Thoughts and opinion on the Insanity workout

Hi everyone. I wanted to get some opinions or reviews regarding the Insanity workout. What are some pros and cons about the workout? Are the results really as great as it says on the informerical?

Thank you everyone in advance for taking the time in answering my question.


  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    all pros and no cons.

    its a hard workout and you have to keep up with it. I have to say , some people say dvds dont help. Thats because they dont follow what they are doing. Its a great workout and you sweat alot.

    i have burned almost 350 cals in just the first 15 minutes. Of course thats my body but im pretty sure it has helped others
  • jstaff87
    jstaff87 Posts: 9
    I have done Insanity off an on a few times. It does work but it takes a lot of effort just like any good workout, its tough. The nice part is it's 60days and you can do it at home and it doesn't require any equipment. I ended up switching to a different beachbody workout called Turbfire b/c I just liked the stype of the instructor better. Insanity is def. more of a bootcamp/drill style workout. It's a challenge but you can do it with the right mind set!

    What types of workouts are you doing now?
  • ALO65
    ALO65 Posts: 1 Member
    I just got done with Insanity for the first time last week and I loved every second of it. If you don't have any knee or wrist issues then you shouldn't have any problem with any of the workouts. I have a slight wrist issue so had to modify a couple of moves. If you put in the work you will get results. You will sweat ALOT!!!! I like that you only need yourself and a good pair of sneakers. There are always modifications and he always tells you to do what you can do, he says that a lot which I think is great because you don't want to hurt yourself. I'm 46 (exercising regularly for 3 years now (did P90X just before Insanity) and had no trouble keeping up with most of the DVD. The 2nd phase has longer workouts but the speed of the workout slows down a little. I loved the 1st phase but then loved the 2nd phase even more. The recovery workouts are no cardio but they are good and will work you out well, sometimes even more than the cardio. If you want to really push yourself then take the plunge. I am going to do the 2nd phase again (4 weeks) as I really miss the workout already (its been a week) It also is an awesome overall body workout. I was afraid it wouldn't work my arms as much as I wanted but I was wrong. Totally kept my arms in good shape and kept my tricep strong. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to really see what they are made of. Hope this helps.
  • The Golds Gym where I live has started offering Insanity classes twice a week, the instructors of the class desgin the workouts based off of the dvds. This is my second week of doing the workouts and I love it, it is a great workout!!! You are dripping with sweat by the time you are through and at the end of the workout you know that you have accomplished something!
  • My trainer has my husband and i doing Insanity on sundays. It is a definite workout. We didn't start from the beginning. He shocked our bodies by putting us on the last DVD (it is the one where the workout is like 60 minutes or so). He told us to keep up as best we can and we can almost finish the whole thing. I have all pros for the workout - no cons. Just the warmup had us sweating. I have really bad issues with my wrist but i just modify as best i can and keep going. Its hard work but you feel good afterwards
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Cons - Metally tough to push play everyday as you know you are going to get your butt kicked by Shaun T. With any sor to fknee ankle issues, it will be tough on them especially for those too overweight. Not a beginners workout. Should be in good enough shape to not have to modify too much. If you have to modify a lot of the moves and have to takes breaks every 2 minutes then pick something with lesser intensity.

    Pros- if you put in the work with the workouts and nutrition you can't help but get results!!!
  • OMG, thank you everyone for your response! I especially appreciated the before and after pic! Fantastic!

    I'm currently doing the Turbofire workout and I enjoy it. I'm what one would call dance challenged, so it takes me a few sessions before I can really get into doing all the moves correctly during the workout. But, overall, i have to say that I enjoy it. I've only been doing it for about 2 weeks and have noticed that i'm firming up a bit all over. I also, take my dog out on hour long walks daily in the parks and trails near my home.

    I do agree that dvds help with my motivation and the boredom of workouts on a treadmill and such.

    I think I will get the Insanity workout to add some variety to my Turbofire routine once I've completed the series of dvds.
  • jstaff87
    jstaff87 Posts: 9
    I am doing Turbofire too! I am mixing it with Chalean Extreme it's nice b/c I get strength training and cardio and keeps me from getting bored.
    The moves get easier with TF once you memorize the DVDs haha. Chalene's sister Jenelle told me to just keep at it even if I couldn't keep up then one day you realize how much BETTER your form is! It's so true haha