The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome jha 1223 glad to have you join. My pooer bands hardly get any use - I use weights - I am so uncoordinated with the bands - it's bad - they slip out from my feet , then I try to wrap them to make the resistance greater and then I just get messed up. But, I can use them successful for some LOL.

    Thanks for the question about the whole starvation mode thing. I have thought of that and even kinda tested it out. but here is the thing....when ever I increase my calories ...with healthy foods my weight jumps up a little and the stays there. So, I have notice that when I drop my calories consistantly - lets say between 1,000 and 1,200. (not eating back my exercise calories) my weight drops. I always thought that I was not suppose to go under 1,200. Then also my scale does body fat. Again I know that this is not the best judge but it is a baseline for me to go by. I am not losing muscle. It pretty much stays in the same range but has been slowly going down. So, my answer to that is. I must be (I try really hard ) under estimateing my calories. So that when I think it is 12,000. it is more like 1,400 and when I think it is 1,400 it is really like 1,600. Other than that it doesn't make sense. I think 1,400 a day would be a good number for my age and what I am trying to lose. But any advise is welcomed.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok Ok Ok - I am really excited - I completed day 80 - I did the UML upper middle lower from the Master series. Its a resistance dvd. (kinda like sculpt) . I only have 10 days to go!!!! Yeah. I already have a plan. I will continue with the Matser series for about two week - then on September 13 I am doing a local boot camp that is twice a week for four weeks. That will take me through Oct 8 (wedding is 10-10-10) So in between the boot camp I will work in the Master Series. So I have a plan all the way up until the wedding to keep me focus and accountable. Don't worry work out buddies I will still be checking in!!!! Hopefully I will figure out how to post my pictures for you.!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I will check in every day for the next 7 days!!! That will put me at 90 day!!! yes that is right I will have completed the Power 90 program!!! I did sculpt level 5/6 today. This has been a great jurney for me. My only disappointment is that I haven't lost the last two pounds. I am 127 and was hopeing to be 125. (started at 136). But what I haven't loss in pounds I have gained in muscle and fitness. As soon as a can I will take pictures and post them. But, I feel really good and I am so much stronger. My clothes fit better and there really is a difference. I am lean ... not just thinner. So, I have Tony tho thank for getting me in shape for my wedding!!!!

    Oh by the way - for those that have the Master series. The cardio interval is great with one big but. ....Wacko Jacks - for some reason those killed me - but I didn't know it until the next day!!! Good thing my day off was the next day because I would have been forced to take day off.

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi! Love reading your ladies progress. I'm considering starting Power 90 with a group ladies that I lead in a Fit Club at church in about 5 weeks when we finish Slim in 6. Does he do pull-ups in the original series or is it just work with bands/weights?

    Lobster - just wanted to say that I have heard great things about the Shakeology 3 day cleanse and using it to break past a plateau and lose some weight. Have you tried it? I will be trying it after Slim in 6 (I'm doing a 2nd round of P90X at the same time).

    Have a great day!

  • casl00
    casl00 Posts: 19
    Fantastic job Lobster!!! you keep me motivated and I hope to see those wedding pic's in the future! :wink:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning everyone - Day 84 of Power 90 - sweat level 5/6 Yeah!!!!!! I am so close!!! Feels really good to be able to do the workouts with great form and not stop. I have improved so much.

    BOGmama- I haven't tried the Shakeology but I did try the Go lean from GNC and it didn't do anything for me. (I replace two meals a day with a shake and only eat one snack (protein bar) and a very sensiable dinner. ) My weight stays between 127 and 129!! Its' kinda frustrating but then my body fat has gone down so i am just keeping in mind that I have built muscle. I am not sure what else to do. I may look into Shakeolgy again. I try not to take weight loss supplements or fat burns....

    Thanks Cas100!!! You will be where I am one day soon!!! If I can do it - anybody can!!! I will psot pics of the 90 days results as soon as I figure out how LOL !!! Then as the wedding I will post pictures.

    In fact - I just got the dress back yesterday and it fits perfect!!! I love it. I dropped it off at the cleaners to fluff it up and it willbe ready for the pictures on September 25th - then put away until the wedding!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    You guys will be tired of hearing from me!!! But - I completed day 85 - sculpt 3/4 Power 90!!! WOW!!! This feel so good. I can do at least 15 reps. - some 20 and all with 10 pound weights except for one or two exercises. That is such a big difference from the beginning with level 1/2 and only 3 pound weights..... I really feel accomplished --- only 5 more days to go. I won't say it went by fast or it was easy because it wasn't. I didn't miss one day - I only took one day off a week and on that day I walked or did something light. But it is totally worth it!!!! You guys will feel so much better when you do this... I promise!!!!

    See you tommorrow!!!!!

    Keep pushing play!!!!!
  • casl00
    casl00 Posts: 19

    Wow, just five more days that's wonderful!! I'm 25 days into the program and the 90th day seems so far away. lol I'm looking to switch over to 3/4 on day 30. I lost 6 pounds the first two weeks into the program and that's it. I'm not really focused on the weight but, counting these calories and not seeing the results on the scales... well you know.. hahaha

    Looking forward to the day 86 update.

    Pushing play!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    DAY 86 !!! Got up early and had a good start to the day with power 90 sweat 3/4!!!! Really felt good!!! So that means 4 more days - and one of those days is suppose to be a rest day!!!! I am almost there!!!! I am going to try to make it to step class tonight ... if not then I will just walk on the treadmill at home.

    I think I will take a few days off when I finish - then continue with the Matser Series until boot camp starts on the 13th of September. That's my plan!!!

    oh yeah! This week someone sent us (at work) these bakery fresh - utimate cookies!! I have had 1/2 one every day for my morning snack. I am kidding myself that they are somewhat healthy because they have walnuts - cocunut - dark chocolate and they don't have any additives or the such, whole ingedents only. Oh well I really don't cheat that much - but these are really good !!! They are almost gone now... I feel so much better that I have confessed!!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 87!!!! check ! I did the UML upper middle lower - it is finally getting a little easier!!! Guess what - I was down to 126.2 this morning!!!!! That means I am only 1.2 pounds away from my goal for 8/31! So I won't reach my goal but... .I got real close. The good news is I still have until 10/10 to reach it. But , I am very happy with the outcome of the power 90 and the weight loss. I feel great and I think I look better, that's what counts.

    I am going to see the Super Bowl Champs - my home team - The Saints - tonight! Yeas I wil have a beer or two!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing good!!!!!

    cas100 - how is it going? keeping pushing play!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 88 check!!! I tried Plyo legs today - tough- Had to do the modified on some of the moves!!!! But I am almost there!!!! It feels really good to be so close - I promise I will try to post pictures!
  • casl00
    casl00 Posts: 19
    One more day Lobster..:smile: looking forward to the update.

    Still pushing play and I lost two more pounds which brings me to 8 pounds lost in 29 days...

    I decided to start phase 3/4 on Monday..

    Check in with ya Monday.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    YEAH YEAH YEAH - DOING THE HAPPY DANCE!!!!!! Day 90 of POWER complete!!!!! I did level 5/6 sculpt this morning with 10 pound weights and puched myself to do 15 -20 reps on all of them. Had to use 5 pounds on two exercises.

    Also I happy to report my weigh-in on Friday was 126.2 so that means I lost 10 pounds !!! (my goal was 11 lbs) I feel really good - my hubbie to be will take the final pictures tonight!!!

    So, I will do 5/6 sweat tomorrow and then take a couple of days off!! Then on Saturday - I will take it easy - maybe do level 1/2 or the biggest loser DVD or 30 shred. I will stay on some program type - work out 6 days a week until September 13. I will start a local Boot Camp - on non-bootcamp days I will do the lean program with the Power 90 Master Series!!! That will take me all the ay until October 8th!!! The wedding is the 10th - so that is the plan. I will evaluate when I get back and start something else.....

    But to all my wonder power 90 friends THANK YOU! I am not going anywhere!! I will still check in and tell my updates and want to hear your updates.!!! I will try to post pics soon!!!
    Have a happy healthy day!!!

    PUSH PLAY!!!!
  • casl00
    casl00 Posts: 19
    Very happy for you Lobster, you hit your goal!!! doing the happy dance.. lol

    Looking forward to seeing the pic's and please do stay in touch!

    Pushing play! :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    My first day without doing power90 in the morning - I feel naked!!!! (yesterday day 91 - I did sweat 5/6 to even out lol)
  • lol... Do you have 5/6 cardo too? I just started 3/4 on Monday.

    Hey, what happen to the pics? :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    yes I have the whole Master series - I did sculpt 5/6 on Monday - so I figured I had to do sweat 5/6 to balance it out. Robert took the pictures but he has to download them to my computer - he suppose to come over tonight so I hope he brings the dvd or thumb drive or whatever it is LOL. You can really see the difference from day 1 to day 90. Especialy in my arms..they look the best.

    Maybe it's just me....but I think 3/4 and 5/6 about the same - level wise - I mean they are different but I think the diffuculty is about the same. You will have to let me know after you do yours.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok I must be addicted ..... I got up and did the biggest loser boot camp this morning level 1 & 2 a total of 45mins. I didn't want to feel naked today!!! I really think my problem is that if I don't exercise I can eat as much!!!!!! I need those exercise calories - but I think that will change when I am on maintance????
  • Lobster, I know what you mean. Me and my coworkers went to McDonalds yesterday and I was sorry worried about calories that I ended up eating my energy bar and drinking orange juice.. Last month I would have ordered a Big Mac value meal and 10 Mcnuggets..

    Counting calories how did this happen?? LOL
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member

    I posted my pictures on my profile - check them out!!!
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