

  • Weight training is not scary it is FUN :) I have been a weight lifter for 24 years and I LOVE IT! I was a bodybuilder in my early 30's but unfortunatley I have some heath issues that have gotten in my way these past few years. Start with a weight you can lift comfortably with 12-15 reps. It should burn the last few. You…
  • In the past I found my most successful weight loss regime did include a cheat day. HOWEVER, I did not add this cheat day until I was about 25-30 lbs into my 40 pound weight loss goal. I also found that even when I said it was a cheat day that I planned ahead for it and I really could not just go totally crazy. If I planned…
  • I LOVE to see this! You are AMAZING and you look so healthy and beautiful Congratulations on your success. I cannot wait until I can put my after pics up too :happy:
  • I did not tell her to eat less I simply said she may want to evaluate her calories according to her weight. That is why I said " you may want to evaluate this" I noticed she has lost a lot of weight already. So I just thought it might be time to look at her calories accirding to her new weight.. Often times we need to…
  • I looked through your food diary and I have a few suggestions. ****MOST important. #1 **** 1. Go into your settingss and add a few things to track. Track your sugar grams, sodium and your fiber. Sugar will completely mess up your weight loss. Try to stay in range of the recommended range for sugar. Just looking at your…
  • I have been overweight most of my life. I know I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I have been on both sides of the fence with eating disorders. I have tried eating nothing but grapefruit juice and 20 croutons a day for several months while doing 2 hardcore workouts a day. "So not healthy” Lost 40 pounds had an…
  • So...You do realize that P90X is a very hardcore workout! You go girl! So I looked at your food diary and you are WAY LOW on calories. You want to boost your metabolism. Eat every 3 hours a small meal. Eat more protein, you are trying to build muscle. Watch the sugar intake there are hidden sugars in many foods. Do not be…
  • OK.....this is my personal opinion. I too have a high BMI even when I am at my ideal weight. I was a competative bodybuilder for 10 years and so my lean muscle was very high. First. DO NOT go under your daily calories. You MUST plug in your workout so MFP will calculate your deficit and EAT back those calories in the form…
  • It sounds to me like you might need to look more at WHAT you are eating not only calories. There is even such a thing as "skinny fat" I know it sounds strange but there are plenty of people who are a "good" weight but are flabby. To build lean muscle you need to be sure to add resistance training (weights) to your…