Why does it seem so many people on this site are so angry an



  • marakristina
    marakristina Posts: 2 Member
    Seasonal Affective Disorder.

    People need to channel their energy and go work out!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    We are all hungry...

    If you are hungry you are doing it wrong!

    Not true. I am hungry because my body wants to be bigger than my brain wants it to be!
  • marakristina
    marakristina Posts: 2 Member
    Seasonal Affective Disorder.

    People need to channel their energy and go work out!

    Personally, I think the season has a lot to do with it. Typically, people gain more weight in the winter, the days are shorter, and some people actually suffer from SAD (I forget what that acronym stands for). Also, some of the people out there have made new year's resolutions to quit smoking, and the absence of the chemicals in the cigarettes are causing some of them to vent anger while they detox. It's quite common.

    Mostly, I think people feel safe to vent here where they may not elsewhere. Personally, I take it as a compliment. The fact that they feel comfortable enough to share their TRUE feelings in these forums says a lot. And in the end, might help them to stay focused on why they are here.

    Just my thoughts.
  • jeffarthur
    jeffarthur Posts: 123 Member
    Goggles Ho!!

    i'm with you...lighten up and enjoy what you are doing. I've def seen a difference in the diet people and the fitness people going at it...one wnats to lose 50 lbs being given advice from someone striving for 0% body fat...probably a leeeeetle sensitive.

    I want some goggles!!!! Perhaps goggles could be our own movement?????Fun for MFP
  • CharityPearce
    This is a legit question and it's not just to those being rude and crude. I've been on MFP for awhile. Been on the forums a solid 6 months now posting quite a bit. My first post here was the middle of August. Anyways the difference alone from then and is crazy on how much angrier and whiny people in general seem to be on this site. Maybe it's just my personality but it really turns me off to the forums a bit. Which means I'm doing the thing I'm complaining about. I'm getting angry over people being angry. I don't want things to be just cheery but there is just a lot more whining overall going on lately. We are all adults, let's have some fun, lose some weight, and enjoy the ride! These are great times, we are taking control of our bodies. We rule this day, no reason not to feel boss about that!

    Here are the reasons I've seen for such things:

    1. It's the Internet. As someone else mentioned, the forums are where the trolls live. The sense of anonymity makes people feel bolder, which means the people that are polite in real life feel free to be jerks, and the jerks in real life feel free to be total *kitten*.

    2. There are a lot of questions posted on here that have been asked a dozen times before, or, even better, are in the stickies that say READ ME FIRST (I see it at least once a day). By asking the question that has been asked a million times, it says to everyone else that the person didn't bother to read or pay enough attention to at least try to find out for themselves before asking. I think it would help tremendously if MFP implemented a system like what StackOverflow (stackoverflow.com) has - as you post a question, it looks for potential duplicates, to avoid the situations of asking the same question over and over (and duplicates also get shut down pretty quickly, with a reference to the original question).

    3. Humor is lost in text, due to the lack of non-verbal communication that goes on when people talk face-to-face. As such, things that are obviously humorous to some aren't to others.

    4. Some people are just overly sensitive, and on a site dedicated to weight management, that percentage is higher than most places. Someone then gets their panties in a wad, and it just spirals out of control from there.

    Very astute answer! I especially agree with the fact that humor often gets lost in text. I always try to assume someone's joking if possible. : )
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    I love this post because it is so true. Maybe becuase people are hungry and unhappy about their weght so they take it out on random strangers:explode: lol
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm not angry. Or hungry.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I don't post very often on the message boards unless I feel that I can give encouragement to someone who needs it, or if someone is asking for information on what is working for others (diet, exercise, recipes,etc.)

    When I see a post that is nasty, or one that I strongly disagree with I have found a seldom used feature in MFP...the "ignore this thread" button. It looks like a little "X" in the top right corner of your browser window. :tongue:
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    Yeah, the constant spell/grammar check is complete buffoonery. If you feel the need to expose someone at 2pm, on a wednesday, via your computer - you're an assclown. Either that or:
    -you view the mistake as a teachable moment, the inner-coach in you can't/won't be stifled - you're a giver
    -you belittle others to make yourself feel better - seems weird considering this a support forum
    -you know the MFP public is hungry for cliched, hackneyed, over used, unoriginal thoughts and you're happy to serve them up with a side of pompous douche-baggary.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    It's a weeding process, initiation to the gang, the new kid "he/she is weird" thought pattern. Only the strong will survive - but what is missed is those who are asking the "stupid, repetitive" question (as many would see them) are the ones who need the most help...

    A simple - "this is what has worked for me...." or "I have read on that dieting method and it doesn't seem as healthy as it is pumped up to be, perhaps you should do some more research on it.." would have a better effect on the "newbs" than completely mocking the lack of knowledge they might have on the subject. - just my thought!!!
    Thank you, yes! ^^^

    There are a lot of folks that have been around this site for several months, had some success, have learned a thing or two and think they've learned it all. Then they go around e-bludgeoning anyone who doesn't know the few things they know. And they think they're being funny. They forget that they were once ignorant too. I know when I first started here (long ago) I was into taking some diet suppressant - can't even remember what it was. But I know better now, and it wasn't because someone made a ridiculous remark to me.

    Frankly the MOST knowledgeable folks I know on this site are quite positive and patient; they tend to be professionals in a fitness or nutrition related field, so they kinda have to be (kinda). The newbs are not our enemies...
  • kaseycarp
    It enrages me that you would say such a thing :explode:

    Lmao! Thanks for that :laugh:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I think people tend to be very "sort of protective" of the way they have lost weight or the way they are trying to lose weight. It seems that certain folks lose a few pounds and they are instantly experts and they are quick to espouse the way they did it - to hell with others and the way that has worked for them. What worked for you may not work for others. Everybody has to figure out what's the best way for them.

    I can understand that some are trying to protect others from harmful dieting practices, but lighten up, and try to do it in a more helpful way. You piss 'em off they ain't gonna listen to you
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    All I'm saying, is give peas a chance.

    Er...peace. Yes. Peace. But seriously though, people really just need to be nicer all around.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Hulk SMASH!
  • bells4her
    We are all hungry...

  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    ROTFLMAO this thread was just all the therapy i needed. Never laughed so hard. Thank you crazy MFP family.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    well no, I'm not actually
    but it's first thing that came to my mind
  • angijunbug
    Love it!!!
  • JceCarolinaGirl
    I don't know, but that is precisely why I rarely ever post or reply on these forums! :)
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