HRM versus MapMyRun versus MFP - cals burned

Okay, so - I did day 1 of the C25K yesterday. It was 30 minutes, 5 minute warmup then 1 minute of running followed by 90 seconds of walking (repeat x8) then 5 minutes of cool down. I cover 2miles in the first 25 minutes - didn't do any distance after that because I had gotten home so I walked around my block for a cool down.

HRM said 300 cals burned.

MapMyRun says 182.

MFP says if I put in jogging for 25 minutes at 5mph (12min mile, which is about what I did since it was a 2.03mile path) it's 278. But I wasn't running the whole time, so I suspect that's not accurate even if my average was 5mph. (Edit: Although that said,
I just checked walking 5mph and it also says maybe this is closest?)

What's the most accurate way to log this workout? I picked the lowest number because the other numbers seem super high compare to what others have logged for the c25k but honestly that's higher than what I've seen others put, too. What would you advise?


  • MerBear1985
    If you have an accurate HRM with your current information (weight etc.) put into it, I would go with that. Underestimating will give you more of a deficit but the HRM is going to be more accurate generally.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    My hrm is a pylex - it has a chest strap and is keyed in with my height weight etc. MFP people on search don't seem to be a fan of it but it seems good enough for me for the price, it was $20.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    A HRM is going to be the most accurate but even their accuracy varies by brand and model. I haven't used MapMyRun to calculate calories but if it's anything like Cardio Trainer, which I use, it's well under what you actually burn. I'd go with the HRM figure.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • taylor_lynn
    HRM all the way.
  • mazasmusings
    mazasmusings Posts: 74 Member
    I don't use a heart rate monitor, but from what I've heard and read, MapMyRun tends to be VERY conservative.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member

    I am so terribly sorry I have interrupted your day and caused you to feel the need to post that. I am guessing it's because I'm asking if my hrm is really the most accurate but I had a reason for asking. Thanks so much for the supportive and educational post!

    All right, thank you all for the input. It just seemed so much higher than the burns I've seen other people post for the c25k so I was concerned I was doing something wrong; I appreciate the input.

    I don't use a heart rate monitor, but from what I've heard and read, MapMyRun tends to be VERY conservative.

    Okay, thank you so much. Maybe I'm just not good at paying attention, the burn my hrm/mfp gave me just seemed high so I was concerned. Thank you!
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Map My Run also has a glitch - if you go back in after you've logged your workout (via mobile device) and click on "edit" then click on "auto calc" for the calories, they shoot up! I did a 4 mile walk yesterday at about 4 mph pace using my phone to log it while walking. It showed 120 calories burned on my phone after I stopped and saved the workout. After I was home, i went on line on the computer, and did the steps above and it jumped up to 324!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Map My Run also has a glitch - if you go back in after you've logged your workout (via mobile device) and click on "edit" then click on "auto calc" for the calories, they shoot up! I did a 4 mile walk yesterday at about 4 mph pace using my phone to log it while walking. It showed 120 calories burned on my phone after I stopped and saved the workout. After I was home, i went on line on the computer, and did the steps above and it jumped up to 324!

    Ohhh. Well, that's interesting! All right, I guess I'll just through my preconceived notions about what I "should" burn out the window. I'll go adjust yesterday's cal burn too.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    An interesting article from Runners World, it's somewhat applicable.,7120,s6-242-304-311-8402-0,00.html
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    300 cals in 30 mins sounds high to me, you would have to be quite fit or working at a high rate. 180-200 seems more credible, on top of your sedentary burn rate.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    i did a 25min run today and burnt 293 according my HRM saying that i was running up inclines and nearing a 10min mile
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    An interesting article from Runners World, it's somewhat applicable.,7120,s6-242-304-311-8402-0,00.html

    That was interesting, but actually left me confused. I averaged a 12 minute mile but since I was walking -and- running...and clearly running faster than brain is confused.

    300 cals in 30 mins sounds high to me, you would have to be quite fit or working at a high rate. 180-200 seems more credible, on top of your sedentary burn rate.

    My HR was generally in the 160s to 170s except during cooldown, a little lower while walking. I'm not very fit - seems more like the opposite to me or running wouldn't get my HR so high. Haha!

    i did a 25min run today and burnt 293 according my HRM saying that i was running up inclines and nearing a 10min mile

    While my path was very up and down - I was definitely slower than that and both running -and- walking. My burn given by mfp and the hrm just seem high for what I was doing.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    I am so terribly sorry I have interrupted your day and caused you to feel the need to post that. I am guessing it's because I'm asking if my hrm is really the most accurate but I had a reason for asking. Thanks so much for the supportive and educational post!

    All right, thank you all for the input. It just seemed so much higher than the burns I've seen other people post for the c25k so I was concerned I was doing something wrong; I appreciate the input.

    I don't use a heart rate monitor, but from what I've heard and read, MapMyRun tends to be VERY conservative.

    Okay, thank you so much. Maybe I'm just not good at paying attention, the burn my hrm/mfp gave me just seemed high so I was concerned. Thank you!

    Ever heard of the "search" function? This question is asked 20 times a day. I'm surprised other people don't burn you for it, like in any other forum you go to.

    That being said, you didn't disturb my day. I was a bit bored, so I decided to see if there were any posts like this on here.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member

    I am so terribly sorry I have interrupted your day and caused you to feel the need to post that. I am guessing it's because I'm asking if my hrm is really the most accurate but I had a reason for asking. Thanks so much for the supportive and educational post!

    All right, thank you all for the input. It just seemed so much higher than the burns I've seen other people post for the c25k so I was concerned I was doing something wrong; I appreciate the input.

    I don't use a heart rate monitor, but from what I've heard and read, MapMyRun tends to be VERY conservative.

    Okay, thank you so much. Maybe I'm just not good at paying attention, the burn my hrm/mfp gave me just seemed high so I was concerned. Thank you!

    Ever heard of the "search" function? This question is asked 20 times a day. I'm surprised other people don't burn you for it, like in any other forum you go to.

    That being said, you didn't disturb my day. I was a bit bored, so I decided to see if there were any posts like this on here.

    Yep, and I use it often. Thanks to search, before I made this post, I double checked to make sure my weight is accurate in my hrm. I know most people vote for the hrm reading if it has a chest strap and gets programmed with height/weight etc, hence mentioning those very points earlier. I'm still confused why my hrm seems so high, but thanks for the very helpful suggestion.
  • Cardiff_dave
    Cardiff_dave Posts: 10 Member
    if you do a bit of googling you should be able to find an excel spreadsheet where you input your weight and it tells you the calories burnt for each week of couch25k

    here you go:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    My HR was generally in the 160s to 170s except during cooldown, a little lower while walking. I'm not very fit - seems more like the opposite to me or running wouldn't get my HR so high
    I'm not fit either - which means low calories burned per minute, 10.5 cals/min maximum in my case of which 1.2-1.5 would be burned bumming around.

    Unless an HRM is tuned to your fitness level it'll be making assumptions about how fit you are and using your weight, so it can easily overestimate (33% was typical on one study).

    Have a look for Heybales BMR/TDEE/HRM spreadsheet -
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    if you do a bit of googling you should be able to find an excel spreadsheet where you input your weight and it tells you the calories burnt for each week of couch25k

    here you go:

    That is awesome! I am a little confused about the net versus gross cals though - I understand the different between net and gross but which ones are typically entered into mfp? I'd like to stay consistent.

    My HR was generally in the 160s to 170s except during cooldown, a little lower while walking. I'm not very fit - seems more like the opposite to me or running wouldn't get my HR so high
    I'm not fit either - which means low calories burned per minute, 10.5 cals/min maximum in my case of which 1.2-1.5 would be burned bumming around.

    Unless an HRM is tuned to your fitness level it'll be making assumptions about how fit you are and using your weight, so it can easily overestimate (33% was typical on one study).

    Have a look for Heybales BMR/TDEE/HRM spreadsheet -

    Wow! That's a huge difference. So it seems like no matter what number I use I'm guessing with a pretty large margin of error...maybe I'll just try not to eat more than 50% of my exercise cals.