

  • I'm 5' 7.5". I was 217, now am 171. I am sorry, I dunno how to post pics. It took me 1 year and 8 months to do it. Although I am at goal weight, when I look at photos of myself, i feel I need to go further. The pic shown on my profile is me at 184 lbs...
  • I agree with the folks who say BL is doing it too fast. Besides, the contestants have admitted that sometimes they go for two weeks instead of one in order to make the weight loss look like it was tremendous. It is a SHOW. There is real weight loss, yes, but it is choreographed and scripted, it is a money-making venture…
  • YES! It IS a cycle. I have been at this for almost two years now. The difference between now and all the other times is that I kept doing it, and when you look at it as a long long term thing, you are successful.
  • ...And try to be honest, remember, this is for posterity
  • I feel that if someone does 60 minutes on a treadmill then gets on a bike for 30 minutes, they are not running fast enough, and not putting enough resistance on the bike. I see that a LOT at the Y. Men and women do it. they need to push themselves harder, not longer.
  • There is no quick way to permanent weight loss, period.
  • Man! I didn't know I could have a crush on someone here!
  • I could do 3 --- 17 lbs ago, maybe I will again !
  • About the juicer, I used mine a lot when I first got it, now I use it when a certain fruit I like comes into season.
  • As far as your husband goes, I think you are looking from the wrong perspective. You don't need the "correct" feedback from him. He loves you, and you shouldn't put pressure on him to tell you the "truth as you see it" . You need to be your own woman. You have to live your life as you want it to be. Putting it off on him…
  • And if he isn't, you need to move on for your own good
  • Normally, I would say yes, you are correct that it is a self-confidence thing. But I am a very self-confident person, always walked with shoulders straight, head held high, and greeting others positively and firmly. The men in my situation were putting themselves "out there" to me, and never had before. So I strongly…
  • The recipes I have seen for Quinoa all seem to be like pasta salads. They are all delicious. But I think you use it like pasta.
    in Quinoa Comment by soarinup March 2011
  • Yes! Absolutely! I have those days and more! And I accept them. I embrace the cycle. I know those days come. They are inevitable, but I wait for the day when they are gone.....and they do go! I have to start over again, but I still haven't gone back to the same starting point. I am at a better starting point, and that is…