C, there's always some stool in your rectum, so the nerves think it's "normal" and don't even signal you to go anymore.

    Once you've done that, it'll be easier to stay regular. Most fiber supplements are complete bunk and only work for people who are regular who get C once in a while. For the rest of us, as you've found, all they do is give you gas.

    THANK YOU! This makes sense to me! WHY couldn't my doctor explain that to me! He has recommended I take 2 doses of Miralax along with 1 bottle of Magnesium Citrate daily. Why he would not answer me how long, or if I should do it the rest of my life, is beyond me. I'm going to start on that regime and follow up with him in a couple weeks.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Miralax isn't doin it for me... I've been taking 1 full dose for a week and a half now and nothing. I will continue on it and my doctor actually said I should take 2 full doses per day... But, I just bought Konsyl Psyllium Fiber and have been researching it online and seems like it might be helpful. Any thoughts on that?

    Miralax didn't work for me either. Neither did Metamucil, which is a Psyllium Fiber. I've delt with IBS-C my whole life.

    You should try Citrucel. I've been taking this for years and it's been a lifesaver. I used to take Zelnorm and it worked beautifully and I pretty much panicked when it went off the market. But I take a scoop of Citrucel every morning before breakfast and I go every single day. It tastes like orange tang, and the first few weeks I was pretty gassy, but I'm telling you, give it a chance. It works.

    Is Citrucel just a fiber supplement?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    First, when you're constipated for a long time, your intestine actually stretches to accomodate the stool. It's a vicious cycle. The more constipated you are, the more constipated you get. What you have to do is be regular or semi-regular for a long time, like weeks or better yet, months. Talk to a GI specialist and get on a laxative regimine so that you pass soft/normal stools regularly. Yeah, you might have a bit of D here and there, but you need to let your intestines get back to their normal shape, and condition your rectal nerves and muscles to signal you when you need to go. After a long time of C, there's always some stool in your rectum, so the nerves think it's "normal" and don't even signal you to go anymore.
    So true. I tried to tell a bunch of people on here months ago about their intestines can STRETCH 2-5 times their normal size. People wonder why some people's stomachs are so big, yet they are not fat. (Reminds me of the ole beer belly gut).

    We have over 16 feet of small intestines inside of us. When it stretches and has to accomodate stools from previous meals, it covers the insides of the small intestines and can prevent the villi from absoring the nutrients out of the food as it passes through the digestive system.

    I had people on here dis-agreeing with me that when people are constipated and they don't go every day, that once they go, all the backed up stools exit in one BM. Ha, don't we wish.

    Colonoscopy only looks at the last 6 feet of our BIG intestine (our colon). What about the 16 feets of small intestines that are digesting the food. This area is an area that people get cramps because their intestine can stretch in one spot, but it gets squeezed smaller in other spots not allowing spools to pass through.

    AwMyLoLo - I've read some of your posts - I hope you get some answers soon.
    I can't remember what else I suggested to him but I assume the colonoscopy was the final straw that would have shown anything physically wrong... They officially diagnose IBS when they have ruled out everything else.
    That doesn't surprise me at all. They can't find anything wrong, let's officially call it IBS.

    I've taken herbal products that help eliminate waste from the digestive system. THEY DO WORK. I went from going once every 1-2 days to 3 times a day and empting my colon. Great feeling when you know you've emptied, compared to that feeling that.. "I know there's more there but not coming out, or even worse, you sit there and constipated and nothing comes out but a pebble. Been there, done that.

    I hate to see people suffer when there's options out there. Negativity always seems to come from people who don't have any bowel problems when I've mentioned this previously.

    I've been taking these products for years. I've had a friend who was an IBS sufferer, and she became more regular after taking the herbs.

    Awareness Experience
    Experience Promotes Regularity and Cleanses the Colon.* A healthy colon is the key to nutrient absorption and regularity. This Mediterranean recipe is a natural vegetarian blend.
    Important Benefits:
    • Works gently and quickly*
    • Improves Regularity and Cleanses the Colon*
    • Vegetarian and natural
    • 100 year-old Mediterranean recipe
    • Clinically tested
    • Listed in the 2009 Physicians' Desk Reference for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements.

    If you’re suffering from bloating, gas, heartburn and constipation, you may benefit from Experience®. This natural, vegetarian blend gently and effectively cleanses the colon and improves regularity. For generations, this 100-year-old Mediterranean recipe has been proven to work. *
  • Miralax isn't doin it for me... I've been taking 1 full dose for a week and a half now and nothing. I will continue on it and my doctor actually said I should take 2 full doses per day... But, I just bought Konsyl Psyllium Fiber and have been researching it online and seems like it might be helpful. Any thoughts on that?

    Miralax didn't work for me either. Neither did Metamucil, which is a Psyllium Fiber. I've delt with IBS-C my whole life.

    You should try Citrucel. I've been taking this for years and it's been a lifesaver. I used to take Zelnorm and it worked beautifully and I pretty much panicked when it went off the market. But I take a scoop of Citrucel every morning before breakfast and I go every single day. It tastes like orange tang, and the first few weeks I was pretty gassy, but I'm telling you, give it a chance. It works.

    Is Citrucel just a fiber supplement?

    Yes, but for me it works, when Miralax and Metamucil didn't. I know they use cellulose (plant-based) to help add bulk, but you'd have to google it to get all the active ingredients. Here's a link to all the people who swear by it. (And no, I don't work for them, lol):
  • SkinnyBoo
    SkinnyBoo Posts: 4 Member
    My IBS is just the opposite. I have IBS-D, but fiber is still an issue for me. I've been told that even though I go sometimes four and five times a day (most of which are ecruciatingly painful), I still need to load up on fiber to remain regular and prevent the stomach cramps. I have been unsuccessful at achieving any type of relief from my symptoms except with RX I receive from my doctor. I am currently taking hyosamine and lomotil. they work sporatically and are expensive so I only take them when I have to.
    My husband takes two huge spoonsfuls of Metamucil EVERY NIGHT before he goes to bed to regulate himself - he doesn't have IBS. I personally can't stand the thickness of it, so my husband bought me the pills. I used them for two nights and I can tell you, they have really made a difference. I haven't gone yet today, but yesterday I went only twice, with no bouts of urgency and no pain.
    Metamucil and Benefiber have both worked for me. I find that Metamucil acts quicker and will normally regulate me by morning. Benefiber is gentler but you may have to wait until the next evening for it to be fully effective. The problem with both of these is if you discontinue either one, you will be miserable all over again.
    A "natural" way to get fiber - cabbage is one of my favorites. I could eat it every day. Wrap a chunk or a thick slice in aluminum foil, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper and onion powder to taste . Make sure aluminum foil is folded into a seal so that cabbage is steamed and place on grill over medium to medium-high heat for appoximately 7-10 mins. No need to flip, it will steam itself inside the foil. To tell if it's done, the cabbage should be still firm but not crunchy. Sprinkle with some parmesean cheese if you like. If you have IBS-C, this works every time. Also, fresh cherries and if you really want to be able to go, fresh pineapple and oranges; just remember to stay near the restroom!
    I know how dehabilitating and embarassing this chronic condition can be. I've been through both and neither one of them is pleasant nor has it been conducive to my career which mostly consists of conducting business out of a vehicle with a very irregular schedule for both working and eating. Good luck to all of you who suffer from either IBS-C or IBS-D. Just remember, excercise and lots of fresh cool water will go a long way.
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