czarina127 Member


  • Hi, What I have learned is that a beer belly is underlying fat. You know the kind that is hard with muscle on the outside yet is still fat. That is central fat or omentum which is closer to your organs so it can be dangerous. I have read that can be more likely lost by not eating white flour, high fructose corn sryup and…
  • I am so happy to see everyone here encouraging each other. I wish I made more time to keep up and post more often. I do read as often as I can and this is the 1st board I hit when I am reading. I am thankful to see people like me. I love to hear about everyone's success. And it is nice to know I am not the only one who…
  • I have lost 65 of the 165 I need to lose and I have quite a bit of excess skin. I have been losing slowly. That 65 is over 2 years. I think I am probably going to need surgery. In my opinion, everyone is different. You may need it, you may not. I hate to say just wait and see but that's what I am doing. I complained to a…
  • I like to remind people that we (as in humans ) have not been eating processed foods for very long. Honey has been around ALOT longer. It a good idea to feed your body what it knows. Good luck with the stressful life. You deserve to take care of you too. May I suggest involving your kids in excercise? Take a walk with your…
  • Welcome Orphedian, It's nice to see new (and familar) faces. It's nice to have one more point of view. Looking forward to hearing more successes. I know I need some inspiring.
  • It's that continually getting back on track that's the hard part. You can do it! I know for me I alway just want to give up. But I keep going because I don't want to be back where I was.
  • Veggies and salsa. Who needs corn chips when you have carrots, celery, green peppers?
  • my prayers are with you. I lost my cousin this fall and I watched her go from a jolly younger version of me to that skeleton you mentioned. She fought against her weight her whole life until she got sick then was just trying to keep it on. I have no clue the pain you go through everyday but I hope my thoughts and prayers…
  • For lunch I like salsa and veggies in place of corn chips like carrots and celery. That keeps well in the car and isn't bad if it's not cold. Salsa is kind of a go to food for me, I put it in soup or on salad 10 cal for a tablespoon. I also love hummus it's has good fat and is filling. I am still working on quick…
  • I am up for a Hike! If I can't make it, I'll have my own victory hike here in Michigan. May I suggest you measure your waist, Falcon. Nothing like those inches disappearing to inspire you. Also I am not a big fan of no pain no gain. You might try those walking videos you can control the impact more. I do them you feel it…
  • Eye of the Tiger worked for Rocky and it works for me!
  • My best friend asked me to be in her wedding. My first thought was 'No.' Because I didn't want to be in her pictures and she look back and think about how fat I am. So I went on a diet right away and promised I would fit into the dress she picked. Many of the dresses didn't go up to my size at the time even if they came in…
  • So I would like to hear about your goals that keep you going. For instance, I am going to have a dance off with my brother-in-law at my niece's wedding. I am going to play with her children and even babysit. My niece is 3 so I have a while to wait but everyday being there for her keeps me going. My selfish(selfish is a…
  • So I wanted to say hi. And let you guys know I would love to join your club... some days I am over 300 some days I am not. But I am sure I share many of the some problems and goals. Besides I am all about very postive motivation. Thanks, Amanda
  • Some times people transfer their own bad feelings about themselves to others. You know that saying about 'you can't see a fault in someone else unless you have it yourself' or something like that. You might suggest your cousin also invite his girlfriend to work out. But no matter what he will be great motivation for you.
  • So this may have been said else where but I did not see it. How do you know when you are in starvation mode? Is it you just feel bad? Or hungry? or slow? Or do you just not know and you have to stay with in your calories? Thanks, Amanda
  • Fitness_chick is right! and in heavier people it takes more food to get that high. When you start it is harder to stop. I would suggest before you go to the freezer go to mfp 1st, and read try to let the feeling pass. Then if you still are hungry have a planned midnight snack. Like Losing_ it plans to stay away from pop…
  • Amare Difli Tdrlas of centurm
  • At home when I can't get out I turn on dance music and have a dance party with my niece. That's a great way to get your kids involved and moving too. I don't know your fitness level but when I first started I did walking videos on demand. I think Walmart also has some. They are easy but not boring. I can't really do dance…
  • My niece, she's 3. I want to go to her high school graduation and sit in the front row. My mom came to my graduation but wasn't able to walk to the front to actually see me. I am going to be at my niece's probably standing on a chair. Being alive 100% not living life from the side lines because I am too fat or embarrassed…
  • Amy, I have been obese and dieting (at least pretending) my whole life too. I weigh 295 now down from 360, just eating clean did that for me. Clean being whole grains, no high fructose corn syrup, no hydrogenated oils. And I started exercising, and not eating too late at night. I am stalled now but I am not giving up! You…
  • Talk her doctor, often there are classes for caregivers that can help teach about the right food choices. But I know it's not fun to eat foods you don't like. I don't know her level of health, but often food can be one of the few joys for homebound people. Of course this does not mean give her sweets. Help her find healthy…