d3mon4ngel Member


  • Why not write what it is on the bags when you split it up? Or cut out the nutritional info from the packaging and stick it in the bag with the food? You can also write on the date that you put it in the freezer so you know which is the older stuff and needs to be eaten first :smile:
  • Recommended deficits based on how much you have to lose: More than 75 lbs: 2 lbs/week 40-75 lbs: 1.5 lbs/week 10-40 lbs: 1 lb/week Less than 10 lbs: 0.5 lb/week If you follow this, you should have your MFP set to lose 1lb/week. Slow and steady is the way to go in my opinion :smile:
  • I've had the Fitbit One for just over a year now. It has helped me to see how sedentary I really am and helped to realign my calorie goals. I've not had any problems with it counting my steps on the treadmill, or just walking and running in general, but it definitely doesn't pick up how active I am during my Krav Maga…
  • Congratulations! You're looking fab :smile:
  • Had a month with no running, but now up to 59.79 miles Just over 1 more mile until I reach the edge of Farmer Maggots fields
  • It took me about 22 months to lose 50lbs. This seems to be a lot longer than some people, but I don't mind that I've taken it slow. This really has been a lifestyle change, and I'm a lot fitter than I was when I started, so I'm happy :smile:
  • Day 3: 50 miles - They reach a belt of trees, mostly oaks with a few elms and ash. Drops of rain fall.
  • Forgot to put my updates on here! After a bit of training and two parkruns, I'm currently up to 48.2 miles, which is Day 3: 48 miles - Pippin realizes it is the Stock-brook. The banks are low enough now for them to cross. The land on its south bank is wet and reedy.
  • My tips (that worked for me :smile: ) - Weigh everything - Pre-log your food when you can - Eat most of your exercise calories (MFP can overestimate so 1/2 to 3/4 maybe) - Set a sensible goal - don't just set it to lose 2lbs a week because it's the maximum, do some research on what is best for you and the amount you are…
  • I'm 5'3", currently hovering between 132 and 140. I started at 188, and I'd like to get to between 126-132. I'm in UK size 8 trousers / jeans at the minute, which still seems strange to me as I was only aiming to get into 12's, which is what I was last time I was 10 stone. I'm a lot fitter and healthier this time around…
  • You only have around 30lbs to lose, so you should be aiming to lose about 1lb a week. Take it slow and steady, and have patience. Like fatdoob said, put your details into MFP and set it for 1lb/week loss to get your calorie goal. That figure won't include exercise calories, so if you do exercise on top of that, then you…
  • Well I started all over again, as I can't remember how far I got when I started 2 years :noway: ago, but I've been logging the miles walked since restarting in March this year and I'm up to just under 40 miles. I'm on Day 2: 38 - 41 miles - Go on in twilight. Begin to sing.
  • I don't go to a gym to exercise. I do Krav Maga classes twice a week, sometimes three, but that's because I enjoy it and getting fit is a nice side-benefit. At home I do yoga DVDs, use my kettlebells or run on my treadmill, which I was lucky enough to have been given :smile: Before I had the treadmill, I would just run on…
  • I have a phobia of rollercoasters, but it extends to most other theme park rides too. I was on a log flume type when I was about 15, and I actually panicked so much that I jumped off it and ran away just before it went up to the last big drop! :laugh: And I had a panic attack and nearly fainted while trying to join the…
  • I have a Fitbit One and it syncs with my Nexus 4.
  • Personally I ignore the sugar counts on here. Yes fruit can have a lot of sugar in it, but it also has a lot of nutrients and vitamins that crisps and chocolate don't.
  • Do you eat your exercise calories? The goals given on MFP do not include exercise calories so you need to eat them back and have zero remaining at the end of the day. It's no good eating 1600, then exercising off 400 as this is the equivalent of only eating 1200. You only have about 10lbs to lose, so set MFP to lose 1/2lb…
  • I lost my 50-odd lbs by having a moderate sensible deficit. At no point did I eat at 1200, nor have I cut any particular food type out of my diet. In fact, I lost quite a bit eating at my goal maintenance figure of 1800 TDEE. By way of exercise, the only really regular exercise I do is between 1 and 3 hours of Krav Maga…
  • No problem. Glad I could help. I found it by accident a few months ago lol
  • Don't know about iPhone app, but you can edit the values on android app rather than having to delete and re-enter like on the website (unless they changed it recently!) Go to Settings > Edit food and exercises > My recipes Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • You can eat healthy food and still put on weight if you eat too much of it, just like you can eat junk food and still lose weight if you eat at a calorie deficit. You asked for advice, so here's my 2 pence :smile: Ensure you have put your settings in correctly. Just put in your everyday lifestyle, not including exercise.…
  • +1 Was about to write my own post, but this about sums it up for me too :smile:
  • Today is my 725th day. Yesterday I was over my calorie goal by more than 1300. Do I care? Nope! Today is a new day. I've heard it takes around 60 days to form a habit. Accept that there will be bad days. Try to fit a bit of what you fancy into your calories - this will help to stop the feeling that you are denying yourself…
  • Wow what a streak! I'm on 715 as of this morning, not missed a day since I joined on 18th Jan 2012 :smile:
  • 5'3" SW: 188lbs (13st 6lb) - 16/18 CW: 137lbs (9st 9lb - as of this morning :smile:) - 10/12 I was only aiming to be able to fit into size12 when I first started here. It made me feel amazing to buy size 10 trousers, but, at the same time, feels quite weird after having been so big for so long! GW: Maybe somewhere between…
  • You could try setting your goal to maintenance for a few months and see how it goes. What's the worst that could happen? You stay the same weight, but isn't that what's happening now anyway? You have nothing to lose (so to speak :tongue: ) ETA: Bear in mind that you are in the lower range of healthy for your height, so…
  • And this is why I have a set of kitchen ladders... :wink: :laugh:
  • I do 3 hours of Krav Maga a week. Though I do need to start working on increasing the number of pushups I can do so I can keep up with the boys better :tongue:
  • I weigh everyday, but then again, I don't let any upward fluctuations get to me, as I know that unless I'm doing something wrong, they will be countered by a larger downward fluctuation shortly after. I use an app called Libra, which shows the overall trend rather than just "up down up down". As long as I'm under the trend…
  • You don't have a great deal left to lose, so you should have a smaller deficit. Try recalculating to 10% instead. Good luck :flowerforyou: