Weight not dropping



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Since you have not given us that much information it is hard to say what is up. As asked, how long have you been doing this? I notice this is your first post and you have only been a member since April 2011. If you just started and were very sedentary before, but now exercise fairly intensely your muscles can retain water to hold more glycogen (the fuel that muscles use when you use them) that will often result in a weight gain for a while after you start a new or very different workout routine. You could be eating too little, although if you just started it is likely that whether you are eating too little or not that would not be affecting your weight loss. It takes a while before the body starts reducing metabolism due to extreme caloric deficit. If you have been doing this for a while, then it may be that you are eating too little or not working out hard enough, just because you do an exercise, if you don't do it intensely you will not burn a lot of calories. Please open your diary and tell us how long you have been doing this. Also, I find from my completely unscientific examination of the messages here on MFP that often women will take a couple of weeks to start losing weight, although I have seen a few men struggle with that as well.
  • How long have you been doing zumba?? I go to hiphop and zumba classes about twice aday. When I was only doing it once a day I wasn't really losing so now that I have began going twice a day I have lost about 30 pounds since July. And just recently I have began walking a mile or two before or after class. So try to increase the number of classes you go to or maybe try a belly dancing class I know it sounds funny but, it really works your abs and you use muscles you don't normally use. Just a thought!!!! I would also recommend HipHop classes. They are the best and you really leave there all HOT AND SWEATY!!!!:smile:
  • nessjen
    nessjen Posts: 11 Member
    To answer all questions.

    I'm a new member on here but have been on a low calorie diet since Oct 17th. I lost 20 lbs and have stopped since. And no I didn't stick to excerising everyday so I thought maybe that was my problem of not losing more. I have been faithful to sticking to my calorie count and my work out since March 15th.

    I'm also a type 2 diebetic, and yes I'm eating around 2100 calories a day and burning anywhere from 600-900 calories from exercise. So it puts me at 1500 -1200 a day.

    I hardly use salt. Less than a tsp a day and have 1 diet pop a day.

    I have measured myself and have lost 6.3 inches in 2 weeks. However what I want is to lose weight to be off my diebetes medication. My goal is to be healthy. I understand I will always be a diebtic and always have to watch myself but to lose the weight to be around longer would be nice.
  • nessjen
    nessjen Posts: 11 Member
    My heart rate has been around 200 & 220 and I've been sweating my butt off with the Zumba.

    I also switch every couple of days what I do. Today I walked the dog 40 minutes and then did an hour of Zumba. (cause it's fun) and then tomorrow I will walk, box and step on the WII and then 30 minutes of Zumba. I use to only do Zumba but I heard walking is very healthy and helps in losing weight with everyone.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    Sometimes if you're eating too little and burning too much your body actually goes into a starvation mode. If I were you calculate the numbers needed to burn about 2 lbs a week( with exercise) and remember to eat at regular intervals. Also what time of day do you eat most? After a certain time alll things convert straight to fat. I know this is all basic weight loss facts ..but it reallly is that easy
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    To answer all questions.

    I'm a new member on here but have been on a low calorie diet since Oct 17th. I lost 20 lbs and have stopped since. And no I didn't stick to excerising everyday so I thought maybe that was my problem of not losing more. I have been faithful to sticking to my calorie count and my work out since March 15th.

    I'm also a type 2 diebetic, and yes I'm eating around 2100 calories a day and burning anywhere from 600-900 calories from exercise. So it puts me at 1500 -1200 a day.

    I hardly use salt. Less than a tsp a day and have 1 diet pop a day.

    I have measured myself and have lost 6.3 inches in 2 weeks. However what I want is to lose weight to be off my diebetes medication. My goal is to be healthy. I understand I will always be a diebtic and always have to watch myself but to lose the weight to be around longer would be nice.

    Based on all that, I would just keep doing what you are doing. You will start to lose weight if you are losing inches, and the losing of inches will help with your Type-II diabetes as well. It is the extra fat that is part of your problem with insulin resistance. Keep it up and trust that they day will come when you start losing actual weigh numbers again.
  • nessjen
    nessjen Posts: 11 Member
    I work for a Brokerage at the US/Canadian border so I always bring munchies. I eat most at work. So I bring Cottage cheese and fruit, a salad, a yogurt or baked chips for munchies. I try to eat a yogurt a day since I don't drink milk.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I would ditch the chips and in its place a can of tuna and some whole grain bread. Chips baked or not are a food that turns to fat.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    To answer all questions.

    I'm a new member on here but have been on a low calorie diet since Oct 17th. I lost 20 lbs and have stopped since. And no I didn't stick to excerising everyday so I thought maybe that was my problem of not losing more. I have been faithful to sticking to my calorie count and my work out since March 15th.

    I'm also a type 2 diebetic, and yes I'm eating around 2100 calories a day and burning anywhere from 600-900 calories from exercise. So it puts me at 1500 -1200 a day.

    I hardly use salt. Less than a tsp a day and have 1 diet pop a day.

    I have measured myself and have lost 6.3 inches in 2 weeks. However what I want is to lose weight to be off my diebetes medication. My goal is to be healthy. I understand I will always be a diebtic and always have to watch myself but to lose the weight to be around longer would be nice.

    1. I'm not a diabetic, so take my advice with....a grain of salt and/or consult your nutritionist/doctor/physician/primary/etc.

    2. You're eating 2100 calories a day. Personally, I would say that is way too high. When I started at MFP they put me way up there in cals too, even though I exercise 4x per week with a pretty hard cardio wo, the number was still too high. I changed my weight loss to 1.5 lbs per week and that gave me 1350 per day to deal with and then my wo which is usually about 300 per time.

    3. Based on that, and you can check my food diary, I do not eat more than 1550 per day usually. Most of the time I'm under 1400 cals per day. A "normal" person is supposed to eat 2000 daily...you're eating 2100. The 2000 cals a day thing maintains your weight.

    4. Again, I am not a dr, but I think you are probably eating way too many cals. I would change up to 1.5 lbs per week instead of 1 lb per week to lower your daily counts. But again, due to your medical issues you probably need to talk to a nutritionist, etc, and get their professional opinion.

    5. Your snacks are wonderful...and really healthy and great.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat
    No it does not a pounds of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat, it takes up a lot less room though which is why you can still weight the same and be much smaller than when you started.

    Haha this made me laugh, thats like saying a ton of feathers is the same as a ton of bricks so fathers and bricks are the same weight, yes if your measure the same WEIGHT they will be the same WEIGHT!

    You've proven fat does weigh more as a smaller size weights more then the same size of fat!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Muscle weighs more than fat, instead of a scale, try measuring your loss in inches.
    The scale is what caused me to give up a few months ago. Changed my strategy from "Am I losing weight" to: "Do I fit into this outfit? : ) For instance if you were say, I size 16, make your goal to fit into a size 14, and so on. I'm just starting over, so I can't tell you if this will actually work, but it's sure worth a shot! Sounds logical to me, anyway. lol! Good luck! : )

    not trying to be rude. I just wanted to point out that a pound is a pound. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. I was so frustrated when I found this out.

    Muscle does take less room however....from the sounds of it you have not found your right calorie intake.. Make sure you are drinking tons of water. move around your calories a little every day.....and have more fun at this....*grin*
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178

    fat and muscle weigh the same...again not trying to be pushy. For me it was very frustrating to find that out but now it makes total sense and I deal better. *grin*
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Fat on top, muscle on the bottom. They weigh the same but you look thinner with more muscle, not fatter.

  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Hi there,

    Your food diary is hidden... I was going to look at it and offer ideas.

    Also, how long have you been doing this?

    Do you have a way of measuring BMI? I'm pretty sure I'm building muscle mass which of course, makes your weight go up. I have an omicrom BMI scale which I like a lot.


  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Hi there,

    Your food diary is hidden... I was going to look at it and offer ideas.

    Also, how long have you been doing this?

    Do you have a way of measuring BMI? I'm pretty sure I'm building muscle mass which of course, makes your weight go up. I have an omicrom BMI scale which I like a lot.


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