

  • Some of my favorites to run to: Work by Jars of Clay All These Things That I've Done by The Killers Gimme Sympathy by Metric X Amount of Words by Blue October Pump It Up by Elvis Costello From Now On by The Features More Than Fine by Switchfoot Dig by Fanfarlo The Line by Battles Floating Vibes by Surfer Blood
  • Habits are so hard to form for me! Good job, seriously!
  • Weight this morning (1/30): 259. 10 lbs lost in 14 days works for me! I beat my 7 lbs per month goal for January in only 2 weeks, so nothing to be sad about there! (I say that because I was at 260 on Wednesday and I only lost 1 lb from Wednesday to Monday morning and I had thought it would be more...) I've been doing okay…
  • definitely at work here...
  • Seriously? I need to meet this doctor... I love feeling smarter than people with a higher degree than mine.
  • hahaha yes... reminds me of the "between my legs" movie game elsewhere on the forum where someone said "Toy Story... for those lonely nights"... teehee :blushing:
  • Campbell University Alumi Association North Carolina State University Alumni Association Q98 (which I no longer listen to!) SPCA of Wake County magnet I <3 my dog (bone shaped magnet)
  • OMG that sounds amazing.
  • Gorton's grilled signature tilapia filets (frozen, 2 per box), salad greens with sharp cheddar, tomatoes, and homemade vinegrette, and mahatma yellow saffron rice (1/2 cup per person).
  • when you are on your food diary page, hit "settings" on top of the page, then hit "diary settings" and you can choose what 5 macronutrients you want to track.
  • Part of the problem with yogurt is that it's going to have the milk sugar (lactose) in there before you even add any kind of sweetener and MFP is going to count that sugar. I also would recommend Stevia. I *hate* artificial sweeteners because I cannot stand the after-taste, but stevia doesn't have an aftertaste (at least,…
  • this site might help:
  • Most shelters are more than happy to do a "Cat test" with the dog you are thinking about adopting. I know my local SPCA does.
  • bahahahahahaha! a lot of these are good, but that's the only one that made me literally LOL... how about FIREPROOF between my legs! hahaha how blasphemous can we get! :devil:
  • stranger than fiction between my legs lost in space between my legs anchorman: the legend of ron burgundy between my legs (hahaha love will farrell!)
  • I like to find a nice recipe that will make 5-6 servings and cook it on Sunday so I have something to eat that's healthy and quick every day for lunch. A hearty soup is always good and filling and you can adjust ingredients to make it low cal, low fat, low sodium, whatever you want if you make it homemade. The suggestion…
  • I make egg casseroles all the time (doing low carb) and I always add a bit of cottage cheese to the eggs to make them creamier. It's pretty much indetectable. (just a tip to help you use up the cottage cheese you've already bought... i wouldn't advise buying any more!)
  • You know what's worse than bad grammar? PLAGIARISM. He did not write that.... it's been on the internet for years. I don't know who did write it, but he's taking credit for someone else's brilliance. That said, it is very funny and worth passing on (and long as you don't pretend you wrote it).
  • Your weight can fluctuate up to 5 lbs (up or down) in a day, depending on your water intake, salt intake, hormones, whether you've had a bowel movement since the last time you weighed, and a number of other factors. That's why you always hear the recommendation to only weigh yourself 1x/week, the same day, at the same time…
  • That's AWESOME! :)
  • I'm only going to post weight 1x/week. My plan is to weigh every Monday morning, after I go potty, before I get into the shower. That's what I did last week to get my starting weight of 269. This morning I weighed in at 263... a 6 lb loss in 1 week!!! Sweet Jesus, that's beautiful! Here's the thing: I've eaten 1500…
  • Wow! I need someone to give me $75 for losing 20 lbs! good luck!
  • Good tips, sherrib. I've got another: If you honestly try these things (and give them a sporting chance) and still it seems like NOTHING is working for you, you may want to go see an Endocrinologist. I had a similar experience, where it seemed like absolutely nothing would work except simply stopping eating (which I did…
  • I found this GREAT website if you're doing South Beach or just low carb, low GI in general: She breaks down all of her recipes by ingredients, types, and by phases of the South Beach diet. For the month of January, she's doing 1 recipe per day that works for phase 1. I've tried only one recipe…
  • You can do it! I'm already impressed! I haven't been on my treadmill in AGES (isn't it amazing how you can spend so much money on something to sit and collect dust in your house???), but I remember I really could never handle a speech much higher than about 2.2. Of course, I was too embarrassed to RUN on it because of how…
  • SW: 269 (on Mon 1/16/12) CW: 266 (on Wed 1/18/12) Goals: 7 lbs per month, to reach 169 by March of 2013. Doing my own version of The South Beach Diet, adding as much water as I can stand (which is about 4 cups a day right now), and walking on my 15 minute breaks at work. Small steps for now and watching the high glycemic…
  • Which c25k app are you all using? I used search on my android phone and I see several that are free.