The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    Well I’m still here! 2nd week using level 3 DVD’s. week 7 total. I did cheat the last two weeks, and I will tell you why.


    I was really sore after day 2. On days 3 and 4 I was just going through the motions and felt like crap all day. I took extra rest on days 5 and 6 because my "body told me" I had nothing left. The 2nd week of level 3, I did 2 days on, 1 day rest, 3 days on, 1 day rest. I didn't feel so crappy and I feel like I'm ready to go all week next week. I counted up the total number of squats and lunges for the level 3 sculpt and came up with 160. The cardio is pretty much the same as dvd 1 but longer. Its just really hard to do a decent kick when your legs are jello from the day before. I have cut out the side hops all together and I either sub fast feet or jumping jacks. I find that more beneficial than the sub tony shows which is just side steps. If you are heavy like me cross hops are just a lot of strain on the knees and I would recommend that you sub them and also take it easy the first couple of weeks with the jumping jacks, concentrating on good form. I find its actually harder to do jacks slow, because your muscles are constantly flexing, so you will feel the burn :) Take a rest and deep breath at top if you need it. I like what tony says if it doesn't feel right, listen to your body. Right now my body says yeeeeeeeeee-hawwww its rest day tomorrow and I feel STRONG LIKE AN OX!

    ps. If I was going to do it over again I would probably do sculpt 3 for the first time right before a rest day. I tried to do it on day 1 and it messed up my week. Maybe do that for two weeks then start adding the extra level 3 days mixed with level 1 thoughout the week.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Sorry guys been out of town for the last week in Middly O'Nowhere, Ohio. No internet or Phone...:sad: So my total hurting soreness went away after 3 days and was replaced with dull ache. That means Im still working the muscles I hope.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Hey guys - I'm still here! I'm way behind on schedule since I was sick...I am planning on doubling up until I get caught up. I finally think I'm feeling well enough to start back up again!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • dragonfly70
    Hey everyone, I have switched to p90x. Been doing it 1 week and so enjoying it. In fact enjoying it so much I join to be a coach. I have lost 16 lbs and 23 inches so far since doing Power 90 and p90x since Jan 11th.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Thats very good dragonfly! So hows everyone else doing?
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    I have only lost 5 pounds on P90 so far but I was active before and already lost the "easy" pounds. but I dropped an additional 2 inches in pant size and have added alot of muscle weight I think. the mirror doesn't lie.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Very good jwilli! I do agree the mirror doesnt lie as well as clothes being looser. My clothes are friggin loose! I have no more holes left in my belt!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Dang gentlemen, you are doing amazing!

    Dragonfly - that's great! I do believe that I may become a coach as well once I get in tip top shape :D

    I decided to just re-start since I had missed too many days in a row. Got Day 2 done last night - I can't believe how much strength even a sinus infection can zap out of you! I originally started with 8 lb. weights and moved up to 10 because the 8's were getting too easy.

    I did sculpt last night and I could barely lift my 5 lb. weights! Oh well, at least I got through it!

    I also agree that the mirror doesn't lie...unless you have one of those weird funhouse mirrors! :tongue:
    My clothes got a little more loose too, enough that I had to go buy new jeans just so they'd fit in the rear end! I don't have a butt to begin with, so that's the first place to show. :blushing: haha TMI eh?

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Thursday!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    congrats to everyone here on your progress! i have started switching it up between power 90 and p90x - i'm not exactly following either program - i'm just alternating cardio days and strength training days and using whatever workout i feel. i know i'm getting a *lot* stronger - squats and lunges are no thang anymore, and i just started using 20 pound weights for some of my arm work. pushups are the worst - i'm still terrible at those, and i'm doing modified ones, and they are still really hard for me to do! so, i have been working out like crazy, and that's a good thing. but, i have not been eating the way i should, so i need to bring that back in. have a good weekend, everyone! the way i count down till the weekend, friday counts as zero, so, for all practical purposes, the weekend is already here!
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    Glad to hear about everyones progress! I thought it would be fun to share everyones most dreaded part of the power 90, so I created a poll that everyone can participate in. just copy/paste the link below and check your top 3 votes for your least favorite exercises! :)
  • afwingnut
    I'm on day 31 of P90 and really enjoying it. I've lost 12 lbs so far. I haven't hit the tape recently but I do notice that my clothes are loose and I'm wearing some shirts that hadn't left the closet in years. Friends told me about the P90X program but I'm glad I started with this one since I was pretty out of shape a month ago.

    I've been following the workout calendar faithfully but not been as fastidious with their nutrition plan. I'm consciously eating healthier foods and smaller portions 5 times a day and holding true to eating breakfast and never 3 hrs prior to bedtime. My goal has been 1200-1400 Calories per day and MFP has helped tremendously.

    I still have some work to do in the pushup area and doing dips but hope to have it all worked out in the next 2 weeks before I move up to Sweat & Scult 3/4 levels.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    hey everyone ! I'm getting the power 90 sometime soon and would love to join this group...I am kind of upset at my friend tho who thought it would be funny to poke fun at the fact that I dont think i'd be able to jump right into P90x.. :grumble: but all the same im excited to start this new regimen! :bigsmile:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Glad to hear from you guys!
    hasain girl, don't feel bad about what they said. They just dont understand what you are about to begin. Though P90x is rediculously hard I hear for those not athletically inclined. Thated be me. So I havent even tried it. P90 is hard enough. Its paying off though. 14lbs off and really loose clothing!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Glad to hear from you guys!
    hasain girl, don't feel bad about what they said. They just dont understand what you are about to begin. Though P90x is rediculously hard I hear for those not athletically inclined. Thated be me. So I havent even tried it. P90 is hard enough. Its paying off though. 14lbs off and really loose clothing!
    :bigsmile: congrats on losing 14lbs! (not to mention you've gained muscle too) and yea I'm not athletic at all lol thats why i decided to start slow ...I can't wait until I get the package in the mail and get to start the journey
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Well thank you very much hasiangirl! I hope you enjoy your stay here with us on MFP! What is everyone's weigh in day? Mine is on Tuesdays. Maybe we could post our losses. What you guys think?
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    That sounds fine Roy! Even though I doubt I will have much to report for awhile until I get out of this damn plateau...:grumble:
    Tuesdays do sound like a good day though, maybe that will teach me to be a bit more strict on the weekends!

    Maybe we could have little challenges too, like drink 64 oz of water a day or something along those lines?

    Day 4 tonight...I'm sore! I'd be concerned if I wasn't though, at least I know it's working!!

    Good to see you on here hasian!

  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I have both Power 90 an dP90X but I am starting off with Power 90(AGAIN) Hopefully this time around I will follow it better than last time. I am super excited to have a support from yall! I really need the motivation! I have a crazy work schedule and I tend to use that as an excuse as to why I do not workout. So for reals this time, I start today!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Welcome Stephanie!

    I got P90 because the workouts are pretty short, too. I don't have a super crazy schedule, but by the time I get off of work in the evenings I'm pretty tired and would rather spend time with the hubby than commit more than an hour to exercise, ya know? I'm finding this very easy to stick to.

    Have a great Friday and weekend, everyone!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks NykkieZ

    I actually have a question and anyone please feel free to answer it. Okay so when doing the Power 90 or the P90x What days should I rest? Do I get days to rest? Or do I need to workout straight through? I just want to hear what yall are doing so I can kind of get an idea of what I should do. I mean don't get me wrong I like to workout:yawn: but I do need a break or else I will feel burned out.