

  • ARE YOU ME?!?!? Seriously. This is me. :embarassed:
  • my extra weight put a lot of stress on my knees and especially my feet (!) when doing the 30DS. i found that it did get better with time, though my foot pain never really stopped until i took a break from the dvd for quite a while. that said, getting back into it when you haven't done it in a while is pretty difficult, so…
  • i had a really hard time finding boots too. i got some from
  • thank you all for your help! i did try it on my bf and it picked his heart rate up for a few seconds and then lost it again. i do position the strap basically directly under my bra strap so i guess that isn't the issue. my plan is to exchange it for a different one today and if that doesn't work, i'll contact polar and…
  • nothing like a post from me to bring a thread to a screeching halt!
  • this just makes me worry that the ellipticals i've used aren't doing enough for me, or that i'm really not burning the calories i think i am (i've used many, though, at a lot of different gyms, and i'd say i feel the same about all of them). the first time i ever went on one i did 30 minutes on the weight loss interval,…
  • yeah for real. this is sketchy.
  • i apologize if someone else has already said something like this (17 pages of "bump" tests my patience a little too much), but... has anyone tried making this vegan? of course i saw "egg" in the ingredients and immediately thought i could use an egg replacer, but it might be dry. has anyone tried this by adding egg…
  • Although I have never taken it - I know that a doctor can prescribe Phentermine which can help with appetite suppression and is usually used to help very overweight people kickstart their weightloss. I know some people have success with it, but it isn't meant to be taken long term and you obviously have to follow up with a…
  • That's a good point - I do have pretty flat/wide feet so any running shoes I've ever owned haven't really done the job, and I need new ones. ...although, I do the 30DS barefoot (in my living room, on carpet - it's the only place I can do it) that bad?