The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I'm sorry about your mother, Wren! You and your family will be in my prayers! Keep us posted!
    Very nice everyone! Back on the horse! It still rides smoothly. I do believe just the DVDs do the trick. I have seen results. I am on week six. Next week I move up to 3-4. Can't wait for that!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • eyemadreamer
    eyemadreamer Posts: 41 Member
    Hey guys! i wanted to introduce myself, i'm new to the site and to power 90.

    i started power 90 last week, it's been almost 2 weeks, i just did my 9th day of workout today. when i first started, i got my *kitten* kicked. i couldn't believe how out of shape i was. i had always been athletic in high school and college. but once school's over.... i started gaining weight year after year, and 6 years later i'm about 60 lbs overweight. i'm 5 foot tall at 170 lbs. So i'd like to shed off all of this weight and get back into shape!! now its been 9 workouts, its a lot easier now, i'm able to go thru the whole workout without having to pause it but still would be defintely a while before i start considering p90x. lol.

    i ve changed my eating habits up as well, big changes. although i havent lost weight yet, i actually GAINED 0.6 lbs. but my coach says its normal sometimes for people who start working out after not being active at all before. body does weird things to adjust but she says i'll soon start losing weight maybe by the end of 2nd or middle of 3rd week.

    i'm really excited to be on this journey! and i'm excited that i'm not alone and that I have all of you for support and just a community of people i can hang/chat with. :)
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    YES!! A new memeber to the cause! Welcome dreamer! Glad to hear it.

    I have been on Power 90 for 6 weeks. I have lost 20 pounds and several inches. Monday, I start the 3-4 workout. Can't wait for that. Its gonna be great! Hope to see you on here often! I am on here everyday multiple times so feel free to message me if you have any questions! Please do not hesitate! I am here to give my support!! I actually want to see you succeed!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    welcome to the group DreamEr! and welcome to MFP....this is a great site with many wonderful people that help you attain your goals with motivation, encouragement and just nice words altogether :flowerforyou: Goodluck in you journey with power 90...I've just started myself and its deffinately invigorating and wonderful to finish the daily workout....kind of just want to pat yourself on the back because they arent the easiest things to do.....

    My current progress is I'm almost done with week one....tomorrow will be day 5....I think either week 2 or 3 I will step it up a notch and do 3-4 sculpt, but stick with the 1-2 cardio for an extra week....Or maybe cut back on my smoking seeing as that probably isnt helping my stamina or my budget at the moment :laugh: well hope everyone else is had a lovely day :bigsmile:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Well I wish you the best of luck moving up so fast! Im on week six and still on 1-2. Next week I will go 3-4.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Well I wish you the best of luck moving up so fast! Im on week six and still on 1-2. Next week I will go 3-4.
    ty....I've always been good with strength training ....but horrible with cardio
    the only part im having trouble with on the sculpting one is the 777pushups....i make it to the last round and can only do 5
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Thank you Roy and Hasian for your kind words about my mother. I pretty much spent the whole day at the hospital yesterday. She came through her surgery pretty good-Thank the Lord. Well I hate to admit but I was missing out on not exercising yesterday. I was a bit ticked off because I am from a family of thirteen kids and I am the only one with her from 2pm until 10pm. They had asked that she not be left alone. Then my sister comes in so I could go home and I could smell she had been drinking. Made me feel real comfy leaving my mom with her so needless to say I didn't sleep very well. I plan on working out today-cardio but will definitely need to get some coffee in me before even thinking about it! I am continuing to feel improvement in my body and people are starting to notice which also makes me feel good. Some of my siblings I haven't seen for awhile and they noticed right off. Even though my ticker only shows 5 lbs gone since I started MFP I am really down a total of 17. Hope everyone has a great Saturday. TTYL.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Well I wish you the best of luck moving up so fast! Im on week six and still on 1-2. Next week I will go 3-4.
    ty....I've always been good with strength training ....but horrible with cardio
    the only part im having trouble with on the sculpting one is the 777pushups....i make it to the last round and can only do 5

    LOL I know exactly what you mean girl! That 777 has been kicking my butt! :explode: Today is my 7th day and I am supposed to rest but I think I am going to do the Fat Burning System! I am so stoked that this is my 7th day and I have been keeping up with Power 90! Thank you to everyone on this thread and on MFP, yall keep me so motivated! :bigsmile:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Rest days are just as important as working out and eating right. You must rest so that the muscles you just recently destroyed can heal themselves. Do not fret if you feel tired and want to sleep earlier than usual. This is a good sign and you should probably go ahead and sleep.

    And yes 777 pushups suck bad. I must ask, what kind of weights are you using? If you are not lifting enough, you may be wasting time. You need to have to push yourself to get those last reps to get that good burn. If you are not comfortable increasing your weight, just increase your reps. If you are doing this with 5-8 lbs, you may be wasting time with that. The body may be adapting to this within the first couple of times of workout. At this point the body is now use to the weight and will no longer build. These are all suggestions and should not overrule and thing your doctor said. This info is based off of much research I have done.

    I appreciate everyones effort to stay with the program though and you are all doing a fantastic job!:flowerforyou:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I am so sorry to hear about that wren think at a time like that the family would come together and you wouldnt be the only responsible one far as workouts're doing great sometimes u cant avoid the curveballs life throws at u and u mis a day or wasnt because u were lazy and didnt want to hun....I am glad to hear that your mom is recovering ....keep your head up and congrats on the total of 17lbs lost

    woohoo stephanie!! it's great that youre wanting to work out and congrats on making it to do 7.....I think when i hit day 7 I'm going to put down the power 90 tho and go for a brisk walk that way my muscles can regroup but i still get exercise in...not to mention cardio helps get rid of the layers of fat to show the muscle thats growing :)

    Roy i use 8-10lbs weights...weights i think are comparitive to your own weight and size....I'm only 4'10 and weigh the 8-10lbs are plenty enough for right now until my muscles build enough...but either weigh when I was in the best shape of my life ...(almost had a sixpack and was very toned) the most weight on a dumbbell that I would use would be 15lbs....and it wasnt often that I would use them...unless of course we're talking bench press then I do use more weight ...i Do use the 5lbs for the backflies...but either way to say someone is wasting their time for using 5-8lbs is not the book it recommends starting off with 3lbs dumbbells...Trust me I still feel the burn, but I want to pump it up a notch, so next week I am going to give phase 3 a go and if I cant do it then I can easily change back to phase 1-2 but i feel as though I am ready for it
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I started out with 5 lb weights and I am using 8 lb weights now and I really feel the burn! I don't think I could use 10 lb weights yet. Some of the exercises I still have a problem making it through all the reps with the 8's. Roy-I think men can probably move up to bigger weights faster because they tend to already be stronger arm wise than girls. We tend to be stronger when it comes to legs! :)
    Completed my cardio earlier today before heading back to the hospital. I think I am going to either take a walk outside this evening or get on the treadmill as I am over on my calories consumed. Have a good evening everyone!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I started out with 5 lb weights and I am using 8 lb weights now and I really feel the burn! I don't think I could use 10 lb weights yet. Some of the exercises I still have a problem making it through all the reps with the 8's. Roy-I think men can probably move up to bigger weights faster because they tend to already be stronger arm wise than girls. We tend to be stronger when it comes to legs! :)
    Completed my cardio earlier today before heading back to the hospital. I think I am going to either take a walk outside this evening or get on the treadmill as I am over on my calories consumed. Have a good evening everyone!
    congrats on doing your cardio!!!.....and you''re an awesome daughter for being there for your mother...:flowerforyou: have a nice night hun....and with the being over on the cals did u include the cals u burned off from the cardio already?
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Holy cow I am sooo freaking excited!!!! I am down 5lbs and it hasnt even been a full week! not to mention i can already see muscle deffinition....power 90 is incredible!! Thank you Mr. Horton...:flowerforyou: I hope everyone elses day is going wonderful!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Oh yea! Great to hear that!! Yes the bodies reaction to this is amazing!! I know it!! Thank you Mr. Horton!!!!!

    On another note, I am now doing 3-4. It is like just starting 1-2 and just as bad. It will definately get you in shape!!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Oh yea! Great to hear that!! Yes the bodies reaction to this is amazing!! I know it!! Thank you Mr. Horton!!!!!

    On another note, I am now doing 3-4. It is like just starting 1-2 and just as bad. It will definately get you in shape!!
    congrats on starting the 3-4!!! :flowerforyou:
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Hey checking in! 12 days in and I'm finally having no problems with all the stuff on sculpt 1-2. I used to have problems with the 7-7-7's (the second pair of 7's I would have to do them bent knee - but not anymore!).

    Cardio still kills me though, mainly the run lunges are crazy hard and the hopping from square to square is similarly impossible for me. I cheap out and do the "slide" instead. Also on abs, the bicycles are killer and I really really hope that by the time I get to 3-4 all this 1-2 stuff will be cakewalk for me.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Hey checking in! 12 days in and I'm finally having no problems with all the stuff on sculpt 1-2. I used to have problems with the 7-7-7's (the second pair of 7's I would have to do them bent knee - but not anymore!).

    Cardio still kills me though, mainly the run lunges are crazy hard and the hopping from square to square is similarly impossible for me. I cheap out and do the "slide" instead. Also on abs, the bicycles are killer and I really really hope that by the time I get to 3-4 all this 1-2 stuff will be cakewalk for me.
    Woohoo!!!!! wtg!!!...and I agree with you, the cardio i find is way more difficult to get through...but I'm ssure as you progress into the following weeks it'll get easier and easier ...otherwise they wouldnt have come out with a harder workout (the 3-4) ...just keep at it you are doing great!!! and glad to hear you're getting through the 777's!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Today is Day 8 and counting! I am super excited! I will be doing Sculpt 1-2 with my 8 lb weights thank you very much! LOL I am so glad to have moved up to 8 pounders in such a short time, bleh I am a weakling lol! Happy Sunday everyone and keep pressing play!:happy:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Today is Day 8 and counting! I am super excited! I will be doing Sculpt 1-2 with my 8 lb weights thank you very much! LOL I am so glad to have moved up to 8 pounders in such a short time, bleh I am a weakling lol! Happy Sunday everyone and keep pressing play!:happy:
    woohoo!!! wtg!!....and I think 8lbs weights are sufficient :smile:
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    LOL yea its pretty tough with those 8 pounders~! Ok so today is Day 9! OMG I feel so great about being so consistent with this program. I am so glad that Tony Horton is so easy to follow, but for reals and he is actually pretty funny! I will be doing my Sweat 1-2 today and I must admit that I do like my Sweat 1-2 with Abs... I feel like I am really burning some calories! Well anyways way to go everyone! KEEP PRESSING PLAY, EVEN WHEN YOU DON'T WANT TO, NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!