Absidey Member


  • You're doing so awesome!
  • You've made such great progress! You looked great for your birthday.
  • I could care less about the makeup or clothes others wear, but I get annoyed by too much scent, be it the guys or girls. When I'm huffing and puffing, cologne/perfume gives me instant snot issues and sinus headache.
  • I love seeing someone reduce the weight after me on the leg press (the only machine that EVER happens). I love seeing my team training classmates outside class getting in just a little extra. There's one woman at my gym who joined almost 2 years ago. She was planning a major hiking excursion with her husband and had over…
  • It's a very blank food; you can really take it whatever direction you like. I like to cook it in broth or stock to give it a bit more flavor before I add other stuff. As a side, I usually add a little bit of hoisin sauce or chili garlic paste for flavor.
    in quinoa? Comment by Absidey August 2012
  • My husband wants a new computer for his bday/Christmas this year, so I'll be daydreaming about parts here soon.
  • I'll be your friend =) I'm doing an official start the first week of September. I've been adding in random phase 1 workouts wherever they fit for about 3 months while I finished out a group class with a personal trainer, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what a full time weight lifting program will do. Just the…
  • I want to drop my daughter off at her grandparents and take an overnight backpacking trip with my husband to this place: Edit: I'd like to take Kate, too, but I don't want to wait for her to be old enough to handle that kind of hike.
  • I watched it too, and it was awful. She held it for a few seconds with her elbow just slightly bent backwards, and I was cringing into my sofa. When she lost control of it and it went totally wrong, ugh. It looked scary as hell. Terribly painful too, I'm sure. Edit: Perhaps I should have looked at the link first. The…
  • The reverse of getting asked if you're pregnant when you're not: I was excited when I crossed the "pregnant not fat" threshold with my daughter. For most of my pregnancy, people would eye me, study my belly, usually decide it was safer to say nothing, and then avoid eye contact. Smart move, but I was still happy when it…
  • This is my favorite. Hilarious. Mine is me hiking up the river in The Narrows in Zion National Park. One of my goals is to do the full 16-mile hike upriver. Also, it's a skinnier me, when I would still wear shorts. (Something recently reclaimed! Yay!)
  • The order of my list shuffles by the day, depending on what's happening, but mostly, it's to do anything I want. I'm not settling for reading about and watching on TV the things I want do and see because my body doesn't DO as well as it once did. So.. I'm getting in shape for The Travel Channel? lol. It ties into the…
  • I'm moving to Addison in 2 weeks! Anyone know what the Addison Athletic Club is like? Can't beat $10 membership, so I'm trying to decide if I should leave Lifetime Fitness.
  • Tageekly, your ticker image is freaking awesome! lol
  • Diana Wynn Jones is another young adult author, and I like her. Varying degrees of simplicity.. I liked her Chrestomanci books, but I'll never reread them because they're too young. Howl's Moving Castle and its pseudo sequels are a bit more complex. The Dark Lord of Derkholm was good, if a little silly, and I think it'd…
  • I apologize in advance. Books with imagination are my obsession. Robin McKinley writes for a younger audience mostly, but for full immersion reading, there's no one better, and she shares my "favorite author" spot with Neil Gaiman. Sunshine is one of her non-young adult books, and it's superb. You might try Beggars in…
  • DAoC was my first MMO. =D
  • AGREED! Except I moved from Las Vegas to Dallas, not Georgia. And I am SO relieved we didn't pick Houston! Living in Vegas and working on the strip I used to be floored by this question: "What hotel do you live in?" Unbelievable!
  • Someone else might be doing one; I am not. I might do one for August though.
  • My bookclub is mostly women, but I have a lot of male friends who read too. My husband likes to read, but is picky about content, so he doesn't end up reading very much. His grandfather has more books than I've ever seen in one room before. One of my friend's husbands likes to chat books when I'm over for a ladies night,…
  • My fancy body fat % scale can't even manage the weight side of things, so I'm skeptical. (I know the weight is wrong because it will fluctuate as much as 5 lbs up/down in 10 minutes.)
  • And make sure you're getting protein to support your muscle gains. Take a close look at your goals too. Is your main priority really losing weight, or losing size? You will lose size faster with heavy lifting, though the loss in pounds may slow. Ultimately, you'll lose both, but you may want to start tracking progress in…
  • With a smart phone, you can get a blue tooth chest strap to track your heart rate on the phone. Then you get a HRM plus all the stuff a smart phone is capable of.
  • A friend and I are doing it for our 40/30th birthdays. We did a 5K in the spring and it was a lot of fun. We might try to do it before then, since that's not until 2015, but we've got a ways to go. She has a bit more to lose, and I have to overcome a ferocious fear of heights.
  • So many grammar nazis! Where are the punctuation dictators? /sigh In all seriousness, though, I HATE "set" in place of "sit." It seems to be really common in the south, but I never noticed it in CA, NV, WY, or ID.
  • It depends how your time is divided up, and how you need to play the game to enjoy it, but I wouldn't say it's impossible to play end game content and have a healthy, active lifestyle. I'd agree you can't do end game on the bleeding edge of content, but I co-lead a guild and we raid end game content just fine. I have a…
  • By this logic, I really think my husband needs to make me dinner way more often. I not only fix his computer, I built it, and if he knows anything about fixing either of our vehicles, I've yet to hear about it. I figure it out or take it to the shop myself.
  • Fixed, I think.