Hello everyone,one week later and the plan has started out as I hoped. My son has seen me on the exercise bike over the last week and he wants to ride the bike after me now. I know I will need to find fun ways to exercise to keep him interested. Any idea for any type for exercise that can be fun for a 11 year old. He already plays on two baseball teams and plays football in the fall.


  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    Hey! Kinda off topic but I'm almost done with my first week too and I'm using the stationary bike as well! I really enjoy it! I feel more burn from it than anything else and man it really is a lot harder than it looks! How is it working for you? My only issue is deciding the effort. Like light, moderate, ect. How are you determining?

    As for your son the wii and dance dance revolution might be fun if he has access or maybe one of the old school smaller trampolines. I don't have kids but just an idea. It's really great that he is motivated to exercise cuz you can use him as support! Good luck! :)