The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • Thank you lobster888 for the support. What a good idea!!!
  • Hi all :) I just recently found my power 90 dvd's i had bought quite a few years ago. I dont have any of the books though, and i forget which videos im supposed to do? Am i supposed to alternate Sculpt Cuircuit 1-2 with Sweat Cardio 1-2 for 6 days a week until i feel ready for phase 3/4? Can anyone cue me in id appreciate it!! :)
  • GeishaDi
    GeishaDi Posts: 9
    Yep, you got it. Begin with Sculpt, and then do Cardio.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    GeishaDi is right on. I started Power 90 on June 1st and this past week I am doing level 3/4. I started phasing it in during the fourth week I was doing it. Do you have fat burn express - it's a cardio workout and once a week I do that instead of the sweat. Feel free to ask me any questions - I will try to help!

    Day 37 check!!

    Keep pushing play everyone!!!!!
  • I dont have fat burn express, but i do have ab ripper - how often should i do that one?

    I just did my first sculpt 1/2 today and i did pretty good! (push ups and chair dips are always hard for me!)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Same here! Those close push ups really get me. I am getting better at chair dips. I can do ten - then I stop - take a rest - then do five more. You don't have to do the fat burner - mine came as a bonus so I just switch up cardio once a week. The scheduling has the ab ripper after the cardio work-out. Sometimes I wait until the evenings (I do power 90 in the mornings) to do it if I am short on time. I also try to squeese it in an extra day or two a week. I just started with abs 200 so ... I am only doing it on the schedule days!!

    Good luck!!! Keep pushing play!
  • GeishaDi
    GeishaDi Posts: 9
    I did my third day of Power 90 (Sculpting 1-2) and MAN! I am going to feel those push ups burn my shoulders and upper arms tomorrow! I honestly tried today, doing my best, and by the time I was done I was soaking wet with sweat! This program really works. I'm still looking forward to Power 90 Masters, and the big challenge--P90X!

    I just hope I'm doing enough with my eating, tho'. How many calories are you supposed to eat while doing Power 90? I know with P90X, you gotta eat 1,800 calories! :noway: I'm currently eating around 1,300 calories, give or take. I plan on running tomorrow for 30 min, then do cardio.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 38 sweat 3/4 check!!! Glad that is over for the day!!! I am think that about day 45 (1/2 way) I will try to add the restistance bands - to make more of a challenge (I am using 8 pound weightsrigh now). But I am not very coordinated and I think maybe I won't be able to handle the bands. LOL Right now I am looking to do the Master plan but I still hesitate with P90X because of the time - hour long programs everyday ???? But I heard insanity is only about 40-50 mins. and 60 days. But I will get throught this first and see where I am at..... I am looking forward to the 45 day mark!!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • GeishaDi
    GeishaDi Posts: 9
    Oh man, I kinda hesitate on doing the Insanity workout. That thing looks hardcore--and trust me, I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to stuff that is challenging! I did benefit from one thing tho' -- already 4 days into my workout, and I ran around my block WITHOUT STOPPING! Does cardio really improve that dramatically in such little time? I did Sweat 1-2, did my abs, rested for a good 30 min, and then RAN for 10 minutes straight!

    I was pretty amazed that I actually did that. The only reason why I stopped was because I didn't want to hurt myself and over do it, if not, I think I would have kept going! :tongue:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 40 Fat Burn Express - check!!
  • melsol
    melsol Posts: 1 Member
    I am on day 9 and I do see a little difference in my clothes. The yoga is really hard for me. I am also finding that I am not eating enough protein.
  • jenniferyeatts
    jenniferyeatts Posts: 27 Member
    Kpp everyone! Day 72 here. As of this morning, I have lost 23 pounds. I try to keep my calories around 1400, but some days are only 1200, some 1600. I find that I am hungrier on the days after I have upped my weight. I am using 10 pounds for most things, but 15 for lawnmowers, etc. I can now do 30 pushups from my toes! I started at 2! I am planning on moving on to the Masters after this. Some friends are doing this too, but not having as good results. The diet is key - up the protein, lower the carbs, eat clean.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Great work Jennifer!!!! My calories are about the same as yours - some days a little up some not so much. I just went and bought ten pounds weights to move up from 8 pounds and I am thinking of getting the kettle ball weights too. I just finished day 42 yeah. I am thinking of starting Master deries on day 60. (it has been suggested by this thread). I will definityly do it - just not sure when.
    I have only lost 6 pounds so far and have 4 to go to be at my goal weight!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!

    Melso, the yoga gets easier - it takes alittle while if you are not used to it or never did it before. Keep pushing play!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 44 check - Sculpt 3/4 - started using 10 pounds weight today!!!!!! yipes!!! I betcha I will feel it tomorrow!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am not sure if i am talking to myself again but.....

    I just finished day 45 - sweat 3/4 and abs 200! yeah half way through!!!! I ordered the Master series yesterday so that i could start switching that in and out in about ten days. I just went up in weights yesterday from 8 pounds to 10 pounds!! I feel really good. I lost a little over 6 pounds - 4 to go!!! It slowed down a bit so maybe the master series will pump it up again. I have to admit I may have slacked a little bit in diet. A little extra nibble here and there, and haven't watched my sodium like I should so....I am started fresh today like dau one and really going after these last few pounds!!! Oh yeah the doctors scale weighs me the same as mine so I am accurate!!!

    If anyone is out there I need a little motivation .... Just to keep going... I miss you guys...nobody to talk to!!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I really am talking to myself - but hey it's working so I will keep doing it. I completed day 49 Sculpt 3/4 with 10 pound weights. Feeling really strong. On a negative note I gain back a pound. I know I know -some of you will say it is mucsle, but that doesn't help. My goal is 125... so I have 5 to go. I will do this. I also know that the scale is right on with my doctors scale and there will be flucuations. So, I will keep pressing play!!! I am on phase two of South Beach and I will stick to one fruit and one good carb. a day until I am back down that one pound. Then go from there.....

    Hope everyone is doing great...

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    It's me again!!! Day 51 Sculpt 3/4!!! I am waiting for my Matser series to come in any day now.... I will be excited to start switching it in and then do it for my final 30 days.!!!! Right now the 10 pounds wieghts are kicking my butt!!! It's tough but I am getting throught it with good form until about 13 reps. I am still on phase 2 of south beach. Upping my protein for the harder workouts. My weight has plateaued again. So, hopefully it will start moving again when I switch to level 5/6. I am thinking of adding the supplemements from beach body ??? I currently only take my multi- vitaman and calculium supplements. (doctor rec,)

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    It's me again. I have completed day 56 of power 90 level 5/6 sculpt. I will do sweat level 5/6 tomorrow and then do 3/4 for both sculpt and sweat. On friday day 60 I will go back to 5/6 for good. I will do 5/6 for the rest of the 30 days!!! I really like 5/6 and it is challenging for me. There is alot of room to advance, from low impact and low reps. to high impact, heavier weighs and more reps. I think it is perfect for the last 30 days. Really glad I got the master series to finish out my power 90. After the last 30 days I will work with the other DVD's. I knwo have a a little library to chose from. Between the Biggest losers, Julian and Tony, I have a great selection.

    I am going to do this!!!!!
  • janaf
    janaf Posts: 4
    Hi lobster!

    Wow You are amazing being able to stick with it, I am so impressed that you just keep coming back in here, even though no one else seems to stop by. You just keep doing your thing, I think that is great, good for you!! I just ordered Power90 yesterday and they sent me an email that it shipped out today, so I suppose it will be here some time next week. I cant wait to get started I will come back and join you and stay motivated to keep moving.

  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Wow Jana - I am not alking to meself all the time??? LOL

    I am very excited - today I finished day 60 sculpt 5/6. It feels really good. I am down one more pound - a total of 7 since June 1st. Not too bad. I am 3 pounds from my goal - which gets harder and harder the closer I get. But, I am determined and motivated.
    I would love love to have you (or anyone else join me). I will be doing this past the original 90 days. I ordered the Matser series, which has several extra DVD's. I will continue through the first week of Oct. for sure. So, please join me- I will be here for awhile. I will be glad to help, support and motivate you too. This is a journey and it helps to have company....

    I kept checking in because it helps me be accountable...and you see somebody was listening!!!!

    Thanks for all your positive feedback and support, it really helps!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!!
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