The Original Power 90 Check In?

I didn't see anything posted about the non-X Power 90, so I went ahead and started this thread (please let me know if there was one up and I missed it).

So, I recently started my Power 90 again, and I just completed the cardio 1/2 for the second time this week. I actually tried a bit of the power yoga - the hardest thing by far for me in the cardio workout, and made it through a little bit. I hate that dang 'swing your leg through' bit, because let me tell you - my leg does not swing through without a struggle! But hopefully one day it will, right?

As for the rest, I did pretty good. The section with the jumping jacks and jogging is where I needed to take a rest today, and the last few times I did it I had to break in all of the sections, so yay for improving endurance! Anyhoo, I hope everyone has a nice Power 90 kind of day!


  • dragonfly70
    Hi I am doing the p90 without the X too. The original. Was there another thread?
  • melanieann48111
    Thatnks for starting this! I'm on day 5 and it's my rest day. I chose Friday as my rest day and my weigh in day. So far, so good!
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    Thank god for the rest day. Its so draining to do this everyday but still seeing a little improvement each time. Im realizing supplements are probably a good idea, so I ordered some pills to help muscle recovery. Im starting with those tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes. Im on day 10, level 1/2 about 85%. I've lost 4 pounds already!
  • dragonfly70
    Well after one week I am down 4 lbs and 1.5 inches in my waist. I am getting to like working out again and have my bf to encourage me cause he knows its something I want. So tomorrow starts my week 2... about 85% on all exercises and have been doing ab ripper each day.
  • mmmeng
    mmmeng Posts: 4
    Four ibs in one week! Awesome! I started last week on p90. I used this dvd several years ago after my first child and saw pretty good results. It's time to start it up again! I am also trying to walk/jog during the week, and I am excited to have another group of people doing this workout to hold me accountable! I think that is my problem. I do pretty well for several days, life gets busy and I get out of the routine. So, my hope is, that by checking in here, it will keep me on track! Thanks for starting this up!
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    2 weeks down! rest day tomorrow!
  • dragonfly70
    2lbs this week....I will keep pushin play
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    who is still going?

    My knee has been bothering me so I am planning to switch to the gym eliptical this week for low-impact . I will still do the sculpt circuit (upper body only) and ab ripper. I might have to get a knee brace if this keeps up, getting old I guess. I powered though the pain last week but it got worse, hopefully this works.

    Plan on returning to full p90 next week, I still haven't tried disc 2 but that is my goal.
    3 weeks down!
  • dragonfly70
    Im here and into week 4. Lost 8 lbs total and 3 inches off waist. I added Hip Hop Abs to routine fro extra cardio
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    Im still going, and my knee is doing better. I did all my workouts this week and just substituted jumping jacks for the bunny hops, thats seems to be what hurts my knee. Ready or not, Im going to try try level 3 next week for the first time. I think my body is already getting used to the level 1 workouts. This is going to suck! but I know It will pay off in the end. Now I have to go figure out how many calories this quiznos lunch just cost me ;)
  • Phillips28
    Phillips28 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm pretty new to the website. I just started working out at home 2 1/2 weeks ago. I'm wanting to start a beachbody dvd. I'm debating on which one to do. It sounsd like you guys think Power 90 is a good one. That is the one I was thinking about. Can you guys tell me anything about it? Is it weights or cardio? What is it like? One dvd a week or what kind of routines do they have you do? How long are the exercises each day or week? Very curious! Thanks SO MUCH!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Bump! I am ordering Power 90 when I get home tonight so I should see it sometime next week!
    Just wondering what everyone has seen result wise? Have you lost a lot of weight/inches?
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    For those wondering about Power 90 here is a link to user reviews which also describes the workouts. that website has reviews for a ton of other videos too.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Bump! First week in and I can already see and feel the difference. I went from eating fast food to eating an almost vegan diet(eggs). Its doing pretty good. My pants are loose! Never thought soreness could be so good!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Bump! First week in and I can already see and feel the difference. I went from eating fast food to eating an almost vegan diet(eggs). Its doing pretty good. My pants are loose! Never thought soreness could be so good!

    You're doing great so far! That's such a fantastic change, eating wise - I definitely commend anyone that can keep up an almost vegan diet! I love food way too much to be able to do that lol.

    jwilli, thanks for that link - I had seen it before when I was doing research, it has a lot of good info.

    I should be getting P90 sometime this week, I will post once I get it/get my first workout in!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    The rest period was really nice. I felt a noticabel change this morning when I hit play and started working out. Push ups are easier as is most of everything. Soreness is beginning to fade.
    Oh I also changed my sleeping habits as well. I used to sleep to 6am and sleep and 9pm roughly. Now I am up at around 415 am and sleep at 9 pm. The day definately feels longer though the first week seemed to drag on. But keep at it guys its worth the sacrifice!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Hey guys! According to the UPS website, Power 90 should be delivered today! I'm so excited. I will post later tonight after my first doesn't matter what day I start it, right? I'd rather start tonight than wait until Monday!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i would start whenever you want! just make sure that you go ahead and build in your rest day when you want it, so when monday does come around, you're already on schedule. have fun!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Woo hoo! Just got done with my first workout and I feel amazing! I took my before pictures and took my measurements before hand so I'm good to go. I'm really excited to see my results at the end of this thing.

    Hope everyone has a great night!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    2nd day done! I need to get some heavier heaviest ones are 8 pounders and they were almost too easy for me.
    roylawrence - how long was it until your soreness started to fade? I noticed that I got progressively sore as the day went on today. It's a good sore though!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!