

  • Let's see where to begin I have a true love hate relationship with the med. I have taken it off and on since high school. I truly do love it and it has always worked for me. My greatest success story is losing 67lbs in 6 months this was achieved with lots of exercise and what I thought at the time to be a healthy…
  • STUCK STUCK STUCK! I am on day 17 and I haven't lost any weight since I started phase 2!!!! I lost 16 on the 10 days I'm taking the pills and following the diet very strict and exercising I'm getting very discouraged:( I haven't measured inches since day 10 but I don't feel like i have lost either........ANY ADVICE or…
  • STUCK STUCK STUCK! I am on day 17 and I haven't lost any weight since I started phase 2!!!! I lost 16 on the 10 days I'm taking the pills and following the diet very strict and exercising I'm getting very discouraged:( I haven't measured inches since day 10 but I don't feel like i have lost either........ANY ADVICE or…
  • I started advocare a week ago Monday and I've lost 14.5 pounds so I'm a believer. I love the products and I feel great! My boyfriends brother lost 27 lbs in 24 days and then lost 12 more and 2 pants sizes and has kept it off since June. I am a picky eater so I used advocare as an opportunity to teach myself to eat…
  • @Jessica: I love Zumba. go to or com I can't remember and see of they offer classes in your area!
  • @ Jessica- Have you tried Zumba or Jillian's 30 day shred???
  • Hello my name is Casey I've been an RN for almost 4 years. I started out in Med-surg then to CCU/ER float nurse. Worked PRN for a health dept. and a home health and Nursing Home. I am currently a case manager at a private nursing home. I LOVE my job but I spend alot of time at my desk on a computer. I lost weight just by…
  • You should try Zumba you can change the intensity to what suits you. go to or org not sure which one and see if anyone offers classes in your area or buy a video off ebay. I find it easier to go to a class you have support there. I have a firend that weighs more than you and she does Zumba with me:) You will…
  • I ordered it yesterday but I play on starting it as soon as I get it along with Zumba 3 days/week.