The Over 300 Club



  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Stella, good to have you!
  • Stella, good to have you!
    Thanks my Dear Friend....great to be in a supportive thread where we have much in common:flowerforyou:

    This is a comfy place to be:happy:
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    What a good idea

    I noticed my clothes do look bigger on me then they did back three months ago, so I must be doing something right.

    The digital scale I have at home is completely off from the one at work, it says I'm over 300 and the one at work says I was over three hundred but dropped below that line.

    Considering my clothing is bigger on me now, and I can pull the pants down without unzipping them now speaks the truth that it makes me think the scale at work is more accurate.

    I want to get a bike but have been relunctant because of the amount of weight it says it can handle. 250 at walmart? Can anyone suggest one that is okay? I need something that isn't going to impact the legs as much. I have been doing low blast cardio but I'm starting to feel sore and starting to hurt.
  • czarina127
    czarina127 Posts: 23 Member
    I am up for a Hike! If I can't make it, I'll have my own victory hike here in Michigan.
    May I suggest you measure your waist, Falcon. Nothing like those inches disappearing to inspire you.
    Also I am not a big fan of no pain no gain. You might try those walking videos you can control the impact more. I do them you feel it but less likely to hurt, I have them on demand.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Well I have had one LOOOOONG week! :frown: We finally got the old apt. cleaned and I have made some progress in unpacking in the new one. Sis got the computer hooked up for me too so I can work on my homework for my classes I started last week at home. I am exhausted to say the least and totally blew my eating this week witht eh kitchen being packed up. That is the first thing I unpacked this morning and went to my usual stores to get my healthy foods and I will be back on track tomorrow. So how have things been going for all of you? Hopefully better than for me. I hope to make it to the gym at least 2 times this week. I have class on Tues, Wed, and Sat so I will try to get there some of the other days. Hope you all have a great week!:flowerforyou:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Wow, Amy sounds like a lot going on in your life! Stress is always a bad time for me, it usually means eating the wrong stuff at the worng time for the wrong reasons! Glad to hear you are back on track!
  • czarina127
    czarina127 Posts: 23 Member
    It's that continually getting back on track that's the hard part. You can do it! I know for me I alway just want to give up. But I keep going because I don't want to be back where I was.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Czarina, you are so right. I had an interesting/terrifying experience a few days ago! I had a bad week at work, and as a result, I ate poorly. Not ever going over on calories, but eating at bad times, and not always the best choices. So, at the end of the week, I "rewarded" myself with a cheat day. I almost didn't log my calories that day, but I decided to do it, even though I didn't really want to know the result. So, at the end of the day, when you press the button to indicate you are finished logging, and you get the pop-up that says, "If every day were like today, you would weigh XXX in 5 weeks." right? On that day, my lovely motivational message said if every day were like that, in 5 weeks, I would be back where I started in February when I first joined MFP!! :noway:

    That was a real wake up call! No more cheat days! I learned its way to easy to justify a little extra if you don't allow yourself to know the truth about what you are eating. So, wow, I am back on track!
  • ophedian
    ophedian Posts: 78
    Well hello ladies.... Stand back, eww and aah... :flowerforyou: because here I come. Definitely in the 300 lbs range and coming in to join the club. We can do it ladies, but I am wondering where are the men. Are the no men who are over 300lbs? Hmm... :wink:

    I am doing a modified BFL program. I started last week and I have lost 4lbs. Yeah baby yeah... :drinker: I also love the stationary bicycles.... A very good work with very little impact. I also do some swimming, another good full body workout with very low impact. :smile:

    Welll, to all of us... lets bring in summer looking sexier than we already aah... if that is possible. :blushing:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, Orphedian, welcome to the club! The other men apparently fear us! :wink: Glad to have you with us! Congrats on the 4 lbs lost. One question, what is BFL? :blushing:
  • czarina127
    czarina127 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome Orphedian,
    It's nice to see new (and familar) faces. It's nice to have one more point of view. Looking forward to hearing more successes. I know I need some inspiring.
  • afriesla
    afriesla Posts: 2
    I'm really happy to see this group. Sometimes i feel as if no one really klnows the struggles you face when you get over 300 pounds. Everything is harder, exercising, eating right, controlling those feelings about not being able to do more physically. I'm really glad this is here for our unique set of challenges.

    My biggest problem...convenience food...I think I might quite possibly be addicted to eating in my car while driving thus fast food calls my name...any thoughts?

    I lost about 60 pounds in 2002, getting down to 255 ish, I felt great looked great (I'm 6' so it was carried well over my frame) but I have gained a hundred since then. Until now the heaviest i'd ever been was an even 300, I'm trying to own my weight so I have no problem telling people I'm now at about 350. And i hate it. I am trying to lose my weight becasue I am only 24 and I feel as if I will miss my whole life if I don't get start working now to control my body. I want to join the peace corps after I finish my masters in Education and well we all know how well fat people travel. I have 3 years to reach my goal but admittely give in to the set backs everytime. I'm hoping being able to talk with people who share my struggles will help me stay the course this time.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi, afriesla - glad you joined us! You've got some great goals! Thats really cool about the peace corps!

    I hear you on the convienence food thing! Its evil! :devil: :laugh: :laugh: But seriously, there are a couple of things I have been doing to avoid that, which has always been a downfall of mine, too. First, I used to go ALL DAY without eating, so at the end of the day, driving home, I was fammished, and the drive through is the easiest way to go. So, first thing, don't let yourself get so hungry. That means eating every two to three hours all day long. That takes some planning. You have to take food with you. In fact, I try to take ALL the food I am going to eat, so there is no reason to stop anywhere. If eating in the car is the problem, and not that you have gotten way to hungry, then make sure you have some healthy snacks in the car. I protein bar, some nuts, an apple, or other fruit, and of course plenty of water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: If you are a soft drink junkie, like me - then crystal light in the car. Once you stop for a diet coke (the healthy alternative, right :noway:) then you might as well grab a bag of chips, a burger and fries, etc. so DON"T STOP! Don't even slow down at the drive through! :happy:

    The other thing that is working for me is just pretty much reframing my whole life in terms of the way I think about food and eating. I am not dieting, I am living. You are so right about letting life pass you by! Don't let it happen! Let the people that love you help you with this, because I found for myself, I can't do it alone. But, its so gratifying to know that so many people love me and are excited for the changes I am making. It keeps me going. Also, this website is a GREAT motivator! I love that I can come here any time, post a question or problem, or just vent and someone will care enought to respond, and provide encouragement, support and knowledge. I love MFP!

    Hope that helps! Take care, talk to you soon!
  • YankeesGirl
    YankeesGirl Posts: 1,359
    I'm so sad that I missed signing up for this group!!! I am totally in and want to go back and read everyone's posts!!

    A little about me ... I'm a 35 year old who has been overweight my entire life (weighed 200 lbs in 8th grade!) I started really working on it about 7 weeks ago while I was at my peak of 316 lbs. Now I'm down to 298! So I've really been trying hard.

    I am a type 2 diabetic who spent the last 7 years with uncontrolled blood sugar. This has caused way to many problems (including diabetic neuropothy) and I'm just sick and tired of it. So here I am - ready ... willing ... and able to kick this in the *kitten*!

    I'm here with all of you pledging to beat it and will be here to support everyone!!!

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hey, YankeesGirl, I've been wondering what you've been up to! Good to see you again! :bigsmile: Congrats on the weight loss! Wonderful that you are below 300!!! Good job!!! What's working for you? Glad to have you on the thread!

    :heart: Kristi
  • YankeesGirl
    YankeesGirl Posts: 1,359
    Hi Kristi!!! :flowerforyou:

    Right now .... what's been working for me is just sheer stubborness and determination. Right now my will is strong ... however LOL knowing my past ... well I'm not thinking about my past!! Onward and upward right (or downward in this case!) hehe

    Guess what??? I fit into a pair of jeans that I bought 2 years ago (and I bought them a size smaller because I was determined back then too) but I fit into them today and let me tell you ... I look hot!! LOL at least I think so and that is all that matters!!!! :blushing:

    Good to be here ... I'm really glad I found all of you!!!!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Yay!!! Happy dance for you!!! a18c2ee42eeee54c2f638c6df3fe9dd8.gif

    Good job! When you're strong, your strong, and when you aren't - reach out for help! Thats what we all need to do!
  • I think this thread is great! It is wonderful to see so many people who are in similar situations to me doing so well and supporting each other. :love:

    I am a single 32 year old woman, and for the last 2 years have been the heaviest of my life at 320lbs. Currently I am planning to have gastric bypass, and have been doing the diet and exercise plan to help lose weight and be healthier for the surgery. For the first time in my life I have lost 29 lbs on a diet and not been miserable the entire time:happy: .

    Reading the previous posts here has made me feel really positive about how us extra large people can work it out too. Thanks all of you.
  • YankeesGirl
    YankeesGirl Posts: 1,359
    I think this thread is great! It is wonderful to see so many people who are in similar situations to me doing so well and supporting each other. :love:

    I am a single 32 year old woman, and for the last 2 years have been the heaviest of my life at 320lbs. Currently I am planning to have gastric bypass, and have been doing the diet and exercise plan to help lose weight and be healthier for the surgery. For the first time in my life I have lost 29 lbs on a diet and not been miserable the entire time:happy: .

    Reading the previous posts here has made me feel really positive about how us extra large people can work it out too. Thanks all of you.

    Wow - that is so great! 29 lbs is awesome!!! :drinker: I thought about having the "surgery" but when I talked it over with my brother he said "Do you think you might want to try sticking to a diet before doing something so drastic" ... so stick I will LOL and see what happens!!! How long have you been dieting to lose the 29 lbs?
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I'm like Yankeesgirl, I have contemplated the surgery, but feel like I need to figure out the underlying problem and get a handle on that, first. Then maybe, we'll see. :drinker:

    Amy, if I remember correctly, you had GBP surgery, right? Or, am I up in the night. Perhaps you could give us the scoop.

    Have a great day kids, talk to you later!

    :bigsmile: Kristi