jreneanderson Member


  • As much as it sucks to hear, I think you are gaining muscle. You seem to be exercising enough and cutting calories so I would imagine you are toning and building muscle. Do you measure your inches? You might find your inches going down even though you've gained two pounds. I was in the same situation, did my measurements,…
  • I am reading "Lincoln" by Gore Vidal because Liam Neeson is going to star in the movie, and I adore Liam Neeson. I just got done reading "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis because it came highly recommended but I didn't understand the appeal. I'm a grad student in the LMFT program so I have to read a lot of school books…
  • Thanks for the feedback Danielle and sweetoblivion! I have dumbbells at home but I never use them. I will definitely have to start, though, so I can strengthen up my right side. :o)
  • Has anybody noticed a difference between measurements of each 'side' of your body? I have! Just wondering if it's the same for everyone else. My left arm and thigh are bigger than my right side, and I was just curious if anyone else has this. I am right-handed so I use my left side more often for carrying things; it's my…
  • Hi there - Great job on kicking the smoking habit! That in itself is HUGE and I hope you have given yourself lots of credit for it. Congratulations on getting married! Boy, three months to go before the big day . . . AND you quit smoking AND you are dieting = major stress!! Good luck with everything. You have accomplished…
  • Hi Ann - I hear ya girl! I just joined this site today because I am terrible at tracking what I eat because I don't want to hold myself accountable for what I eat. That in itself is my biggest stumbling block. I actually don't mind exercising; in fact, my body loves to exercise but my mind needs motivation to do it. :o)…