

  • Okay the holiday weekend is over and I need to hit play again... lol
  • Lobster, I know what you mean. Me and my coworkers went to McDonalds yesterday and I was sorry worried about calories that I ended up eating my energy bar and drinking orange juice.. Last month I would have ordered a Big Mac value meal and 10 Mcnuggets.. Counting calories how did this happen?? LOL
  • lol... Do you have 5/6 cardo too? I just started 3/4 on Monday. Hey, what happen to the pics? :)
  • Very happy for you Lobster, you hit your goal!!! doing the happy dance.. lol Looking forward to seeing the pic's and please do stay in touch! Pushing play! :)
  • One more day Lobster..:smile: looking forward to the update. Still pushing play and I lost two more pounds which brings me to 8 pounds lost in 29 days... I decided to start phase 3/4 on Monday.. Check in with ya Monday.
  • Lobster, Wow, just five more days that's wonderful!! I'm 25 days into the program and the 90th day seems so far away. lol I'm looking to switch over to 3/4 on day 30. I lost 6 pounds the first two weeks into the program and that's it. I'm not really focused on the weight but, counting these calories and not seeing the…
  • Fantastic job Lobster!!! you keep me motivated and I hope to see those wedding pic's in the future! :wink:
  • Hi Lobster, I'm still hitting play and I'm 18 days into the program.. :smile: So far I have lost 6 pounds and have really enjoyed getting excited about getting fit.. So excited that I bought a Swiss ball last night... lol, not sure why, but I have one now.. That's my update for today.
  • .. Hello all, I went out of town for the weekend and was not able to press play Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I did keep count of my calories. I'm looking forward to getting home after work and hitting play again. It did surprise me how much I was thinking about not working out... hahaha crazy.. Lobster, I was wondering if…
  • Day 12 update. I'm very happy to report that the scales said 199 this morning!!! In two weeks I have lost 6 pounds and to be honest it was not as hard as I thought it would be... I keep hitting play.. :happy: And Lobster I know those three pounds will be gone soon!!!!
  • This is fantastic!!! Nice to know I'm not the only Hoosier on this site. :laugh:
  • I had to plan my calories and meals out for the week and be sure to eat somthing every three hours. That's the only way I could keep the calorie count. Just don't give up on counting them.
  • TIme for my update, I'm on day 8 and I'm starting to flow with the workouts. It helps to know which steps are coming up next. The only thing that slowed me down was day 4 when I over did it and was sore on day 5 and 6. I took day 5 as a rest day and learned my lesson about using to much weight. Still pushing play!!
  • I checked the calorie count and a bottle of red wine is only 550 calories.... or that's what i told my wife it
  • I decided to cut out the coke part of my bourbon and went with water..
  • Okay, I'm really sore today.. ouch!!! I tried not to over do it but, I had a really hard time getting out of bed this morning. I'm here at work sitting at my desk and tried to get up to get more coffee.... and decided not to it hurt to much and I'm never without coffee.. lol Lobster no hitting play today.... :)
  • Day three and I'm sore... lol I'm going to switch over to the dumbbells and put the resistance band away for now. I like using the resistance band and might bring it out when I'm a few weeks into the program. Lobster, thanks for making me feel better about the dips... they really !@#$.. Time to hit play again.. :)
  • Hello all, My first day was great, but I am a little sore. I was feeling pretty confindent until the 777's which turned out to be the 520 meaning 5 push-ups then 2 and 0.... lol Lobster, nice to hear the jeans are fitting!!! Jan, I hope your dvd's are in mailbox today! Time to push play..
  • Hey Lobster, I have been enjoying your post and only 3 pounds to go!! I plan on starting p90 this Sunday. TIme to begin my journey! :) Casl
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