
annjones2 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Ann and although i registered a while ago i am actually starting to use this site now for the first time. I am 29 and at least 4 stone overweight and very depressed with it all at the moment. I really struggle to stay motivated and hate exercising so would really appreciate any tips, help...anything that might help me succeed with losing weight this time.

I'm sure like everyone else i have tried nearly all the diets going, weightwatchers, Rosemary Conley, Slimming World etc but i was hoping that maybe actually just watching what i eat would be easier to stick to than counting points etc.

Does anyone else really HATE exercise but has actually managed to get into it and found that they can't go a day without doing something......or is this just a myth?

Ann x


  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Hello & Welcome Ann!! I find it very easy to use the tools on this site & all the support I get from everyone here has helped me a lot! I of course am not an expert on any method but like you I've tried just about all of them. . .I think it's more about eating "healthy" . . . such as trading white bread for wheat bread, instead of a lot of processed sweets try fruit, eat lots of vegetables at each meal as they will help fill you up without a lot of calories, and drink lots of water! Also, the exercise thing, some people may truly get to that point but I am not a big fan of exercise no matter how long I do it. . .BUT I know it helps me to reach my weight loss goals and is neccessary for long-term health so I do it and it does get easier. And even though I don't claim to "like" it, once I've been exercising for a month or so and I miss a couple days I find that I really do "miss" the good feelings that come from exercising. So I guess you could say for me it's a love/hate relationship. . .lol.

    I know you can reach your goals. . .just stick with it & if you do have a bad day don't give up, just start over the next day. . .this is a lifelong journey for most of us and one that there are going to be a few mistakes on. I am saying this from experience because no matter how many times I do this I end up letting a bad day derail me. . .so I am trying to stay focused on NOT doing that this time!! Best of luck to you!!
  • jreneanderson
    jreneanderson Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ann -
    I hear ya girl! I just joined this site today because I am terrible at tracking what I eat because I don't want to hold myself accountable for what I eat. That in itself is my biggest stumbling block. I actually don't mind exercising; in fact, my body loves to exercise but my mind needs motivation to do it. :o) Once I get going I feel great about it. For the past two weeks, I had exercised just about every day. However, this past week I only exercised 1x/week and I can definitely feel it in my body. By the end of the week, I was feeling sluggish and just plain moody. I knew it was because of lack of exercise and my body was crying for the endorphin rush that exercise brings.

    Today is August 1st; day 1 of a new start. You can always restart every day. You don't have to beat yourself up over "failing" because the next day can be a new start. I wish you the best of luck and encourage you to give yourself the grace to fail but the courage to begin again. Good luck!
  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    Hi Ann,

    I cannot stand exercising but I do love walking. Start slowly and buy a pedometer, set realistic goals and eventually you will want to walk. Try walking after dinner like so many cultures do :) My Nutritionist has made me cut out all "whites" like bread, rice, pasta and potatoes because is turns to sugar and actually makes me feel lethargic. Good luck and keep the faith!
  • Welcome back Ann.
    I don't know if this will help with your exercise, but I try to think about it differently. Exercise time is the time of day you can do something for your body and yourself. I started by taking a walk to enjoy nature, and began to appreciate the world around. Although, I'm living in a city, I tried to soak up as much as possible. Make time for you to relax think, and de-stress.

    Another big thing that will help is food. I found out a couple years ago I was allergic to corn. So yeah, that means not high fructose corn syrup, no corn starch, no corn meal, no dextrose, no malt, and many more... After a long period of denial, and feeling miserable, I finally kicked it and found myself feeling 100% better! I find that we are addicted to the food and lifestyle that's easiest to us, but it makes us feel crappy. Our bodies, cry out through allergies, depression, disease, and our bodies ask us to treat them diet and exercise. Unfortunately for me, my diet boost was due to not wanting to deal with asthmatic reactions to eating corn, and corn bi-products. Maybe you can use the success stories of other people to help motivate you?

    Most of all, knowledge is power, and you must know your body, and where your limits are. Start with small changes in your diet, and maybe a small walk. Also see if there are any beginner classes around involving some thing that has interested you. Dancing? Rowing?

    The world if your stage, you are in control of the performance you give. :)

  • kikine
    kikine Posts: 1
    Hi Ann,
    My name's Kikine and I'm also going to start using this site for the first time. Your post caught my eye cause I'm feeling exactly the same. I also need to loose 4 stone and struggle with exercise...I've just got no motivation.

    I did Weight Watchers and managed to loose half a stone in 6 weeks of strict dieting without any exercising but I'm now stuck. I can't seem to loose anymore with just dieting.
    As much as I hate the gym I've talked myself into joining one yesterday. I start on Monday and really hoping I'll get hooked. I'm just gonna go in, blank everyone out, head staight to the treadmills and get on with it. I figure walking's the easiest thing to do and I'm moving so bound to burn calories. I'm way out of my comfort zone here but I know that's what it'll take.
    They have really good classes that I hope I can muster the courage to join as the thought doing a class fills me with dread at the moment!

    Would you consider joining a gym? It'd be great to have an online chum to do this with.

    I'll let you know how my week goes anyways. I can let you know if I get the excersice bug. I certainly hope so, I've signed up for a year membership!

    Good luck!
  • annjones2
    annjones2 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you everyone, it is good to know that i am not the only feeling like this.

    Kikine - I have joined the local gym and like you it fills me with dreed....i know no one is looking at me but i feel that everyone is judging me. I have seen couple of classes that i am going to have a go at and i really want to get back into swimming.

    Please let me know how you get on, it will be great to talk through the highs and lows with someone.

    Good luck!
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