Weight not dropping

nessjen Posts: 11 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Question for enyone. I have been doing a low calorie diet and doing an hour of Zumba a day, or walking for 30 minutes and doing 30 minutes. I do this faithfully everday and my total calories equal 1300. I've gained 2 lbs instead of losing which really pisses me off. When does the weight start coming off with a low calorie diet like that?


    EDBENAGLIO Posts: 424
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    are you weighing and measuring your food?
    How does your sodium and water intake look?
  • How long have you been doing it? It takes me about 2-3 weeks once I start really watching my calories and exercising before it drops off, and then it goes like mad...3-5 pounds per week! Hang in there--it will happen! :)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Keep track of your measurements. You may be gaining muscle mass, but you still will be losing inches. Sometimes the scale is not your friend. :smile:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    let me guess you are not eating back your exercise cals are you? If not then that is your problem you should not be below 1200 net a day for a woman, and 1500 net a day for men unless you are exceptionally short.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    are you weighing and measuring your food?
    How does your sodium and water intake look?
  • I lost weight during my first three months, but as your fitness improves I really think you need a good Heart Rate Monitor. I have reached the plateau stage and I know I might not be calculating my workout calories correclty. It seem to me, you are already getting a good workout so a HRM might help you know where you truly stand. Sounds like you might be burning more calories than you think. Good luck!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Keep track of your measurements. You may be gaining muscle mass, but you still will be losing inches. Sometimes the scale is not your friend. :smile:

    It takes a lot to build muscle and normally requires you to eat more than you are taking in. Zumba and walking isnt going to put on muscle mass.
  • jreneanderson
    jreneanderson Posts: 6 Member
    As much as it sucks to hear, I think you are gaining muscle. You seem to be exercising enough and cutting calories so I would imagine you are toning and building muscle. Do you measure your inches? You might find your inches going down even though you've gained two pounds. I was in the same situation, did my measurements, and found I lost 9 inches! I was really amazed. Good luck. I'm sure you're doing a great job!! :o)
  • Hi My name is Deborah by the way. I recently had a Personal Trainer and they said when that happens it can be that our body if building more muscle. Which weighs more but the good thing about that is when we gain more muscle we burn more Fat! Or if your not eating enough calories frequently throughout the day your body will think your starving and store everything you eat. my trainer said the more often we eat our metabolism begins to speed up!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    change things up, do different workouts, add strength training, eat more some days and less others, check your sodium and water intake.

    so many factors can determine weight loss or gain.
  • jkees4854
    jkees4854 Posts: 10
    If you have access to a "Tanita" scale (some Dr's offices will have one,) I suggest stepping on it. You'll get a readout of exactly where all of your weight is. You'll see what's fat, what's water, what's muscle. It can also calculate your BMI and different percentages too.

    I agree with other posts too, sometimes it just takes a while for the weight to start coming off, then it will drop like crazy. It's those 1st few weeks with no results that make starting a new routine so difficult. It's why we generally don't stick to it, but I know you will!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    It took me a couple of weeks of being absolutely honest before I saw a weight drop.

  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    How long have you been doing it? It takes me about 2-3 weeks once I start really watching my calories and exercising before it drops off, and then it goes like mad...3-5 pounds per week! Hang in there--it will happen! :)
    I hope this is true for me! I always expect the first weeks to be the most drastic!
  • hamsmash
    hamsmash Posts: 41 Member
    Depends how long have you been at it, you could be carrying some extra water weight if you just started working out just keep at it and hopefully you will start seeing some progress.
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    without a little more detail i can only guess but i would image that two things might be going on.
    1. you're not eating enough - eat back your calories...it's key!
    2. if you are eating enough you may just be gaining muscle. My training had me by a really tight pair of jeans and while i didn't lose pounds i was definitely getting smaller - i finally reached a point where i wasn't building muscle and started to lose pounds again...but all the time i was/am getting smaller.

    (side note: you won't gain a ton of muscle with just cardio so i would be you're not eating enough)

    good luck.
  • missdei
    missdei Posts: 1
    Muscle weighs more than fat, instead of a scale, try measuring your loss in inches.
    The scale is what caused me to give up a few months ago. Changed my strategy from "Am I losing weight" to: "Do I fit into this outfit? : ) For instance if you were say, I size 16, make your goal to fit into a size 14, and so on. I'm just starting over, so I can't tell you if this will actually work, but it's sure worth a shot! Sounds logical to me, anyway. lol! Good luck! : )
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Question for enyone. I have been doing a low calorie diet and doing an hour of Zumba a day, or walking for 30 minutes and doing 30 minutes. I do this faithfully everday and my total calories equal 1300. I've gained 2 lbs instead of losing which really pisses me off. When does the weight start coming off with a low calorie diet like that?

    1. How long have you been doing this?

    2. Can you open your diary here scroll down to PUBLIC and click that.

    3. I am not sure that 1300 calories a day is enough for you when you're doing an hour of Zumba, or walking for 30 mins. If you feel "hungry" you need to up your cal count to 1500 or 1550 or 1600. Check my diary for my counts, it may help you.
  • vjenelle
    vjenelle Posts: 23
    Similar thing happened to me a few years ago. I was exercising and doing my best to watch my portion sizes despite the fact that I was constantly hungry. Then I found out I was pregnant:noway:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat
    No it does not a pounds of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat, it takes up a lot less room though which is why you can still weight the same and be much smaller than when you started.
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