Hiya :)

kackymarie Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All
Just joined and I am really hoping this will give me the focus I need to get back on track, seem to have lost it of late and as I only have 3 months left before our wedding think I need to put my game face on :P
I managed to kick the smoking habit easier than the chocolate and cakes addiction I have for some reason :(
Any good advice on how to stay focused would be a big help!
Anyway thanks for reading,
Take care :D


  • jreneanderson
    jreneanderson Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there -
    Great job on kicking the smoking habit! That in itself is HUGE and I hope you have given yourself lots of credit for it. Congratulations on getting married! Boy, three months to go before the big day . . . AND you quit smoking AND you are dieting = major stress!! Good luck with everything. You have accomplished a lot and have big rewards waiting for you.

    I have only been a member in this "program", or whatever you want to call it, for a week and I think tracking everything has been a real eye-opener for me! I never realized this: Gatorade has more sugar in it than an old-fashioned glazed doughnut! Little things like that have been educational for me and it is also interesting to be journaling my food. I am terrible at journaling because I don't want to hold myself accountable for what I eat, but the diary and especially the mobile app have been really helpful in keeping me on track.

    Also, exercising has been really great. You can track your exercise here and knowing how many calories each exercise burns has been really great for me. It has motivated me to exercise often because then I have a little more freedom to eat what I "want" vs. eating what I "should" because I, ie., only have so many calories left.

    Sorry about the long reply but I hope that is helpful for you. Good luck!
  • Thankyou for your kind words :D
    I think I expect to much sometimes and have not really stepped back and looked at what I have already done so it is nice to have it pointed out like that thank you. I just cannot help being disappointed for letting myself down and gaining the 6lbs back :(
    I am going to try and aim for three 60 minute work outs a week minimum ..fingers crossed, I have the Wii and so will be doing a combination of wii fit, Just Dance on the wii, swimming (if funds allow) and general walking etc..
    I have had a look and it does track the Wii fit stuff but it seems it does not track just dance so I will have to put it as general dance I think.
    Anyway thanks again for your advice :)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member

    I put on 2 1/2 stone when i gave up smoking but have knocked off a bit of that now - I really like mfp, it is not perfect, i blow it sometimes (last week ALL week for example) but am back to it now.

    I find that if i say I aim to do blah de blah - i often dont manage it, but if I lower my sights a little and say I am definitely going to do blah - I will you might find that you are the same, make that 60 mins a little lower and glorify yourself when you do the 60;)

    congrats on your wedding and for finding this, it can work! 6 lbs is exactly the amount of lard I managed to attach to my belly last week (yes in 1 week shock horror!) so 3 months easy peasy, u sure you dont want to knock off a few more;)))))

    feel free to add me as a friend if you arent anti boozing birds who dont always do perfectly with their diets!!!!! good luck
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Wow! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and quitting smoking. Take a deep breath; you deserve it. Like Julie said, logging in everything in your food diary can be an eye-opener. It sounds like you are already exercising...log that in too. It's a small reward to say I accomplished something for my health today. Good luck!
  • Thankyou all really appreciate all your advice :D
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