Cardiff_dave Member


  • if you do a bit of googling you should be able to find an excel spreadsheet where you input your weight and it tells you the calories burnt for each week of couch25k here you go:
  • Once you take excercise into account, i can sometimes be 1000 under my daily target. As a one off, I'm led to believe this is ok but not 3 or 4 times a week (ie. the days I do a 10k run plus possibly a bike ride). On Tuesday this week I had a net calorie intake of 34, with 1706 remaining. My understanding is that this…
  • do couch25k without doubt - it's fantastic and the best way to start I think.
  • well done, that's great. I do 10k 3 or 4 times a week and have for about 9/10 weeks now (5k before that but not for long, having dropped the running altogether for a while). I do about 54 minutes but this includes periods of stopping - I tend to run for about 7 minutes and walk for 90 seconds, and repeat til ive done 10k.…
  • been jogging to royksopp lately and its very motivational, in particular The girl and the robot plus some other tracks it's just so relentless you cant help keep going.
  • there are previous threads with links to articles etc and lots of advice. i know because i want one but dont want to pay loads - defo worth doing a search in here on "heart monitor"
  • hi, veggie here. 41 now and fully veggie (but not vegan) from 14 so 27 years. just started using this app on my phone on monday this week and finding it very helpful, together with picking up the couch to 5k jogging plan. and bought my first ever weighing scales today. my worry at the moment, probably a little premature as…