

  • Thank you all for the support! I'm willing to try anything to see results and I know they won't come over night. I have set realistic goals like lose 6 lbs in 3 weeks simple stuff. So I'm gonna try the new changes and lower my days of working out. Although I feel so guilty not working out everyday. I feel like if I have…
  • Thank you guys! This is all very frustrating! I'm not giving up by any means but I'm just ready to see it working! So I started on 1050 calories then was advised to up to 1200 and that's where I'm at now. As for the questions... I am eating all my calories and recording accurately. I pre weigh out all my food before…
  • I'm having the same problem! I am almost 2 weeks in and have actually gained 4 lbs! I exercise 6 days a week and have been watching my foods. Drinking lots of water and just overall being more cautious of what I'm eating. I haven't had any fast food at all or soda. It's kinda frustrating! I do feel a difference in my…
  • I definitely see the change! Even your legs look so healthy! I notices that first! They looked so toned! Is this your first month?
  • Pandora radio has been doing it for me! Since it shuffles around I get the mix of that type of music. I literally go from some days listening to Tool radio, 70s hits, southern hip hop, 90s alternative, pretty lights, and today Sublime radio was working! It just depends on if I'm struggling through my workout. This morning…
  • So what about a vitamin that will help out my metabolism? I thought there were some out there... Tomorrow is my one week so I'm still very new to all things healthy.
  • Gummies huh? That sounds fun! :) but I also here people talking about B and B complex saying it's good for your metabolism. Do you know about those?
  • Hey! Kinda off topic but I'm almost done with my first week too and I'm using the stationary bike as well! I really enjoy it! I feel more burn from it than anything else and man it really is a lot harder than it looks! How is it working for you? My only issue is deciding the effort. Like light, moderate, ect. How are you…
  • Hey I'm Laura and I'm 23. I'm hoping to lose 75 lbs. I know the feeling of everyone our age looking great. Been going for a few days now. We sound like perfect motivation buddies :)
  • Sorry I meant "bringing this to my attention"... Auto check lol :)
  • I just started on Wednesday and my net was super low not that I look at eat but went out of town for the weekend and splurged so my net went as high as 1600. MFP let me set my calories on 1050 so I wasn't too worried. Thanks for bro gong this to my attention! I'm completely new so any advice will be great! I guess in my…
  • I don't feel hungry though. And I'm not trying to hurt myself so when I'm hungry I eat. But I'm also exercising. I do an hour in the morning of cardio and usually a half hour or walk a mile at night. I do go over the 1050 but make It up with the workouts. Do you think I will be more productive by increasing?
  • I'm in the same postition. I set my goal of 1050 calories and at least one hour of cardio. But I feel fine with it. Just the lingering question of is this helping or hindering...
  • Accepted your friend request! I'm really excited having someone with the same goal as me! We can do this! This is the first time I have really ever tried to diet. I have always been overweight but never fully tried! So the backup is much appreciated! :)