Diet and motivation

Fast Food! Ugh! I don't eat it all the time, I might eat it once a week, or once every two weeks, but every time I do I am racked with guilt..Not only for the $$ I've spent on it but the health part of it:( It's just convenience, I am out with my son he asks for sonic today and we went and got it! I did get water at least and not soda, but still! How do you all fight that monster? I have a juicer I bought and was using, but got bored with it I guess, haven't used it, does anyone use one? I just lost motivation, its hard to keep up the lifestyle of watching what you eat and exercise! I just can't seem to get into the swing of things..when it comes to motivating myself I just cannot..!!!


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    No easy answer here, as what it takes to motivate each of us is unique. I would suggest though that you keep a small insulated lunch bag with you full of healthy choices, such that when you drive your son through any fast food, you do NOT order for yourself. Preparation is really the key to staying on track throughout the whole day. Either the night before or each morning, plan out your day's meals and pack your own lunch & snacks while away from home. In regards to motivation, set mini goals, such as an upcoming event, or a new outfit. I also record my weight on my bathroom mirror where I (and anyone else) can see it everyday! Doesn't hurt to put motivation quotes on your refrigerator and pantry door too. hang in there and don't beat yourself up. You get to start a new each day!!!
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    It is extremely hard to keep this up and we all lose motivation at some point. You just have to think of the long-term rewards of this journey...good health and feeling better and more conifdent in yourself.

    I personally do give in to temptation once in a while, and I am still succesfully losing weight. Last month I was craving Checkers and made sure I had enough calories in my day to get a burger. I felt a little guilty after, but I only allow this a couple times per month.

    Fast food is a convenience, but you could make healthier choices at fast food places (not sure about Sonic....yum by the way). If I'm in a rush and have to stop by McDonalds, I will get the fruit and yogurt parfairt (190 calories) and a snack wrap grilled with no sauce (about 210 calories).

    Also, don't eat the same thing everyday. This leads to absolute boredom! Download some recipes and go food shopping for the week. Cook something new every week and keep healthy snacks handy. I make sure to always have wheat thins, low fat cheese, peanuts, etc. on hand for snacking.

    Hope this helps!
  • holeygwackamoley
    Just saw your post....I have the same issue. #2 son always wants to eat out:grumble: . Try to suppress the monster :devil: (yours and mines temptations) with preparing yourself ahead with a small snack to tide you over till you can get home. You can still allow him to eat out but you yourself must train yourself to say no:noway: . When you do that once and then do it again and again you gain confidence in beating the beast back. AND when you see the results of saying no it makes you want to do so more and more...We all have to start somewhere. AND if you do have something while out with your son, make it small and a good choic and always put it in your food tracker. Be honest. I find the tracker gives me the grand overview of my day--to see the big picture. It gives me those AHA moments of what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong:glasses: . don;t beat yourself up. Just make a decision to do better next time and next time and next time. Learn along the way. :wink:
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    Go there, order something for your son, and know that if you want to lose weight, Sonic is not for you. Order a diet slush for while he eats, then have a nice big salad when you get home.

    Better yet, tell him how much you love him and want him to be healthy, and drive on by!
  • soarinup
    About the juicer, I used mine a lot when I first got it, now I use it when a certain fruit I like comes into season.