Why do I enjoy the sick feeling after I binge???

Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
edited September 19 in Success Stories
When I was young, I remember my family members getting up after a good meal, and complaining about how sick they felt. I thought it was so stupid, and I wondered why a person would take something so wonderful and make it cause pain for themselves?I'm down 18 lbs but have gotten stuck there. I don't know if it is psychological, but whenever I lose weight, I get 20 pounds off and then it seems to stop and then I lose patience, start bingeing again and regain about 5-10.

The last three days I have been bingeing at 3 am on chocolate (Dove chocolate almond bars- heart healthy 90 calories each. Since starting mfp my binges aren't as bad (used to be a half bag of Oreos), but Sunday night I ate 5-7 almond bars and couldn't quit until I felt that 'high' or sickish feeling in my stomach. Then in the morning I woke up with that "I'll never eat sweets again" feeling. I ate a late breakfast and managed to compensate for it on Monday.

Last night, I woke up again at 3, headed for the pantry and grabbed 2 - fully intending to return for 2-4 more= but decided to only take 2 at a time. I went to the computer and tried to eat them slowly while I searched mfp for an answer about how to stop myself. I read awhile and the urge went away. This morning I woke up with the SAME sick feeling and I only took 180 calories (or 2 bars). Why do I like this feeling? What has happened to make me enjoy this? What is it?

Now, here I am liking that feeling.... Does anyone know the psychology or physiology of it? Maybe if I can answer these questions, it will help me quit..... :sick:



  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    When I was young, I remember my family members getting up after a good meal, and complaining about how sick they felt. I thought it was so stupid, and I wondered why a person would take something so wonderful and make it cause pain for themselves?I'm down 18 lbs but have gotten stuck there. I don't know if it is psychological, but whenever I lose weight, I get 20 pounds off and then it seems to stop and then I lose patience, start bingeing again and regain about 5-10.

    The last three days I have been bingeing at 3 am on chocolate (Dove chocolate almond bars- heart healthy 90 calories each. Since starting mfp my binges aren't as bad (used to be a half bag of Oreos), but Sunday night I ate 5-7 almond bars and couldn't quit until I felt that 'high' or sickish feeling in my stomach. Then in the morning I woke up with that "I'll never eat sweets again" feeling. I ate a late breakfast and managed to compensate for it on Monday.

    Last night, I woke up again at 3, headed for the pantry and grabbed 2 - fully intending to return for 2-4 more= but decided to only take 2 at a time. I went to the computer and tried to eat them slowly while I searched mfp for an answer about how to stop myself. I read awhile and the urge went away. This morning I woke up with the SAME sick feeling and I only took 180 calories (or 2 bars). Why do I like this feeling? What has happened to make me enjoy this? What is it?

    Now, here I am liking that feeling.... Does anyone know the psychology or physiology of it? Maybe if I can answer these questions, it will help me quit..... :sick:

  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Well, maybe it reminds you somehow of being with your family when you were younger...when they would complain after eating too much food? :flowerforyou: Maybe it's your way to feel close to them again?
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I think it might have to do with having an addictive personality? I don't drink anymore, but I do remember the, "I will never drink again hangovers". It seems that maybe it's related to that. LosingIt, do you enjoy the sick feeling you get when you binge?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    When I was young, I remember my family members getting up after a good meal, and complaining about how sick they felt. I thought it was so stupid, and I wondered why a person would take something so wonderful and make it cause pain for themselves?I'm down 18 lbs but have gotten stuck there. I don't know if it is psychological, but whenever I lose weight, I get 20 pounds off and then it seems to stop and then I lose patience, start bingeing again and regain about 5-10.

    The last three days I have been bingeing at 3 am on chocolate (Dove chocolate almond bars- heart healthy 90 calories each. Since starting mfp my binges aren't as bad (used to be a half bag of Oreos), but Sunday night I ate 5-7 almond bars and couldn't quit until I felt that 'high' or sickish feeling in my stomach. Then in the morning I woke up with that "I'll never eat sweets again" feeling. I ate a late breakfast and managed to compensate for it on Monday.

    Last night, I woke up again at 3, headed for the pantry and grabbed 2 - fully intending to return for 2-4 more= but decided to only take 2 at a time. I went to the computer and tried to eat them slowly while I searched mfp for an answer about how to stop myself. I read awhile and the urge went away. This morning I woke up with the SAME sick feeling and I only took 180 calories (or 2 bars). Why do I like this feeling? What has happened to make me enjoy this? What is it?

    Now, here I am liking that feeling.... Does anyone know the psychology or physiology of it? Maybe if I can answer these questions, it will help me quit..... :sick:

    Brain chemicals are released no different than a person who uses or consumes alcohol... It's one of the reasons bulimics find it so difficult to stop binging or anorexics have difficulty eating, there's a type of high in it, chemically and psychologicically...one gets a high from it, then with the purging your brain also sends signals and again a brain chemical is then released that also gives a high. Does purging make a person feel great...not really but there is a strong power force to continue it because we do something and gain something from it so to speak.

    I don't mean when someone has one drink, I'm talking about when a person goes overboard and has an alcohol issue, food issue, drug issue.... they release very similar chemicals which cause a high in our bodies so the pattern continues.

    I'm sorry I don't have the technical terms in front of me...but our brain has circuits and if we continue to put the same groves in those same circuits the pattern is strongly embedded and that's what makes it so difficult to change our patterns. That's why we sometimes get so confused/upset when we change our behaviour and have such a difficult time even though we feel we're doing everything correctly. It's not simply a bad habit but the release of chemicals that we react to.

    sorry on all the typo's lots on my mind today:cry:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I've never really thought about THAT part of it before, but I guess I do before all the guilt sets in. I've been doing reallllly well lately with the binges. Binges are strange...maybe we can never fully understand them..I've tried. My last binge was over a month ago....and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn triggered it...so I went back and looked in my food log and for some weird *kitten* reason, the days I binged, I've had popcorn 3 out 4 of them. So what's the deal with popcorn for me? I have no clue..but I'm staying away from Orville!!!!:grumble:

    Maybe someone else has better advice than I do.:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    I didn't see your 2nd post until after I posted...:flowerforyou:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    sorry on all the typo's lots on my mind today:cry:

    hope your day gets better FC! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I've never really thought about THAT part of it before, but I guess I do before all the guilt sets in. I've been doing reallllly well lately with the binges. Binges are strange...maybe we can never fully understand them..I've tried. My last binge was over a month ago....and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn triggered it...so I went back and looked in my food log and for some weird *kitten* reason, the days I binged, I've had popcorn 3 out 4 of them. So what's the deal with popcorn for me? I have no clue..but I'm staying away from Orville!!!!:grumble:

    Maybe someone else has better advice than I do.:flowerforyou:
    popcorn by itself is a simple carb which means it turns into sugar as soon as it hits our blood stream... which in turn gets those carb cravings going full blast. If you mix in a bit of protein with your popcorn snack that will help slowdown the process... that's why doing carb/protein meals works so well. The fat in the protein helps us feel satisfied and the protein takes longer to digest and DOESN'T turn directly into sugar..

    I found I had the very same issue with the popcorn until the other night I added some raisins and sliced almonds with it and it turned out to be a great trail mix sort of treat. No cravings then even later ..:drinker:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    sorry on all the typo's lots on my mind today:cry:

    hope your day gets better FC! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
    thanks Healther.. that's very sweet of you:flowerforyou: :cry:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Thanks, FC. I never thought about the simple carb part of it! I'm still not "brave: enough to tackle Orville again. It's easier for me to just say good-bye to him!:laugh:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I've never really thought about THAT part of it before, but I guess I do before all the guilt sets in. I've been doing reallllly well lately with the binges. Binges are strange...maybe we can never fully understand them..I've tried. My last binge was over a month ago....and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn triggered it...so I went back and looked in my food log and for some weird *kitten* reason, the days I binged, I've had popcorn 3 out 4 of them. So what's the deal with popcorn for me? I have no clue..but I'm staying away from Orville!!!!:grumble:

    Maybe someone else has better advice than I do.:flowerforyou:

    popcorn..or just corn can do that...the corn has alot of sugar....the 100 cal snack bags are giving the wrong impression to a lot of people,,,,,the quality of the cals is more important than the number..
    with corn...the body is given a green light and wants more sugar after the taste of it...it is vicious cycle and the body will tell the brain to GIVE ME MORE...and for a person who can binge...a binge will be the result...some can eat one bag of the stuff but for alot of people the trigger gets set off and it becomes a huge battle with the body usually convincing the brain that one more wont hurt...the good thing is to recognize your triggers and avoid them....whomever came up with the 100 cal snack idea is getting rich and we are getting or staying fat.
  • czarina127
    czarina127 Posts: 23 Member
    Fitness_chick is right! and in heavier people it takes more food to get that high. When you start it is harder to stop. I would suggest before you go to the freezer go to mfp 1st, and read try to let the feeling pass. Then if you still are hungry have a planned midnight snack. Like Losing_ it plans to stay away from pop corn prehaps the dove bars are a trigger food for you. Keep in the fight...
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    Thanks, FC. I never thought about the simple carb part of it! I'm still not "brave: enough to tackle Orville again. It's easier for me to just say good-bye to him!:laugh:

    i am giving up my keebler fudge stripes. :cry:
    i would portion them out and eat a serving if i was under my calories as a treat. but i started noticing i was making excuses to go over my calories (between 50-100) just to have them, then i had a few beverages this weekend and when i got home i ate ALL of them! YIKES FUDGE STRIPES! :noway:
    so not going to let myself even be tempted by them anymore, even though they were fun while they lasted. i'll move on to something more healthy yet still satisfying - after i punish myself with nothing for about a week. yea, i know, not the best idea. but hey! i am teaching myself a lesson here! :drinker:
  • fnstqlty
    fnstqlty Posts: 11
    I was obsessed with Mr. Goodbars! I had to have atleast one a day. The week before Christmas, my boyfriend and I made the choice to cut out our weaknesses. No chocolate for me and no fast food for him! It worked... it was a lot easier to overcome these obsesssions together.

    How did I stop eating chocolate? I stopped buying it! If it is not in the house, I can't eat it. I highly doubt you will take a drive at 3AM to grab Dove bars.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I wish I had an answer
    I've been a binger since I went on my first diet in HS
    I can't stand the fact that I binge, but when I'm in the zone, I can't stop and also enjoy that sick/stuffed/gross feeling
    I'm sure there is some emotional/chemical component to it all....but I've yet to figure it out!

    Good luck...hang in there...you're not alone
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    OMG!!!! LosingIt!!!! I have YOUR answer!!! You are allergic to corn!!! My allergist told me that when we consume what we are allergic to, our bodies swell. This is painful, but not for very long...because the body sends out the endorphins to dull the pain it caused. WHICH makes us feel more wonderful than when we started.

    I guess I knew all this but in the 3 months I've been working at it, it slipped my mind.

    I'm allergic to milk, sugar, and corn!!! These ARE the things I binge on.

    Fluconazone... I need to take some to get the overgrowth of yeast out of my tummy again! I will try to find the link and post it.

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I've never really thought about THAT part of it before, but I guess I do before all the guilt sets in. I've been doing reallllly well lately with the binges. Binges are strange...maybe we can never fully understand them..I've tried. My last binge was over a month ago....and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn triggered it...so I went back and looked in my food log and for some weird *kitten* reason, the days I binged, I've had popcorn 3 out 4 of them. So what's the deal with popcorn for me? I have no clue..but I'm staying away from Orville!!!!:grumble:

    Maybe someone else has better advice than I do.:flowerforyou:

    popcorn..or just corn can do that...the corn has alot of sugar....the 100 cal snack bags are giving the wrong impression to a lot of people,,,,,the quality of the cals is more important than the number..
    with corn...the body is given a green light and wants more sugar after the taste of it...it is vicious cycle and the body will tell the brain to GIVE ME MORE...and for a person who can binge...a binge will be the result...some can eat one bag of the stuff but for alot of people the trigger gets set off and it becomes a huge battle with the body usually convincing the brain that one more wont hurt...the good thing is to recognize your triggers and avoid them....whomever came up with the 100 cal snack idea is getting rich and we are getting or staying fat.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    OMG!!!! LosingIt!!!! I have YOUR answer!!! You are allergic to corn!!! My allergist told me that when we consume what we are allergic to, our bodies swell. This is painful, but not for very long...because the body sends out the endorphins to dull the pain it caused. WHICH makes us feel more wonderful than when we started.

    I guess I knew all this but in the 3 months I've been working at it, it slipped my mind.

    I'm allergic to milk, sugar, and corn!!! These ARE the things I binge on.

    Fluconazone... I need to take some to get the overgrowth of yeast out of my tummy again! I will try to find the link and post it.


    I suppose that is possible but I sort of dont buy it..but if that works then go with it
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    OMG!!!! LosingIt!!!! I have YOUR answer!!! You are allergic to corn!!! My allergist told me that when we consume what we are allergic to, our bodies swell. This is painful, but not for very long...because the body sends out the endorphins to dull the pain it caused. WHICH makes us feel more wonderful than when we started.

    I guess I knew all this but in the 3 months I've been working at it, it slipped my mind.

    I'm allergic to milk, sugar, and corn!!! These ARE the things I binge on.

    Fluconazone... I need to take some to get the overgrowth of yeast out of my tummy again! I will try to find the link and post it.

    all those items mentioned are also ones that hit the blood stream pretty quickly and turn into sugars which create a craving for more simple carbs...

    To one it might be an allergy, to another perhaps a carb craving because of the type we're eating..
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