Stress on Legs, Feet, and Joints doing 30 Day Shred

I was wondering if anyone else (probably anyone else with a significant amount of weight to lose) has experienced a lot of leg/foot/joint pain while doing the 30 Day Shred and after?

I've been doing it for a while now, but I find it hard to do it every single day because my lower legs (specifically shins), ankles then running down the tops of my feet are painful during the workout and then really sore the next day. I figure this is because of (or I guess just intensified with me) my higher weight and the added impact.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a way to avoid it/cope with it? Am I just using bad form?


  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Perhaps it's your shoes. I was getting arch pain and shin splints while doing the elliptical. So much so I almost stopped exercising as I didn't understand why it was happening (duh on me). I went to The Running Room and got fitted for high-support running shoes and like magic, pain gone.

  • linderzoid
    That's a good point - I do have pretty flat/wide feet so any running shoes I've ever owned haven't really done the job, and I need new ones.

    ...although, I do the 30DS barefoot (in my living room, on carpet - it's the only place I can do it) that bad?
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I am doing the 30 Day Shred and I have a lot of weight to lose. I would recommend doing it with sneakers, especially if you are feeling stress on your legs, feet and joints. I also spend 10 minutes stretching before the video because my body needs more than what the video asks you to complete.