1st day of 30DS pain

so I just finished day 1 of the 30 day shred, and i have to say it wasn't as hard I had expected.
The cardio was rough, but it was short enough bursts that I could get through it, and the strength wasn't too hard at all with 5 lb weights.
BUT, my right knee was killing me the whole time.
I made sure my angels were right on all the squatting and lunging, so I know I wasn't extending over my toes.

Anyone else experience joint pain in the beginning of the 30DS? Does it go away after you get somewhat used to the workout?


  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    My first go at the 30DS ended in failure due to leg pain which developed into knee pain.. it mostly hurt when i was trying to do star jumps, or most of the jumping exercises.

    I kept at it and it only got worse, i had to use deep freeze on my joint pain but even then it wasn't really helping. All that helped was stopping.

    Now i'm into day 6 of my 2nd try of the 30DS and not having any leg pain really other than a bit of muscle pain from all the exercising.

    Hope your joint pain gets better soon! :)
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I did only because at the time, my extra weight was just adding too much pressure on my knees in general.

    Maybe avoid going as deep into the lunge and squat for now
  • rockymtnlove
    for sure, hopefully it will go away soon. I should have added that it wasn't just the strength that hurt my knee. The jumping jacks and jump rope also hurt it. Hopefully it will go away as I get stronger
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    30DS is very rough on the knees in my experience.
  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    Level 1 ended up giving me knee pain. I think it's the side lunges and having your feet out straight instead of on an angle that does it but I'm not sure. Now that I'm on Level 2 my knees feel way better.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    30DS is very rough on the knees in my experience.
    Yes, this is why many people suggest NOT doing it daily. I did it 2-3 times a week and still had results.

    30DS is VERY hard on the knees.
  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    Yeah that's exactly it, hopefully it just gets better for you and you don't have to quit.. maybe just take it easier and instead of the jumping do the punching exercise? that's what i did before giving up completely as it was still putting strain on my knee. But that way you still get some cardio in :)
  • Jerrawuff
    My ankles hurt so bad! I just finished Day 5. I ust push through it and it does seem to be getting a little better! Keep with it and if it gets too bad ask your doc, or try a knee wrap.
  • linderzoid
    my extra weight put a lot of stress on my knees and especially my feet (!) when doing the 30DS. i found that it did get better with time, though my foot pain never really stopped until i took a break from the dvd for quite a while. that said, getting back into it when you haven't done it in a while is pretty difficult, so you may want to stick with it! i've started and stopped a few times now, and each of my "after 1st workout" days have been pretty rough.

    also, other people have told me that they did extra warm ups and stretches other than just what's in the workout - i tried that, and found that my joints were definitely in less pain! i was also doing it barefoot (on the carpet in my living room) and other people suggested i do it with tennis shoes on (i can't because my living room is the only place i can do it - but maybe it'll help you).
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    I didnt have knee pain, but all the planks in level 2 really bothered my feet
  • rockymtnlove
    Yeah that's exactly it, hopefully it just gets better for you and you don't have to quit.. maybe just take it easier and instead of the jumping do the punching exercise? that's what i did before giving up completely as it was still putting strain on my knee. But that way you still get some cardio in :)

    That is a great idea! thanks=)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I have knee problems with it too! I either do the less impact version that the "easy" girl shows or I use other less impact cardio exercises substituted in when I know it's going to hurt my knee. You can still get great results with substitutions!
  • rockymtnlove
    my extra weight put a lot of stress on my knees and especially my feet (!) when doing the 30DS. i found that it did get better with time, though my foot pain never really stopped until i took a break from the dvd for quite a while. that said, getting back into it when you haven't done it in a while is pretty difficult, so you may want to stick with it! i've started and stopped a few times now, and each of my "after 1st workout" days have been pretty rough.

    also, other people have told me that they did extra warm ups and stretches other than just what's in the workout - i tried that, and found that my joints were definitely in less pain! i was also doing it barefoot (on the carpet in my living room) and other people suggested i do it with tennis shoes on (i can't because my living room is the only place i can do it - but maybe it'll help you).

    yeah I think warming up more would definitely help, even the knee circles warm up hurt my knee. i was wearing tennis shoes though, I rarely workout barefoot unless its yoga or pilates because it is not super good for the joints
  • dschinaa
    dschinaa Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah I had a bit of knee pain but that was okay in comparison to the pain I had in my elbows in level 2/3. I've stopped for the moment and am doing other workouts.