Why does it seem so many people on this site are so angry an



  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    I know it is because i havent had a brownie in months...
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    We are all hungry...


    I think it's like any other site. People sometimes think their way is the *only* way

    This is sort of what I was thinking. I've been part of other forums and people were way worse than here, so I think it's just something about participating in online worlds.
  • wannabehealthy1980

    I just spit diet coke all over my desk for the second time this week LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Perhaps we all just need a snickers bar.
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    in my case im either grumpy because i cant have the food i want...or grumpy because i ate the food i wanted and now i feel fatter. :noway:
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member

  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    ******* I have been on this site since 2008 and it started out great. What bothers me is that (I hope I don't offend people) the atmosphere here has changed. It's no longer constructive criticism at times it's down right rude and hurtful. I have seen it and tried to stay quiet about it. It's really bothersome. There is a way to get your point across with having some sort of heart for the person your saying it too. It shouldn't matter if someone CAN'T SPELL or use the BEST GRAMMAR. We are all here to support, motivate and obtain a goal not to beat each other down, that's what the outside world has been doing which is why people came here to begin with.

  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    in my case im either grumpy because i cant have the food i want...or grumpy because i ate the food i wanted and now i feel fatter. :noway:

    I know RIGHT! UGH! I'm right there with ya!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I love how people say it is because you are hungry....are you eating?!?!!? I have had plenty to eat on this plan and the success is in eating to refuel your body and not starving to see big numbers. If you are eating less to see big numbers...be prepared to add a topic soon on plateauing. This is a lifestyle change and you can't starve yourself your whole life!!! Or maybe you just need to eat more protein. Either way...this plan does not starve you.

    I wasn't aware this was a plan! I am maintaining now, having lost all the weight I wanted to months ago. I was STARVING while I lost weight. I was cold all the time. I hate losing weight. Now I am maintaining I am on between 1500 and 1600 cals a day, and yes, sometimes I am still hungry, but I am less grouchy.
  • Flyer615
    Flyer615 Posts: 173 Member
    Man, I was thinking that same thing last night. Someone asked a simple question about a weigh in. About three people read the post. Twenty people read part of the post and started slamming the asker and the folks that answered the question.

    "I'm a ______ (fill in the blank with something that makes their opinion infallible). I think you are making a huge mistake. You SHOULD be exercising 30 times a day for 1 minute each and eating one continuous meal from 9 am to 4:15 pm. ...blah, blah, blah."
    I have come to decide that because there are thousands on MFP, and the median IQ is 100, that there must be a lot of people on here with an IQ in the lower double digits. It further stands to reason that many of them don't know that their IQ is in the lower half of the population and therefore do not realize that the more they slam, the more stupid they appear. It's an epidemic. I'm a toolmaker/machinist. I should know. :bigsmile:
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I myself like to see the light in everything. Find the beauty that no one else see's.

    I am the same way! We should be friends. :)

    Sometimes you have to dig deep, but it's there. ;)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I love how people say it is because you are hungry....are you eating?!?!!? I have had plenty to eat on this plan and the success is in eating to refuel your body and not starving to see big numbers. If you are eating less to see big numbers...be prepared to add a topic soon on plateauing. This is a lifestyle change and you can't starve yourself your whole life!!! Or maybe you just need to eat more protein. Either way...this plan does not starve you.

    It was a joke...

    But since you mentioned it... now that I am eating smaller meals every couple of hours, I find myself ravenous when it is time to eat.
  • Pattinan
    Pattinan Posts: 42 Member
    They are just hungry! :wink:
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    This is got is a great forum topic...people complaining about the fact that others on the site are complaining. I love the irony.


    Advice is worth exactly what you pay for it!
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I agree...Some people are down right hateful, but I have discovered the ignore user feature and LOVE IT! Typically it's the same people that are being nasty so I've just began ignoring them. It's wonderful!
  • CharityPearce
    We are all hungry...

    LOL! Exactly what I thought when I read the post. : ) But I have noticed there are some angry people. There are also some really great ones!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
  • CharityPearce
    Man, I was thinking that same thing last night. Someone asked a simple question about a weigh in. About three people read the post. Twenty people read part of the post and started slamming the asker and the folks that answered the question.

    "I'm a ______ (fill in the blank with something that makes their opinion infallible). I think you are making a huge mistake. You SHOULD be exercising 30 times a day for 1 minute each and eating one continuous meal from 9 am to 4:15 pm. ...blah, blah, blah."
    I have come to decide that because there are thousands on MFP, and the median IQ is 100, that there must be a lot of people on here with an IQ in the lower double digits. It further stands to reason that many of them don't know that their IQ is in the lower half of the population and therefore do not realize that the more they slam, the more stupid they appear. It's an epidemic. I'm a toolmaker/machinist. I should know. :bigsmile:

    Again...hilarious! : ) Love it!
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    ******* I have been on this site since 2008 and it started out great. What bothers me is that (I hope I don't offend people) the atmosphere here has changed. It's no longer constructive criticism at times it's down right rude and hurtful. I have seen it and tried to stay quiet about it. It's really bothersome. There is a way to get your point across with having some sort of heart for the person your saying it too. It shouldn't matter if someone CAN'T SPELL or use the BEST GRAMMAR. We are all here to support, motivate and obtain a goal not to beat each other down, that's what the outside world has been doing which is why people came here to begin with.
    Totally agree. I had a good friend leave the site for this very reason.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    This is got is a great forum topic...people complaining about the fact that others on the site are complaining. I love the irony.


    Advice is worth exactly what you pay for it!

    Which is what I posted in my post about complaining that I know I am complaining. Thus it's a giant complaining circle of complaining that now you are complaining about so I will make another spot in the complaining circle so you complain with the rest of us complaining about the complaining.

    Also for your quote.. A friends advice is always free and worth that of the stars on most topics.
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