

  • Ok, I've read and understand the new requirement from the government that is mandated by 2014. Got it. My question is... THEN WHAT? What is the gov't going to do with this information? Open new gyms? Go forward with the junk food tax they're currently debating? I don't understand these surveys and data collection…
  • Response to MrJoshuah: I've never thought of the advice your pastor gave: You CHOOSE to love. I'm going to let that roll around in my head for a while. It's a decision one makes.. either you do love, or you don't. No in-between's. Little by little, I'm trying to let go of the guilt. Thanks a bunch for your kind words,…
  • Response to Holton: Thank you for reading my post and responding. I'm really trying to fully accept making myself happy first before anything/anyone else. I've always put other people and their needs before mine, and I've learned the hard way how too much of that mentality can backfire. Thanks for helping me to clarify my…
  • Not to sound cliche, but "The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." It's really, really true. Everything has a beginning. The hardest part is starting. You have already begun by joining the site and setting your goals. It's a process that has its ups and downs...but what in life doesn't? You are doing a…
  • Response to Dawn/godblessourhome: Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Yes, it feels like a huge loss. I feel more like I'm going through a divorce. It's a process. Good luck to you!
  • Response to pinbotchick: I really like to hear about people like you and your husband, because it renews my faith in human beings on the whole, and proves that true love still exists. Thanks for understanding the health factor aspect. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your father. I'm trying to collaborate everyone's…
  • Response to timbotina: I don't know of very many people who marry their high school sweetheart nowadays. Kudos to you both! Thanks very much for your comments and for sharing your story. Yes 8 years is a long time together with history, and it's a shame to think it's gone away. But I need to re-assess and determine what…
  • Response to Jill: I like that you took a different angle on the situation... it gave me some more to think about. In general, he is not a very affectionate person, so you hit the nail right on the head. That also contributed towards incompatibility, which you also mentioned. I think having love for someone whom you believe…
  • Response to Caralyn: Thanks for reading my post and replying. It's refreshing to get responses like yours, because it helps me to check my view on things. His intentions appeared selfish, but sometimes you're to close to the situation to have an accurate view. Good luck to you toward your goal, glad to see you on the site…
  • Response to EboniA: Thanks to you for your response and for sharing your similar story. True that it IS about respect. I really need to get back to me. And as much as it hurts to think about it, I don't even want to know if there is someone else. It will distract me from what I need to do. I think distance is the best…
  • Response to sbilyeu75: You are very perceptive, I appreciate your feedback. Yes, he was honest with me about the weight being an issue, and yes, it was VERY difficult for me to accept, mainly because I would NEVER reject him for such a thing. I had made it a point to say that if HE gained weight, I would never love him any…
  • Response to ivyjbres: You make a good point. He did claim that he loved me for the person that I was, but I find it VERY hard to believe that when you're breaking up with me because of my weight. You know, we'd all be liars if we said we DID NOT want an attractive person at our side, but I believe when that's the ONLY…
  • I like honest opinions! Thanks much for your reply. He wanted to keep calling/texting me to be "friends" but I told him to please leave me alone for a while. He was shocked. I'm putting all my effort into focusing on my goals. I wish you the best with yours!
  • Thank you for your reply to my post. I also enjoy going to the gym/working out alone, because it is less stressful and gives me time to intraspect. I just joined a new gym and have always wanted to try a spin class. Technically, you're working out alone, but the group setting provides motivation. Best of luck to you, I see…
  • Great post! We are all here to support you. What a great birthday gift to yourself that you will look back on years from now. Enjoy, and have a great day! ~SMILE~
  • Wow that was a really powerful statement. I'm sorry to hear that he walked out and it happened to you. I give you props for being so strong and supporting your children and keeping yourself together. You look AMAZING!!! Keep it up, be good to yourself, and opportunities will find YOU. Thanks for the friend request, KIT :o)
  • I appreciate your response. You know,at one point, I thought it might be his self-centeredness, but I wasn't entirely sure. Then I thought maybe it was just me making excuses. Thanks for clarifying. I guess I wasn't entirely off the mark.
  • Many thanks for reading and responding. :o)
  • Thanks for your reply. I started at 221 pounds eight years ago. I went down to 150 pounds. I gained back most of the weight and am now 207 pounds. I re-gained mostly due to birth control pills, and stopped going to the gym because I lost motivation after I lost my job and lost my income. I lost damn near everything after…
  • Thanks sweetie, I appreciate your response. :o)
  • Hi Charity, Thanks for reading and responding. Interesting point you make about him seeing me as a "project." That's something he said to me once. He felt that if he loved me enough, he could "fix" me. I'll never forget what he said one time, "You are perfect. You truly are. The only one problem you have is that you're…