The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • casl00
    Okay the holiday weekend is over and I need to hit play again... lol
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    Ditto. I tried really hard to keep on this weekend, but it just didn't happen. Some beer and chicken lips >.<

    I DID work out all weekend though and drank plenty of water!
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I posted my pictures on my profile - check them out!!!

    AWESOME! Great job!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member

    I did the eliptical this morning for only 25 min. kinda short on time. I plan on doing something else this evening. I will start back with the Matser series next week along with my boot camp.

    I think I did OK with the holiday. I did eat a dessert :( but it was good!!!

    Thanks for the support on my Power 90 pictures!!!

    How is every one doing today?
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hey Lobster -
    Thanks again for recommending Power 90 in our Littlest Losers challenge. I'm on board and on Day 4. I love, love, love it!!

    I was happy to see this thread. When I have more time, I'll read all the posts to get everyone's perspective on the program.

    You look awesome!!
  • timeofmylife
    I started this P90 classic last night. I do not know much about it except for what I read on here and that it kicked my butt last night but so proud to get through it. How do track it under your exercise???
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks Kath712, - I am glad you love power90 - I do too. I started back after a week break - not from exercise, just from power 90. I did UML part of the matser series this morning. I will continue the program on my non-boot camp days (that starts on Monday and finishes up on Oct 8th) I like as an everyday program - it is something I can do.

    Timeof mylife, not sure it is righ but I use circut training to track . I wear my HRM and it isually pretty close. Some days over(especailly a cardio day) and some days under, I just use it as a baseline.
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    I have to confess :( I've had the Power 90 for a loooong time & I haven't started it. I find myself using one excuse after another, I need help!!!! My first excuse...I've had it for so long that I misplaced the 'instructions' & didn't know what video to start with, so I came to MFP & someone kindly told me how to start. Monday am came & I didn't start so I said I would wait till Tuesday because I want to workout in the am, Tuesday am came & went. I was supposed to start last Monday & here I am almost Monday again & I haven't started. HELP!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Help is coming nelsaphine!!!!

    You can do this - You don't have to wait unitl Monday. Tomorrow morning promise yourself and me - that you will get up early and watch the DVD.(ithink sculpt) That's right - all you are going to do is watch it. This will get you familiar with it and let you know what you need to do it , how much space, figure out the stop and start etc. Then Saturday morning - you will get up and do the dvd - really take it easy - just do a few of the reps with no or low weights. Sunday watch the other DVD. (I think sweat ) Then Monday you will be ready - no excuses - you will do the DVD and you will be ready for it. Tuesday you will do the sweat dvd - just like Saturday - very easy, low reps and little or no weights. So that is your plan - you can do this. I promise you will love the results - you will love marking it off on your calendar - you will love how much stronger you will become. I can help you ---- I will be here for you to check in with - So I expect a response - YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!!!!! So go set your alarm now, put out the DVD where you can SEE it.

    Push play!!!!!!!
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you so much!!!! That sounds like an excellent idea and definately something I CAN do. I look forward to letting you know tomorrow that I saw the DVD.:wink: Again, thank you so very much for your help. I'm so excited!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok Little girl - time to check in!!! Did you watch the the DVD??? You better .... So now you watched it and you know what to expect.... now you are ready to DO IT - like a trail run tomorrow. Make sure you have everythign ready - alarm set, workout clothes, weights, water, towel and if you have a HRM, but really don't need one. Take it slow - try out the moves and just concentrate on form and getting to know the DVD. pause whenever you have to. You are going to love it - you are going to FEEL so much better after you do it - you will want to keep doing it.

    So, check in and let me know what you think ...any questions.

    You are on the road to a new and improved YOU!!!!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Question - when do you do the other videos like Fat Burner Express? (or something like that) The calendar I have has me doing Sculpt or Sweat alternating each day. When do I do the others? Thanks!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Kath712, I stuck to the sweat / sculpt 1/2 program until I was comfortable with it about two weeks - then on Saturdays I did the fat burn instead of sculpt. Somewhere on this thread I read the the fat urn was a cardio- so I just switched it in. It wasn't unitl I was in my last 30 days that I got the master series with several DVD beside the sculpt and sweat that i started switching more in. I didn't follow the plan to the strictest level - I actually think I did a harder program I pushed myself. Now I am just making my own program with all the power 90 and master series dvd I have and working out - strenght and cardio. Same schedule 3 & 3 with one day off. I was doing sculpt 5/6 - sweat 5/6 - sculpt 3/4 - sweat 3/4 - UML- fat burn express. I like the variety!!!! Hope that helps!
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    So, here I am 11pm & still haven't slept I really need to so I can get up and workout. I have to tell you that I felt a little 'scared' watching the video...I don't know if I"ll be able to do it. But I promise I will give it my all & do my very best to get through it. I will keep you posted ok and thanks again for your help. P.S. I didn't want to post my picture because I"m so overweight but I did it (in that pic I had already lost 15lbs)...I figured it will inspire me to keep working hard so I don't look & feel like that anymore!!! I will think of that tomorrow if I feel I can't get through the workout. Anyway, thanks again...Good Night!!
  • MeganKS
    I purchased the power 90 a couple of months ago, started it, and enjoyed it. Unfortunately I had to put it aside when problems arose. I'm looking to get back into the swing of things, but trying to plan it into working nights, taking care of a 1yr old, sleeping, and going to school full-time I dont see how it's possible....really could use all the motivation, support, and any tips or ideas that maybe out there.

    Thanks :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Nelsaphine, I think your picture looks great! ( except you are not smiling LOL) . I am glad you posted it!!!.

    Nelsaphine & MeganKS - Try not to feel overwhelmed with the power 90. You can do this ! Take it easy and do only what your body lets you do. It may be not using weights at first - just get used to the movements without the weights.Tony says to do 8 - 15 , if you can only do 3 - 5 then do it. It doesn't matter as long as you start and try to do. It may take you awhile or you may be surprised about haow fast your body adapts and you get stonger really quick. So, start slow and just take it easy - you find that you want to do more reps and use more weights. I had a lot of trouble with the narrow push-ups (even doing it the girls way) and the dips. In fact, I could barely do three dips - if you even call what i did a dip???? But now I can do 15 - !!!! So, it a journey, it doesn't come easy or overnight. Don't expect to much of yourself but push yourself.....

    One day at a time - keep pushing play

    MeganKS, I feel for you - you seem to have a lot on your plate. But, we all know that exercise makes us feel better and gives us more energy and allows us to sleep better. So, you should try to squeese some in. For me, when my son was little , the mornings were always easier to work out. I think whatever his sleep shedule is - is probably the best for you. The good thing about power 90 is that it is only 30 min inthe begining. So you can always start and if you have to stop - just start up where you left off - ( with a little warm up first LOL)

    Hope that helps a little.

    Remember you have made the first couple of brought thte DVD, you joined MFP and you posted and found ME !!!! LOL So you are on your way to a healthier you!!!!

    Have a great healthy day - make healthy choices!!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok so woke up and did day 6 of Power 90 Master plan ( modified it - to switch in my bootcamp) . I am in check with my eating plan - healthy breakfast - lunch and snack packed and ready to go.

    Off to a great start for 30 more days!!!

    Hey Casi , where have you been ???? Don't make me come hunt you down???? LOL hope everything is on track!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Good for you...way to go!!!....well it was day 2 for me...sweat cardio and boy did I sweat :)...I think I did pretty good it was kinda fun. By the way, how do do count the P90 workouts in the exercise log??
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Not sure it is right but I use circut training to track . I wear my HRM and it is usaully pretty close. Some days over(especailly a cardio day) and some days under, I just use it as a baseline. I would rather my tracking to be a little under my calories actually burned. Gives me a little extra padding in case I over my food calorie count. LOL

    Look at you go - day 2!!! Now you are little familiar with it - you will just keep improving.

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning everyone,

    Did my boot camp this morning - tough class - my abs are killing me. I guess thats a good sign?????

    How is everyone doing?

    Casi - where are you??? don't make me come looking for you!!!!!