

  • OMG, thank you everyone for your response! I especially appreciated the before and after pic! Fantastic! I'm currently doing the Turbofire workout and I enjoy it. I'm what one would call dance challenged, so it takes me a few sessions before I can really get into doing all the moves correctly during the workout. But,…
  • Great, thanks for info. I normally do consume the minimum of 1200 calories a day.
  • I personally prefer the digital ones because the one's that are spring operated tend to give an inconsistent reading due to how warmth and cold affect the actual spring itself. A cheapy digital one is fine, make sure you weigh yourself in the morning at about the same time every week. I normally weigh myself right before I…
  • Hi Katie I've read reviews about the urban rebounder years ago when it first came out because I was interested in perhaps trying out the workout. But, for the most part, many of the reviews said that the workout got real boring real fast. I had also read one review that the bouncing up and down actually made the user sick…
  • This definitely sounds like a workout I'm going to enjoy. Over the years, my biggest problem was staying interested in my workouts and having them still be challenging to a certain degree. But, many of the workouts I've tried whether it's a workout DVD or going to the gym, I just get bored out of my mind. I really have…
  • I just bought Turbo Fire from Costco this morning and am so excited to try it out this weekend!! You have all been so wonderfully motivating and infectious about this workout. I would love to hear about some of the results and body transformation anyone has had after using this workout. Again, thank you everyone! HUGS!!
  • Hi, I'm so sorry to hear what you've gone through regarding your miscarriage! I'm not going to pretend to fully understand the angish, sadness, or guilt that you've had to deal with. I would like to say that you've handled the situation strongly and positively! I think it's wonderful that you've decided to get yourself…
  • Thank you everyone for all your great input and feedback on the workout. I am no longer on the fence and will be going right out to buy the DVDs. Great job on all your weight loss successes thus far, keep up the fantastic work!! I hope to post my own success story soon as well. Hopefully with the help of turbo fire, the…
  • Hi. From what I hear, the person who created Turbo Jam created Turbo Fire and it's supposedly an intense workout and gives results. I'm totally in the same boat as you and I have tons of workout DVDs already. I just don't want to use it a handful of times and then not bother with it again. I've youtubed some videos and…
  • Fantastic work, keep it up!!!! Trust me, we've all been there and have gotten freaked out when we've slipped and put back on a few pounds here and there. The important thing is to let it roll off your back and just continue on with eating healthy and working out. Don't ever let one or two days of indulging in food ruin an…
  • Being overweight at the moment , I hate not being able to enjoy even a small piece of cake without feeling guilty afterwards!! GRRRR
  • Thank you everyone for all your great input and feedback, it's been very helpful and reasurring. My daily protein intake usually comes from Greek yogurt, chicken, or fish. The chicken and fish are not from pre-packeaged foods, but from meals I prepare myself, so the sodium intake is quite low. I've been trying to have…
  • It's fantastic to hear that you're trying to loose weight the proper way. :smile: It's not going to be easy or an overnight miracle, but slow and steady will win the race so to speak. If you stay on the course of trying to loose weight with healthy eating and exercise it'll be that much easier to maintain your weight once…
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